How to sell Steam accounts in modern conditions

Selling accounts is one of the ways of making money in the gaming business today. Excitement is one of the qualities inherent in any player. And another very important point: most people want to have a lot and preferably immediately. Therefore, no one wants to wait, gradually increasing their level in a particular game. Many people think that it’s better to simply pay a certain amount of money and immediately get what many achieve for a long time and hard work. Let's see how you can make money selling accounts. One suggestion might look something like this:

how to sell steam accounts

But before you figure out how to sell Steam accounts, let's figure out what Steam is and why you need an account in this system.

What is a Steam service?

To answer this question, you should pay attention to the history of the technology for the distribution of computer games. At the end of the last century, the first gaming computer programs began to appear. How did they spread? At the very beginning, they were sold on licensed cassettes or floppy disks with varying degrees of protection against fakes. Then come replaced by licensed CDs or DVDs. The degree of protection was much more complicated: various tricks, for example, holograms, began to be used. But even such a step could not help software companies defend copyright, and game theft flourished.

In 2002, Valve announces and begins distributing a service called Steam. The essence of the service was as follows: the installation package of game programs was in free distribution. But to activate it, Steam keys were needed for each of the computer games distributed by the company. However, in order to use this service, you must be a registered user. That is, to have a Steam account . After registering, many people have a question: how to buy or how to sell Steam accounts.

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Steam account purchase

Typically, a Steam user has several accounts in each of the games released by Valve. Most often, this is a CS game or, as most often called by players, "Contra". But why the question arises, how to sell Steam accounts? The fact is that the official initial account of the same “Contra” costs a lot of money, this is on the one hand, and on the other, all the privileges in this game can be obtained by completing a certain number of tasks with a positive rating.

Thus, in order to promote your account, you need time and money, as additional weapons and equipment are not distributed free of charge. Therefore, players (especially beginners) try to buy immediately promoted account. At the same time, some players, having unwound their account, are ready to sell it and begin to spin up a new one. It is they who have the question: how to sell Steam accounts - since the system itself does not provide for resale of accounts.

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Where can I sell my Steam account?

As you know, one of the principles of the market is the postulate that demand causes supply. Therefore, when there are people who want to buy an account, those who want to sell it immediately appear. But since most sales are conducted over the Internet, there are quite a few specialized sites where you can sell a Steam account. But it is important to be careful enough. Why? Among decent players who are willing to trade not only accounts, but also equipment and weapons for playing computer games, there will always be people who are ready to seize other people's money fraudulently. Therefore, when deciding how to sell Steam accounts, it is important to think about the security of the sale.

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How to protect yourself from cheating when selling and buying an account?

The question of where to sell a Steam account safely is relevant, as there are a lot of people who want to receive money for nothing. When choosing a site on which an account will be sold, it is important to find out how organized the safety of the sale and purchase of accounts is. The biggest difficulty comes when a player tries to sell a Steam account quickly. It’s important to remember that only untied accounts are sold. Account binding takes place using the player’s phone number. But by untying the phone, the player risks losing his account. Therefore, it is important to choose a site that can protect the seller from crooks.


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