Music for wedding dance - how to choose?

The first wedding dance of the young is a relatively new tradition that has come to us from abroad. A beautiful western custom has pleased our newlyweds, and therefore a rare modern wedding can do without it.

Wedding dance is a kind of presentation of a couple in front of guests, and often even a mini-show. Everything should be thought out here - the statement of the dance itself, the lighting design, the place and, of course, the music for the wedding dance.

Music for Wedding Dance: Everlasting Timeless Classics

The choice of music should depend, first of all, on the style of the whole ceremony and dance, which will be performed by the newlyweds. Usually this is music for a classic waltz. A win-win option are compositions by Strauss, Tchaikovsky (for example, Waltz of the Flowers ") and other classics. It is better to choose a more solemn music, since a wedding is, after all, a bright celebration of the birth of a new family. This music is best suited for exquisite, well-developed classical dance and classic wedding costumes of the bride and groom.

If you want to perform a special number in front of the guests, then ask the choreographer to advise you on the music selection who will stage your dance - it is quite possible that he has a lot of unstacked tunes in stock that will emphasize the beauty of your dance and will impress the guests. So, recently, some newlyweds, who dance well in life, perform fiery flamenco, oriental dance or other exotic options at their own wedding.

Music for Wedding Dance: Romantic Dreams

Many newlyweds often want to dance at their wedding party to music that is especially close to them or associated with a particular event. If you do not have a clear composition, then you can find just a beautiful romantic song in Russian, Italian, English or any other language. The choice here is only yours. Often the newlyweds make a mistake by instructing the host or host to select music for them. Even if you find a good professional, this does not mean that he will be able to guess your style and take into account all the wishes. You may have to listen to more than a dozen songs before you can find one that impresses you and touches the strings of your heart - but it's worth it.

Another option is to use music from your favorite romantic films. Such music is sure to please your guests and will be a touching addition to your performance.

Music for wedding dance for stylized dances

Recently, wedding banquets in a certain style have gained great popularity - a beach party, retro, modern, a wedding according to Slavic traditions, in the Baroque style, a styled wedding and even a Gothic wedding. Here it is worthwhile to show your imagination and choose the composition that will best match the spirit of your triumph. It can be rock and roll compositions (for example, Elvis Presley songs), Brazilian and other Latin American fiery hits, Italian arias of the 18th century and so on. The more original the soundtrack will be, the better.

And finally, I would like to warn the newlyweds. If you want to take a foreign song, we recommend that you first read the translation of the words, as often a touching melody may not correspond to the content. Even if you are not superstitious, it is hardly worth starting your life together with a song that sings about unhappy love or other sad things.

The music for the first dance of the newlyweds should, first of all, be liked by you.

Do not listen to the advice of relatives and friends, do not pursue fashion, do not think about "what people will think." This is your holiday, and let everything on this day be the best, including your music for the first dance at the wedding.


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