How to draw Pushkin with a pencil in stages

Thinking about how to draw Pushkin, and don’t know where to start? Then this article is for you. We will describe in detail and in pictures the entire process of creating a portrait from beginning to end. Following the tips and tricks, you can draw a great writer, and by analogy, other famous people.

We study the material

how to draw pushkin

Before you learn how to draw Pushkin, you need to study his face. How to do this? All portraits painted during his lifetime by artists should be carefully considered. Pushkin himself drew well, and he loved himself and, as a result, often appeared in the fields of his notebooks. Therefore, people today know firsthand about the appearance of the great poet. Thanks to the study of the appearance of a person, one can understand many of its features. But the analysis will be incomplete if nothing is learned about the character. After all, even street artists always talk with portraits. This is not done in order to occupy the customer with something, but in order to see not only the external characteristics of a person, but also internal ones. There is no way to talk with Pushkin, but you can read about him. Many memoirs of contemporaries of the poet have been preserved, in which many interesting things can be gleaned. Therefore, answering the question: "How to draw Pushkin in stages," we can say that first you need to carefully consider both the appearance of the poet and get acquainted with his character.

We prepare the material

After the appearance of the poet is studied, you can begin to work. So how to draw Pushkin? First you need to prepare the material. If you want to do a good art work, you should choose high-quality tools. To create a portrait, you need thick paper, preferably whatman. You should not take watercolor sheets, they are textured and the stylus will be strongly clogged in the structure of the paper. It’s also worth picking up pencils. Everyone, even a novice artist, must understand that a portrait should be painted with at least three pencils of varying degrees of hardness. Be sure to use a soft washing machine in the process. It must be cut so that a sharp corner appears at the piece of rubber. This cut is convenient to make highlights, and most importantly - the washer will not create dirt on the sheet.


how to draw pushkin with a pencil

How to draw Pushkin with a pencil in stages? You need to start with the sketches. It is necessary. You should find the most suitable angle, head rotation and hand position. Also, to warm up, you should draw small portrait sketches. They will help to tune into a working mood, and at the same time, the artist will be able to better understand the shape of the poet’s head. The sketch should determine not only the foreground, but also the background. Few of those who ask the question: “How to draw Pushkin” think that the poet should be portrayed in a suitable environment. It can be books or cabinet walls.

how to draw alexander pushkin

Do not just portray a lonely figure on a sheet. Such a composition will not look finished.

Getting to work

how to draw alexander pushkin

How to draw Pushkin with a pencil? The sketch is ready, now you should transfer it to the cleaner. First of all, we outline the general form. First, make it an oval, and then build a figure. What does it mean to build? Any person is a proportional being, and if you do not follow these parameters established by nature, then the picture will not work out realistic. Remember the basic rules:

  • the size of the head fits into the shoulders twice;
  • open palm should be the same size as the face;
  • the waist should be narrower than the shoulders.

When everything is built in a constructive way, you can outline the outline of the poet. It is advisable to do this with thin lines, so that if necessary they can be erased. In the process, you should move away from work and take breaks. This is necessary so that the “blurred eye” rests a bit and can see the errors that are made in the figure.

Details development

how to draw alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin

How to draw Alexander Pushkin? When the general form is ready, you can proceed to detail. Now special attention should be paid to portrait similarity. At the last stage, it was necessary to build a figure, now you should build a face. It is imperative to draw center lines so that the eyes, nose and mouth are proportional to each other. The portrait should be started from the nose, then go to the eyes and only then to the lips. When the face is outlined, you can begin to detail the clothes. At this stage, you should draw lapels on the shirt, buttons on the coat, neck scarf. You can also outline fingers, hair, and creases on clothing. In general, lay the foundation of small elements, but do not delve into them.

Full detail

how to draw Pushkin with a pencil in stages

How to draw Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin, we found out, and now we will take up the penultimate stage of work. Now you need to finish all the details. As in the previous stage of work, again you need to pay attention to the face. It is necessary to lay shadows on the nose, eyes, give volume to the lips. You also need to draw stubble, outline curls, darken eyebrows and add volume to the auricles. Now you can proceed to the study of clothing. Here she should be bruised. But one should not create a casual look for the writer, but simply make folds and constructive creases. They will add liveliness to the portrait. You should outline the volume on the sleeves, buttons and collar.


Now you should find out the black-and-white ratio. It must be remembered that the falling shadow will always be the darkest. Therefore, if it is present in your drawing, consider this. In second place in saturation will be the shadows on the jacket and hair. In these places, hatching should be applied with a soft pencil. But do not overwrite the lines, as dirt may form. Shadows on the face and hands should be laid with a hard pencil. This should be done in order to enhance the contrast with clothing. But the jacket in the light can be shaded with a pencil of medium softness.

When the portrait is ready, you should proceed to the second plan. The shape outline should always stand out. So if you got Pushkin light, then the background should be intensified, but if the figure is already dark, then the background should be slightly outlined. Do not sharply break off the borders of the picture. The lower part of the poet should not end with a clear straight line. The figure should dissolve smoothly. The same goes for the background. Remember, the background is needed in order to complement the picture, and not in order to distract attention from the portrait.

At the very end of the work, when all the black and white relationships have been clarified, you need to put emphasis. They should be done with a washer. The sharp end of the gum need to go through the brightest places. These will be the convex parts of the folds, cheekbones, nose. Be sure to put a highlight on the eyes. But do not get carried away. There should be few accents, otherwise the figure will lose integrity. When the drawing is ready, be sure to think about its design. With a passe-partout any, even not very professionally executed sketch, always looks more advantageous.


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