What to do if the bristles do not grow?

As for the problem, when the bristles do not grow, there are two opposite poles. On the one hand there are women, most of whom cannot tolerate the vegetation on the man’s face, however there are ladies who simply adore beard and stubble. On the other hand there are men who, despite the reluctance to shave every day, still dream of a dense and even bristle. Therefore, when the stubble does not grow, many individuals of the stronger sex are very worried about this. There are many different methods of accelerating hair growth. Some of them are based on medical research, but many come from folk remedies. To be honest, most of the ways to increase the amount of facial hair is complete nonsense. In fact, everything is much simpler and more complex at the same time. Now we will try to figure out how to accelerate the growth of bristles.

Probably everyone knows that the male genital organs produce the hormone testosterone, on which the health of the male person is more dependent. It is thanks to him that a man becomes a man in the literal sense of the word. The fact is that in the womb the embryo initially develops identically and only in the middle of the first trimester the foundation of gender difference is laid. Therefore, if not for testosterone, some girls would be born. However, in a conscious life, the role of this hormone is similar, but still slightly different. It is testosterone that makes hair grow on the body and fall out on the head. From this we can conclude that real men should be completely hairy with a bald head. This is the main reason that the bristles do not grow. This can only indicate a lack of male sex hormone in the body. How to deal with this? It is best to conduct regular sexual activity, as well as engage in physical activity. Go to the gym, think about your wife and turn from an ordinary inactive vegetable into a real man.

Also interesting is the fact that male sex hormones contribute not only to hair growth on the body, but also to muscle building. Female sex hormone, in turn, contributes to the increase in fat mass and the absence of hair on the body. If a woman's mustache begins to grow, then she has a lot of male hormones, and if a man has obesity, then female hormones go wild .

In addition, there are situations when a man is fit, hairy, and the stubble grows unevenly. What can be done in this case? First of all, you should shave more often. In addition, red pepper masks, which must be rubbed with massage movements into the skin, will help activate the hair follicles on the face. They help improve blood circulation and, consequently, hair growth.

In the end, we can advise all men who do not grow stubble to pay attention to their lifestyle and nutrition. The general negative state of the body and a sedentary lifestyle can slow down facial hair growth. You should also consult a doctor if the beard does not grow at all. This may indicate violations of the endocrine system and serious diseases of the body. Therefore, it is worth thinking not only about women who are already satisfied with the lack of facial hair, but also about their male health and male power. In fact, men who have small, uniform bristles are much more attractive to the fairer sex and look more aesthetically pleasing than those who have a complete lack of a beard and mustache on their faces. So do sports, sex, establish proper nutrition, and in case of serious violations, be sure to contact a qualified endocrinologist or andrologist.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/B6647/

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