Pallet gasket: how to replace?

An internal combustion engine consists of several parts. This is a cylinder block and head. But also in the design there is also a pallet. The latter also plays an important role. As well as in other parts of the engine, a sealing element is used here - a pallet gasket. VAZ-2110 also has this element. But, like any other part, the gasket can fail. In today's article, we will consider what this part is and how to replace the gasket pallets with your own hands.

Pallet Characteristic

This element is the bottom of the car engine (i.e. the bottom of the cylinder block). What functions does this part perform? The element serves as a protective unit. Oil is also stored in the pan. During movement, it is additionally cooled. Externally, the pan is a small bath.

automatic transmission oil pan

Also, the element is a collection point for all impurities and particles that were formed during the operation of the piston group. The engine sump contains small metal particles and shavings - this is the development of the elements of the crank mechanism. Often, a magnet is installed at the bottom of the pallet, which absorbs all these impurities. How it looks, the reader can see in the photo below.

engine pan gasket

This is the transmission pan. There is also a pallet gasket. Automatic transmission is equipped with these magnets without fail. Thanks to them, all metal chips are attracted and held in one place. So it does not circulate throughout the system, working as an abrasive.

The pallet is mounted using fixing bolts. As well as at the junction of the block with the head, a gasket is used here. It is made of cork or rubber.

VAZ pallet gasket

On older cars, the oil pan gasket was an ordinary sealant that oiled joints and edges.

Replacement Reasons

Often, manufacturers install this part for the entire life of the car. The same can be said about the cylinder head gasket. However, if the engine has been repaired, this sealing element must also be replaced. But not only repairs can be the reason for replacing such a part as a pallet gasket. This operation is performed with mechanical damage. For example, when a car has hooked a large stone or touched a pallet to the asphalt.

Deformation, extrusion

Often there is a spontaneous deformation of the gasket. You must understand that this sealing element is subjected to high loads, pressure and temperature difference. And if from the street side the air temperature can be +15 degrees, then inside the pan the oil is warmed up to 110 degrees Celsius.

oil pan gasket

Also, the pan gasket is subject to deformation due to the high pressure in the oil system. What can cause this phenomenon? Often seals and gaskets are squeezed out due to a dirty crankcase ventilation valve. The element must pass a mixture of oil vapor and condensate into the inlet pipe. If the valve does not work, it presses out all the sealing elements under high pressure in the engine. This does not happen right away. However, replacing these parts will cost a tidy sum. Moreover, not only the parts themselves are expensive, but also the work of replacing them (for example, the rear crankshaft oil seal). To prevent this from happening, periodically check the crankcase ventilation system .


The first sign by which a gasket leak can be recognized is oil leakage at the junction of the sump with the internal combustion engine. But since this element is the lowest point of the engine, it is not always possible to recognize a breakdown in time. Moreover, the scale of the problem can be different - from a slight β€œfogging” to black oil puddles. The first option is not so terrible for the car owner. Some drivers drive over the years. However, if after a short stop on the pavement oil leaks have formed, it is worth inspecting the condition of the pallet.

Also, a lost pan seal affects the oil level. It will gradually decline. How intensively the oil will go depends on the scale of the tragedy. Riding a β€œdry” engine is extremely dangerous. Once a thousand kilometers, experts advise checking the level on the probe. It should be above the average.

replacement gasket

If it is at a minimum, the motor will experience oil starvation. Loose leaves, rings and other elements work "on dry" - ellipse of cylinders and other problems is formed.


In order for the replacement of the gasket to be successful, we will need the following tools and parts:

  • Twelve-sided cape.
  • Socket wrench β€œ10” and β€œ13”.
  • A set of hexagons.
  • Jack, stops.
  • Clean rags.
  • Portable lamp.
  • 5 liter empty tank.
  • Degreaser.
  • New oil, gasket and filter.


Having found the first signs of a leak in the pan, the gasket should be replaced immediately. But also the problem can be caused by the breakdown of the "bath" itself. In this case, carefully inspect the surface of the pallet for mechanical damage - cracks, etc. If they are present, the crankcase should be replaced or repaired (depending on the extent of the damage).

To replace such a part as laying the engine sump, we need to drive the car into the inspection hole or hang out its front with a jack (at least on one side). Since the element is located below, it is important to provide high-quality lighting with a portable lamp. An important point - if the replacement is carried out in cold weather, pre-warm the oil. Let the engine run for a few minutes at idle.

Depending on the design features, it is required to remove the metal crankcase.

crankcase gasket

It is installed abnormally - usually from the factory the car comes with plastic engine mudguards.

Since the crankcase is a kind of reservoir for oil, when removing it, you need to drain all the lubricating fluid. To do this, we unscrew the drain and filler plug (the latter - so that there is no vacuum in the system, so that the oil quickly glass out). Pre-place the container at the pallet. Typically, cars use up to 4-5 liters of oil. In the absence of a viewing hole, it will be difficult for us to place a bucket here - we need a flat container. To do this, take the old canister and cut off the "sidewall" from it. We turn off the cork and wait until all the liquid has drained from there.

At the next stage, we have to thoroughly wash the outer part of the pallet. Usually a lot of dust accumulates on its surface (since this is the bottom of the car). And if the gasket breaks through, then there will also be oil drips on the pallet. It is extremely difficult to remove them. It is necessary to use a degreaser in the form of a spray.

Using the β€œ10” key, unscrew the crankcase mounting bolts. Also do not forget about the bolts that are above the beam and near the resonator collector. Next, carefully remove the pallet, prying with a negative screwdriver at the joints.


The old pallet gasket is removed using a clerical knife. It is important to remove all its remnants, so that the new one does not let it flow. Before installing the gasket (if it does not fit on the sealant), coat the joints with oil. Then we fasten the pallet with a new gasket in place.


Since the bolts are mounted with a washer, install the latter with the ribbed side towards the head of the bolt. Tighten them evenly, diagonally. Make sure that the gasket does not come out of the seat. Tighten the bolts in several steps.

What next?

After that, fill in the oil (first old) and start the engine. We make sure that the gasket does not leak. If all is well, drain the old grease and fill in a new one. Do not forget about the oil filter. It changes with grease. Now it remains to install the metal crankcase in place (if any) and lower the car from the jack. The replacement of a part such as the crankcase gasket was successfully completed.


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