IP taxation. Features of tax regimes.

Organizing their own business, many businessmen are registered as individual entrepreneurs in order to simplify accounting. IP taxation implies the use of all existing tax regimes, which enables the entrepreneur to optimize the size of transfers to the budget. In order to determine the most profitable taxation system, it is necessary to get acquainted with the features of each of them and choose the one that most closely matches the specifics of the enterprise.

Taxation of individual entrepreneurs under the simplified system (USN) can significantly facilitate bookkeeping and pay a single tax instead of VAT and personal income tax. The USN mode can be applied in two versions at the choice of the entrepreneur:

  1. Revenues minus expenses (tax rate - 15%), all business expenses that reduce the tax base must be documented.
  2. Income (tax rate - 6%). The easiest taxation method that does not require cost accounting.

Despite many advantages, you need to use this mode very carefully. A hasty transition to the simplified tax system may lead to an increase in the tax burden, as well as loss of customers. The fact is that many wholesale buyers agree to cooperate with the supplier only on the condition that they provide invoices with allocated VAT. It is worth noting that the β€œsimplists” are given the right to issue such documents, but at the same time there is an obligation to pay the full amount of VAT to the budget without the right to deductions. Thus, the transition to the simplified tax system is beneficial only in the following cases: clients are individuals and enterprises that do not need VAT deductions; the purchase of goods and services sold does not require significant costs for customers who are in a common mode and does not significantly affect the calculation of VAT.

IP taxation in accordance with the general system (OCH) allows you to cooperate with any categories of customers. It involves the payment of personal income tax on entrepreneurial income and VAT. It is advisable to use the general regime for owners of large companies engaged in wholesale trade and production.

The imputed taxation system for private entrepreneurs is intended for small businesses, it is used without fail for certain types of activities subject to a number of conditions. The tax is calculated according to a special formula using the values ​​of basic profitability and ratios established by law. Confirmation of business expenses is not required. UTII payers are exempt from VAT and personal income tax. Under certain conditions, the UTII mode is used in conjunction with the USN and the common system. For example, an enterprise located at DOS and engaged in wholesale sales, applies it when opening retail outlets. Despite the strictly limited scope for applying this regime, it can be a way of tax optimization. So, if a retail outlet does not fall under UTII due to exceeding the restrictions established for retail space, you can register it with two entrepreneurs and pay a single tax.

IP taxation on the patent system is currently rarely used, since it almost completely duplicates UTII. This mode is voluntary, the cost of a patent is calculated by calculation and does not depend on the income and expenses of the entrepreneur. The disadvantages of this regime are the rather rigid framework for its use: the maximum annual revenue is 60 million; the number of employees is not more than 5 people. In case of violation of these conditions, the entrepreneur must return to the DOS and accrue all relevant taxes from the date of receipt of the patent.

Simplified types of taxation for entrepreneurs do not exempt from the payment of transport, land, water taxes and other payments related to the specifics of the activity. If there are employees, an entrepreneur must transfer fees to extra-budgetary funds, personal income tax on salaries, and also submit the relevant reports in the manner prescribed for organizations.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/B6661/

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