Skin-optic woman: signs, features, characteristic

All people are different, and everyone has their own desires and preferences inherent only to him, which, in fact, gives each person a unique personality. Although many character traits and style of behavior can be combined into groups. This is what psychologists do, studying the personality of a person. Systemic vector psychology, which accumulates new knowledge about the nature of man, identifies 8 main erogenous zones, which correspond to 8 vectors of psychological development - certain sets of human properties and his desires. These vectors determine the characteristics of the individual’s behavior and his entire life scenario.

Vectors in people's lives

Any person is a carrier of two to five different vectors. They exert their influence and shape the style of behavior and individual perception of the world. Each of the vectors corresponds to specific human desires, which require satisfaction and enjoyment. And how the life scenario will develop depends on the degree of development of these vectors and the abilities of their owner to realize the potential laid down by nature.

Consider how vector psychology works for women. Girls are so different and contradictory that, using their example, the principle of vector psychology is very visible. Women are dazzlingly vibrant and extravagant, sexual and emotional, which attract men even without any effort on their part. This type of ladies is endowed with natural charm and femininity. They flirt well and twirl men like gypsies in the sun. These women are dominated by skin and visual vectors.

Dermo-visual lady

skin-optic man and skin-optic woman

A slender and flirty skin-optic woman is very attentive to her appearance. She always has fashionable clothes, beautiful make-up, skillfully selected jewelry and necessarily elegant shoes with high heels. All this is very bright and rich, as if for show. They are moderate in nutrition and contain a figure in full battle order. And all this is dictated by the skin-visual vector. A woman unconsciously seeks to emphasize her merits in order to be interesting to the opposite sex and always in demand as a girl.


In complete contrast to the skin-optic lady there is another female type, in which anal and visual vector development predominates. Anal-visual women are very modest and neat. They dress with taste, but simply and without complaints. They do not claim to be superior, calm and balanced, often even slow. These are good housewives, caring wives and mothers - men also like it very much, but only if there is no nearby skin-visual rival. So what is this skin-optic woman? About it further.

Women with skin-optic development vector

To understand what a woman is, having a well-developed skin-visual vector, one should imagine a female beauty seducing men to the right and left and shamelessly using male affection. In life, this type is quite common. But how to identify a skin-optic woman? Not everyone knows the answer to this question. If a woman is successful in men, this does not mean that she belongs to this category. In psychology, the visual vector is responsible for the ability to love. But when it is combined with skin or any other, completely unexpected options arise.

At its core, a skin-visual woman is very mysterious and unpredictable for men who do not even understand what exactly attracts them to this type of girls. They may not be the ideal of beauty in terms of correct proportions. But these are always bright and original personalities, independent and free, emitting powerful sexual impulses radiating into space. They almost always reach the desired heights, there are many of them in the modeling and show business - where you can show yourself and evoke the admiration of men. They smile from the covers of glossy magazines, men are crazy about them, and girls are disliked by them.

Interesting qualities of the skin-visual representatives of the fair sex

skin and visual vector

Psychologists have identified the main signs of a skin-optic woman, which distinguish her from other, less vivid types and erect on a pedestal of sensuality and sexual lust. Thanks to the visual vector, these girls have such interesting qualities for the opposite sex as:

  • subtle irony;
  • great amorousness;
  • ability to empathy and manifestation of humanism;
  • increased emotionality.

In combination with the skin vector, this gives an amazing result - the skin-visual woman is incredibly attractive and popular. She completely lacks maternal instincts and a desire for reproduction. This is a woman warrior, a combat associate, and not a keeper of the hearth. She has a well-developed intuition and quick reaction to events. All this causes absolute admiration for men.

Distinctive features of the cutaneous-visual representatives of the fair sex

who is a skin-optic woman

In women of this type, the following distinctive signs of a skin-optic woman are observed:

  • predatory habits;
  • craving for careerism and leadership positions;
  • demonstration of achieved results;
  • groovy energetic character;
  • leadership habits;
  • desire to always be in the spotlight;
  • bright extravagant appearance;
  • relaxed behavior;
  • emotional instability;
  • tendency to hysterical reactions.

With all these excellent qualities, they have immature sensuality, which leads to a frequent change in sexual partners. They are very wasteful and have a habit of luxury, incapable of saving, love and know how to flirt, flirty with all the men, although they are unable to receive physical satisfaction from sex while remaining frigid.

They have no maternal instinct. They do not understand why a child is needed, and if they give birth, they do not have maternal feelings for him, but provide him with the opportunity to grow and develop without maternal participation. For skin-optic women, there are no prohibitions or taboos. They don’t know shame - they often enjoy exhibitionism or nudism.

The prospect of a relationship with the ladies

Due to the nature of the character, the prospect of a relationship with a skin-visual woman does not look very bright. Women of this type are not suitable for a happy family life. They do not like homework, do not want to take care of their family. But at the same time they are very vindictive and vindictive. If the husband does not please something, then he will long regret his rash act. Although the skin-visual lady can learn to control her emotions if she wants to. But they dislike home comfort, and impresses everyone with attention and recognition of their merits.

Skin-optic man

In this regard, it should be noted how the skin-eye man and the skin-eye woman are related. Such an amazing natural creation, like a skin-eye man, contradicts common sense. These men are weak and timid. They are very emotionally vulnerable and physically defenseless, which does not correspond at all to the standard of masculinity accepted in society. It does not contain the instinct of reproduction and very weak family needs. These qualities put a touch of femininity on men and are perceived by society as not a masculine style of behavior.

Men of the anal vector are skeptical of the feminine manners of cutaneous-visual men. The former often taunt and despise the latter. This rejection often leads to the fact that the skin-visual type becomes a homosexual or transvestite.

In the ancient primitive world, such children did not survive in conditions of natural selection. They were simply eaten by fellow tribesmen on the principle of rejection. At present, this type has not only received a good development, but is also becoming more and more popular. Show business and art were literally filled with slender men with women's needs - long hair, earrings and piercings, with manicure and makeup.

The relationship between two skin-optic people

When meeting and interacting, the dermo-visual man and the dermo-visual woman become more girlfriends than lovers. They perfectly understand each other and do not show contempt, as in a purely male collective. The cutaneous-visual guy admires the will to survive the cutaneous-visual woman, her ability to achieve success and fortitude. Subconsciously, such men want to be like these successful ladies. Therefore, they become women, dressing up in women's clothes or even changing their gender. But there is another type of woman - with an anal vector. About it further.

The development of the anal vector in the skin-optic woman

visual sound woman

In a primitive society, the anal girl had the duty of giving birth and raising offspring, feeding men and children, caring for them - in general, this is that sort of coastline and the keeper of the hearth. At the same time, skin-visual and anal women are radically different from each other. They are united only by their general ability to love, but it is also different. A coquette and a male favorite, a skin-eye woman loves men in order to receive some benefits in return. Her anal rival gives her love for free - at least to her husband and children. Her relationship with men is very serious. She is looking for a faithful, loving and decent person who will become a good father to their joint children.

A woman with a developed anal vector is romantic and does not impose her love on her chosen one. A relationship begins only with the goal of creating a family. She knows how to love and have sex. Only for her are these two independent concepts. She may well love an outsider man purely platonically, while having fun having sex with her husband. Loyalty to the family is in her blood. They make the best wives and mothers, very caring and devoted. Their main values ​​include family, comfort, children. They categorically condemn abortion and are often large. In anal women, a powerful maternal instinct and complete dissolution in children is laid.

neuroses in the skin-optic woman

The insufficient development of the visual vector causes severe neurosis in the skin-visual woman, while the anal escapes with a bitter resentment, excessive suspiciousness and various fears. When the skin-visual lady rolls up violent tantrums and demands love and attention, the anal one is quietly offended and keeps it all inside herself, not letting go of the negative on others. It is best to illustrate an anal woman using literature. In Gone With the Wind, for example, Scarlett, who liked to flirt and drive men crazy, is a bright representative of the skin-visual type, and quiet and homely Melanie is a real anal lady, dreaming of home comfort.

Features of the anal vector in men and their relationship with skin-optic ladies

A man with an anal vector of development has a strong figure, he is stocky and broad in the shoulders, tuned to long-term serious relationships, creating a family. He can take care of his chosen one for a long time before deciding to marry, but when he starts a family, he does not have a question about divorce. With such principles that the anal man professes, the skin-visual woman does not fit into the scale of his life values. In his wife, he wants to see exactly the mistress of the house, which gives him comfort and warmth, and not the euphoric, bright beauty, who is absolutely indifferent to home and family, and also the mistress who is unimportant.

In his chosen one, he appreciates purity and integrity. Moreover, the premarital sexual relations of his wife are unacceptable to him. Even having lived with an unchaste woman all his life, he will not tire of reproaching her with this. He is very sincere and reverent to his mother, taking care of her and treating him very respectfully. An anal man is difficult to get used to his wife, but divorce is also unbearable for him. If the parting does happen, it will be long and painful for both sides.

Who is a skin-visual-sound lady?

urethral man and skin-optic woman

Having received an idea of ​​the character characteristics of the skin-visual girls, we will analyze what influence a developed sound vector can have on these vectors. The sound woman is very smart and rather eccentric. She is too far from material desires, men, family, outfits are secondary for her, and her dissatisfaction with the daily routine is of paramount importance. She is always immersed in her own thoughts and as if absent from this world. She needs peace and quiet, and loneliness is preferable to noisy cheerful companies. The sound vector allows such women to be realized in science, music, literature, programming or linguistics.

If a woman is visually sound, then she can perfectly realize herself in art, where emotional coloring is very important. But skin properties give her an obsession with an idea in the field of social transformations and spiritual movements. She is able to lead the people, even become a famous terrorist. The skin vector reduces libido, and in combination with sound properties leads to asexuality. Only a man with great experience of seduction can sensually awaken a skin-visual-sounding woman.

The effect of the urethral vector on the character of man and woman

skin-visual-sound woman

The urethral component is inherent in pronounced extroverts, people of the future. The owner of the urethral vector is a leader by nature. These people become leaders, leading the masses. In modern conditions, they can lead large companies or even become the head of state, or maybe a professor of the criminal world - it depends on inclinations. They always have a non-standard, innovative approach to any issues that have to be addressed. The urethral man and the skin-optic woman build their relationship unusually, their relationship is much more complicated. A female woman becomes for a polygamous guy not only a companion in struggle and a companion in life, but to a greater extent his muse, a guiding star, setting him up to achieve her ambitious goals and a decisive victory.

The urethral vector gives the skin-visual lady the dominant factor, due to which the urethral-skin-visual woman becomes the leader. With all the passion for fame and exaltation, urethrality gives rise to intense passion in them. She needs to be given a way out by leading any outstanding project. Her energy knows no boundaries, attracting people and infecting with a common idea.


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