Harley Quinn: biography, photos, quotes. Harley Quinn Story

In anticipation of the release of the new film "Suicide Squad", which is scheduled to premiere in 2016, inspired viewers are interested in advance in the characters they see on the screen next summer. And while the well-known Joker intrigues only the new actor and the "chips" that he (by the way, in the "Squad ..." he will be played by Jared Leto) will bring to this image, the remaining heroes remain a big mystery for fans. Of course, true fans have long been rubbing their hands, waiting for other interpretations of their idols, but most of the world does not even know what they are. However, even avid lovers sometimes should once again flip through the biographies of their idols.

Shocked everyone in the trailer shown not so long ago, the phenomenal Margot Robbie in the role of Harley Quinn, arousing interest in the audience not only to herself, but also to her heroine. Several shots did their job, forever settling the blonde in the hearts of those who saw her.

Who is Harley Quinn, whose image is a little crazy, but so attractive? Find out!

Harley Quinn Essentials

The full name of the crazy beauty sounds like Harlin Francis Quinzel. It becomes clear that the famous pseudonym was obtained by discarding the endings from the original name and surname. By the way, Harley Quinn is not the only pseudonym for Joker’s girlfriend, although she’s the most accustomed. She also used the nickname simply Harl, or Cupid Crime. They also magnify her as the Joker Assistant, which is clearly seen from the previous sentence.

The well-known personality of Harley belongs to the New Earth universe, where she stands on the fundamentally evil side as the adversary of Batman and Catwoman.

Family Details

Harlin Queensel was born in Brooklyn, New York, USA. She has a father and mother - Nick and Sharon, as well as brother Barry. Nikki and Jenny Quinsel are Harlin's nephews.

Harley Quinn: biography

As an intern at Arkham Psychiatric Hospital, Harlin Quinzel had sessions with the Joker. The villain's charisma made young Harlin fall in love with him, and she repeatedly helped the maniac in his shoots. Once she was caught, and from Dr. Arkham she turned into a patient.

Draw Earth

During the events of Nobody's Land, Harley Quinn was an episodic character, but at the same time her image began to be created.

So, using troubled times in their favor, then Harlin Quinzel managed to escape from the hospital. She also found Harlequin's costume and won the fight with the Penguin, was spotted by the Joker and spent some time with the maniac.

Ultimately, the villain sent Harley to Robinson Park.

Harley and Poison Ivy

Having collapsed almost over her head to Poison Ivy, Harley was in the hands of a red-haired beast. Bestia left her, and also gave Quinn superpowers that she received with the help of special juice.

Poison Ivy hoped to take revenge on the Joker with the help of his former girlfriend, but the plan failed: Harley not only reunited with her lover, but also helped him in a terrible crime - the murder of the wife of Commissioner Gordon. Before these events, she distinguished herself by fighting with Batman.


Harley hardened her sentence in prison - here she met with Catwoman and planned to use her to her advantage. The plan included an escape (successful) and the assassination of Commissioner Gordon (was foiled by Batman).

Reunion Couple Harley - Joker

Harley returned to the Joker when he became Emperor. The maniac even kissed her for fun, turning Quinn into a constellation.

When the Joker received strength from Deimos, becoming an avatar of Chaos, Poison Ivy instead of Erenaeus became the goddess of Discord, and Scarecrow, replacing Phobos, learned to command Fear himself, the trinity decided to sacrifice Harley in the name of Ares. After being rescued by Wonder Woman and other heroes, Quinn remained on the side of evil, while not holding a grudge against any of the villains listed.

Climbing harley

When the Joker was in the Slab prison, it was Harley who became the leader of the gang. Because of this, despite the fact that Quinn tried to pull her lover out of captivity, the Joker shot her at the first opportunity. Then it turned out that instead of Harl, the villain encroached on the life of Poison Ivy. Quinn, having learned of such betrayal, broke off relations with the maniac.

Death and resurrection

Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy were together for a while - they both went to Metropolis, and fought with Superman for a couple. Then Harley died: the demon Etrigan released her soul from Hell, and the Martian Manhunter and Zatanna returned the body to the villain.


While in a psychiatric hospital, Harley Quinn repeatedly requested rehabilitation. She got it in an unexpected way: the Ventriloquist and Scar, who planned the robbery, kidnapped the Joker’s girlfriend, the same one handed over a couple to Batman, and she was released.

Another reunion

The story of Harley Quinn remembers the repeated returns to the Joker - a strong love for the notorious maniac made her return to him again. But the villain did not appreciate the wide gesture and again tried to kill Harley. An angry girl shot in the shoulder of her lover and threw him.

Secret Six

Harley Quinn spent a short time in the Secret Six gang. Together with the rest of the gang, she participated in missions in Baku and Rio. Having failed the last due to the Rag Doll (also a member of the Six), Harley left the team.


Harley Queen freed the comedy muse Talia from Apocalypse during the Countdown and, together with Holly Robinson and Mary Marvel, received strength from her.

Harley won the fame not only of the villains when she fought with the troops of Good Granny.

Maiden Trinity

Unexpected joining forces: Poison Ivy, Catwoman, Harley Quinn - formed after the probable death of Batman.

Their team fought with Kostolom, Gaggy (the first assistant to the Joker), Dr. Aesop, the crazy sister of Catwoman.

Later, Harley Quinn wanted to destroy the one who destroyed her life - the Joker. But the murder did not succeed, as the girl again fell for the villain's charisma, because of which she was once again taken to Arkham. Poison Ivy, realizing that she loves Harley Quinn, helped her escape from the hospital, despite the fact that Harley beat her. Catwoman told the secret to both that all team members were safe thanks to Batman's protection. After that, the girls each went their own way.

Suicide Squad

After restarting the universe, Harley Quinn ended up in the Suicide Squad.


The image of Harley Quinn, whose photo is presented here, as you can see, has undergone changes in various variations.

So, the original version implied the presence of a Harlequin costume - he remained canonical until the restart of the universe. This, however, did not negate the fact that, in addition to comics (in games, TV shows, movies), Harley did not look different.

So, Harley Quinn (photos make this clear) at one time wore dresses, and skirts, and leather jackets, and short shorts. The creators of her image tended to return, then again to take her clown hat from the villain. In gloomy games, for example, the image from a fun one turned into a more ascetic one.

In the Suicide Squad, Harley acquired short shorts, a T-shirt and fishnet tights. The look is completed by heels that the flexible and fast Quinn had never worn before. 2016 will show how this innovation will help the villain.


As for what Harley Quinn is using in battle: some of the new ones have also formed here. Until a certain time, she was credited with a passion for dynamite, it is also known that she regularly used a metal sledgehammer in battles, in her current guise, Quinn does not part with a bat.


Harley is not susceptible to any toxins, even the touch of Poison Ivy does not care for her (perhaps this is what kindles Ivy's passion for Quinn). She has the ability of a psychologist, and the villain is also known as an Olympic-level gymnast.

General impression

There was always something memorable in Quinn, and even now, no matter how many times she changes her appearance, her frenzy continues to attract, and for fans she remains old good (read “evil”) Harley. In some interpretations, she was the Joker’s naive lover, in the never-shot Batman movie, Quinn should have been his daughter and played by Madonna, in games she’s gloomy - more than in comics, and there was even an interpretation in which not a single word Harley was spoken. Harley Quinn quotes are not as famous as the same Joker, and perhaps not so remembered. But maybe just the "Suicide Squad" will change that? After all, what did her phrase cost: "I hope you have insurance!" - in the trailer.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/B6663/

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