Wedding rings: types, forms, tests

One of the main problems that the groom faces is the choice of the engagement ring. Its solution must be approached with all seriousness, because it is bought once and for all.

Since the engagement ring is a symbol of love, you need to choose it together with the bride. To make a surprise in this case is inappropriate - after all, it may not be pleasant, and you will have to wear it every day.

Fortunately, there are a lot of types of wedding rings, and this is good - there is plenty to choose from. However, one must understand that such a choice will not be quick. Usually the newlyweds do not spare either time or money on this - the purchase should bring joy to both the bride and groom.

In this article, we will take a look at photos of the original wedding rings and give some practical tips to help you make the right choice.

Original wedding rings

If you choose exactly paired rings, you can see that women’s specimens are often added with an openwork or ornate pattern. Their design is a little different from men's, but they are always made in the same style.

A century ago, newlyweds preferred to buy rings of three color shades: pink, white and yellow. These colors symbolized strong friendship, ardent love and fidelity.

Gold wedding rings are in good demand, but original jewelry - with the addition of precious or semiprecious stones - attracts attention not only with its exquisite beauty, but also with a very high cost. Not everyone can afford it. One of the most expensive types of engagement rings is a gold-plated diamond ring.

A diamond can be either pink or azure. The cost of such a stone depends on its size and quality. The more carats, the correspondingly higher the price.

Gemstones can be installed in a ring in two ways:

  • Flush with the surface. A fairly convenient and safer option (minimal risk of possible damage).
  • The speaker. The stone is fixed with special clamps.

The number of stones also depends on the wishes of the bride and groom. Some prefer one large diamond in the center. Others like the option with three medium stones or with many small ones. It’s best to decide in advance which particular ring you want to purchase, and from this you already have a start.

Selection tips

The types of wedding rings impress everyone with their unique design. Some believe that the loss of wedding decorations heralds the imminent breakup of the family. But this is just a stupid superstition. The loss of the ring rather indicates a negligent attitude, not more.

Let's look at several types of wedding rings and discuss practical tips that will help you in choosing these jewelry.

Classic gold

Wedding rings 585th sample without adding precious stones are considered a classic option. They are preferred by most conservative people who adhere to old traditions.

Such rings, as a rule, come with a flat or slightly convex surface. The width of the male classic ring should be slightly larger than the female: male 5-6 mm; female - 3-4 mm.

Some advantages can also be noted:

  • Low cost in comparison with the price of rings with engraving or certain inserts (drag. Stones), since you do not need to spend a lot of time on painstaking work - jewelry.
  • Practicality. This ring can be worn constantly and there is no need to worry that the precious stone will be lost when you wear gloves or do household chores.
Classic wedding rings

Such rings are very popular, so you can buy them in almost any jewelry store. The cost depends on the gold sample of the engagement ring.

Original form

Notched rings are rapidly gaining in popularity, especially among young people. The patterns that are applied to different types of gold wedding rings amaze with their amazing beauty. Usually they are sold only in expensive jewelry stores. Such patterns can be applied not only to gold jewelry, but also to silver, from two types of gold, as well as to wedding rings made of silver with gold plating.

Original rings

Some rings have their own unique history. For example, the Habsburg engagement ring in the form of a female crown with small teeth, the first copies of which were made by Viennese jewelers who lived in the Middle Ages. It means that the bride who will wear it will forever become the queen of the groom’s heart.

The price of openwork rings depends not only on their size (carats), but also on the subtlety of jewelry work. The more efforts the master makes to create a unique decoration with a notch, the higher the cost.

Gemstone rings

What stones are inserted into wedding rings? Often, colorless: cubic zirconia, diamond, rhinestone and so on. Some of these stones can be with a certain pastel shade, for example, azure, pink or cream. The cost of decoration is determined by the size of the stone and its quality.

Wedding rings in which there is a gem can be of two types:

  • Drowned. That is, the stone practically does not protrude above the surface of the ring.
  • Speaker In this case, the stone is mounted on special brackets that clamp it and prevent it from flying out.
Gemstone rings

The models “Eternity”, “Trilogy” and “Habsburg” are considered very popular and in demand. These wedding rings made of gold have their own special symbolism. For example, the “Eternity” model means eternal unquenchable love. It is covered with small pebbles that are only on the front of the ring.

White gold

The cost of white gold rings is much cheaper than platinum, but they look much more beautiful. The best are wide engagement rings with a small notch. This design helps to visually increase the size of the stone, to make it brighter and cleaner.

White Gold Rings

In jewelry stores "Tiffany" and "Cartier" you can find wedding rings from two types of gold (white and yellow). For example, the Trinity model, which was created over a hundred years ago. Made of pink, yellow and white gold, it symbolizes friendship, fidelity and love in marriage.

These combined wedding rings are very popular and are especially in demand among young people. Jewelry can be found in many jewelry stores, but it is best purchased from an authorized dealer, such as a Tiffany jewelry house.

Paired rings

The name pair of wedding rings does not mean that they should be completely identical. The female specimen is usually slightly smaller than the male. Also, jewelry designs may vary. For example, a man’s wide engagement ring will be covered with silver-plated gold, and women - along the edge may have small pebbles or engraving. Therefore, newlyweds, choosing paired rings, should take into account that often jewelry differs in design and size.

Paired wedding rings

As for the style, it should be exactly the same. If a man has a classic ring shape, then a woman should have a corresponding one. Otherwise, they cannot be called paired.

Often on paired rings you can find a different engraving: “Once and for all”, “Now we are one flesh” or I love you. Such inscriptions can be not only on the inside, but also on the outside. Engraving can be embossed or in-depth, it all depends on the preference of the buyer.

paired rings

But it is worth noting that the cost of the ring will be much higher if you ask for any inscription, because it requires additional jewelry work.

Choose a ring

Before you buy the first gold wedding ring, you need to consider a couple of points:

  • Channel fixing of a gem. If the pebble is slightly recessed into the surface of the ring, then the chances that it will be lost are significantly reduced, and you can safely wear it every day, performing almost any everyday business.
  • Trying on the ring. Not many people know that the size of a finger can vary throughout the day. For example, in the evening, when the fingers swell, or at a cold temperature. Therefore, it is best to try on rings in a warm room and throughout the day.
  • During fitting, do not immediately remove it. It is best that the ring is on the finger for 10-15 minutes. So you can surely make sure that this jewelry does not cause you any discomfort.
  • It is also worth paying attention to wedding rings 585 samples. They do not lose their color and can keep their shape for a sufficiently long time. What can not be said about 750 rings.


In this article, we examined wedding rings, types and forms, as well as a few tips to help you make the right choice.

original wedding ring shape

When buying jewelry, take your time with the choice. Pay attention to the sample of the wedding ring. If you liked a copy, then it is best to postpone it and consult with the bride, then to make an informed decision. Many men act arrogantly when they rely only on their own opinion and do not want to listen to the advice of others.

The main thing is to remember that when buying an engagement ring, you do not just get another jewelry that will look beautiful on your hand. An engagement ring is a thing that shows your marital status, love and care of your husband. The way you relate to it shows how much you appreciate this gift and are grateful for it.


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