Ball mixer for bath: device and repair

In home plumbing, a ball mixer began to be used relatively recently. However, the popularity of this plumbing equipment is growing every day. This can be easily explained by the convenience and comfort in operation. Problems with these cranes are rare. And the service life is very long. With faucets of this design, you can seriously save on water. Despite the high reliability, there are still problems with this plumbing device in Russian conditions, but everything is fixable. Let's look at how these faucets are arranged, what can happen to them, and how to repair them.

Ball faucet: the main invention for plumbing

Despite the fact that the ball mixer has been in operation in our country for some two decades, this design was developed a very long time ago. It was created by engineer Alex Manukyan. Manukyan in 1929 created a small company that manufactured various parts for the Chrysler and Ford automobile plants. In 1940, from a small company, this company was already transformed into large-scale production with a turnover of millions of dollars.

ball mixer
In 1940, a certain inventor from California turned to Manukyan and offered to acquire the right to manufacture a revolutionary crane. The innovation was that instead of the traditional two taps for hot and cold water, one was used. With it, at the same time it was possible to adjust both the pressure and temperature. Innovation was weak and even laughed at the inventor. But Manukyan considered one small prospect that everyone else simply missed. The device of the ball mixer is such that it has only one movable element. There are no gaskets or parts subject to rapid wear.

After some time, it became clear that, despite the lack of gaskets, the mixer worked fully. And now Alex Manukyan, together with experienced engineers, begins work on finalizing the design. In 1954, the work was completed and a new revolutionary product was released, which is now installed in most bathrooms. By the way, Manukyan made himself a huge fortune on this.

Benefits of Ball Mixers

Ten years ago, there were no alternatives to valve devices on the plumbing market. And when the ball mixer appeared, many were faced with the choice - what to install in the bathroom? Sales show that the ball valve design is in great demand. This can easily be explained by the advantages and high performance of the device. Also, plumbing equipment experts say that now on sale you can not find anything that would be more reliable.

bath ball mixers
Ball bath mixers were very convenient to operate. You no longer need to twist anything to set the optimum temperature of the water and its pressure. To do this, just set the lever in the desired position. Over time, this is done almost automatically.

Those who have been using such devices for a long time already know where the handle should be for the right temperature and pressure. And for those who are just going to install such a device, it is useful to know that the pressure can be adjusted by moving the control knob up or down. The temperature is adjusted by turning to the right or left.

Mechanism with ball valve

Modern plumbing, namely a ball mixer, as well as their valve relatives, despite the manufacturability, sometimes fail. This is not unusual. They are made of the same materials. This is the same metal, the same rubber and plastic. Parts are subject to wear during use. Repair of the ball mixer is not difficult. But in order for everything to work out, you need to understand the device and be able to remove it, if necessary.

ball mixer repair
So, the device consists of several elements. This is a rotary handle, or rather a lever. There is also a stem, and its seal is regulated using a complete washer and nut. There is a crane body and nut. In the housing is a ball cartridge along with the stem.

This cartridge is a one-piece, non-separable element. It has three holes. They are designed for cold, hot water, as well as for mixed water of the desired temperature and pressure.

Operating principle

Ball valve mixer works according to a specific algorithm. When the lever is raised, the ball rotates. Meanwhile, the holes in the cartridge match the holes in the saddles. Depending on what the area of ​​the holes will be as a result, the temperature of the water and its pressure change.

Typical malfunctions

With careful use, without applying special efforts to the device, the product can serve without breakage for a long period. However, more often these cranes operate differently and fail.

Among typical malfunctions, it is possible to distinguish a leak with a blocking position of the lever, a weak pressure at a normal pressure level in the water supply. Adjustments are also often disrupted. It is not possible to adjust the water to the desired temperature, since mixing is random. Before repairing ball valves for the bathroom, you need to determine the cause of the malfunction.

Types of damage

The ball cartridge is fixed in the housing using rubber seats. Between these elements there is free space. If it becomes clogged, it causes a malfunction. Enough even a small mote to break the tightness. As a result, the rubber seat is deformed. The ball mount fails.

ball valve mixer
Also one of the most common troubles is a blockage in the shutter. In this case, you can do even without repair, and you can solve the problem with a simple cleaning. But for this you have to disassemble the crane. But after assembly everything will fall into place again and the device will work like new.

Often, all breakdowns occur due to water that flows in the pipes. She is very tough. At the same time, it does not depend on what type of mixer is installed. In order not to change plumbing fixtures often, experts recommend installing filter elements. Another nuisance is the water that flows from under the rotary knob. It is enough to tighten the connection.

How to eliminate a clogged shutter?

The easiest way to solve the problem is if the shutter is clogged. It can be an obstacle to the normal flow of water with a powerful pressure. First you need to dismantle the aerator. Then let water without this element. By how the pressure changes, it will be seen whether the aerator is the cause of the breakdown. To restore the operation of the tap, it is enough to clean and rinse the device in water, and then reinstall it. But more often, an aerator is replaced.

If water trickles out from under the base of the mixer

This fault can be remedied by replacing the seals. Before you start repairing ball mixers with your own hands, you must first shut off the water. Then, the mixer is dismantled and disconnected. Also unscrew the fixing nut.

mixer ball switch
A worn gasket must be replaced with the same, only a new one. If it is selected correctly, then to install it you will need to make a little effort.

If the cartridge is broken

Here the situation is worse. These items may crack. But the problem is that these products cannot be repaired. They are exchanged for new ones. This is also done if there is damage to the instrument case. If it is not possible to quickly replace the ball switch of the mixer, you can use a sealant. But this is only a temporary solution to the issue.

Repair Features

So, let's look at what needs to be done if repair is inevitable. Repairing the device is quite simple - any home master can handle it. For work, you need a standard set of tools:

  • Adjustable wrench.
  • Hexagons.
  • Screwdriver or thin needle.
  • Flashlight.

The first step is to shut off the water. Next, perform dismantling. There is a plug on the device’s body. She is also being filmed. Under this plug there is a hole through which you can access the screw holding the lever. This screw should be unscrewed. Now you can remove the lever. If the appliance has been standing for a long time and disassembly of the ball mixer has not been performed, you may need to make some efforts.

Now there is access to the domed part of the product and eccentrics made of plastic. These parts are also removed. A cartridge will be installed under them. All dirt must be carefully removed. Next, the mixer switch is removed from the housing. It should be carefully examined from all sides. If there is damage, the cartridge must be replaced.

Next, check the rubber sealing elements. If their elasticity is reduced or lost, then the parts are replaced with new ones. The seals on which the switch is mounted are also replaced (for prevention).

DIY ball mixer repair
Then it remains to install all the parts in place and assemble the structure in the reverse order. After that, the product should work normally again. But the leak may be under the tap. In this case, it is removed and the seals replaced under the drain.

Shower Switch Repair

This malfunction is common enough. When you try to turn the water from the spout into the shower hose, the lever switches itself. Liquid flows from the spout, and no shower is possible. To find the reasons, unscrew the union nut and dismantle the hose. Then remove the upper gasket. You may need to pry it with a thin knitting needle. The gasket changes to a new one. The mixer is assembled and inspected.

how to repair a ball mixer
If the device still does not work, then shut off the water again, remove the shower hose. Then remove the adapter, spout and lever. Now the eccentric and spool are removed. Next, access to the ring of the lower gasket. It should be replaced. Next, the device is assembled and checked. Before heading to the store for supplies, it's worth seeing if these pads are at home. Often, several seals come with the device. If there are still no materials, then you can do it yourself. Hard rubber 3-4 mm thick will do.


Here's how to repair a ball mixer - there is nothing complicated in this task. Repair involves replacing consumables and the cartridge. Any home master can handle this.


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