Regulation on the organization of labor protection in the organization: sample

The regulation on the organization of work on labor protection in the organization, a sample of which will be described later, is a binding document. It establishes the general requirements, the responsibility of officials of services and units in the field of ensuring OT.

Regulation on the organization of work on labor protection


The regulation on the organization of labor protection at the enterprise is developed in accordance with the Labor Code and other industry regulations. When compiling, experience on OS in various institutions is taken into account. The document includes the duties and functions of structural units, employees and other persons aimed at creating conditions that meet the requirements for maintaining the health and life of employees in the process of their professional activities. This regulatory act takes into account the industry in which the work is carried out. In particular, the Regulation on the organization of work on labor protection and ensuring the safety of the educational process is being developed in accordance with the Federal Standard governing educational activities. Moreover, the requirements of the document apply to all institutions engaged in this field, regardless of their legal type and form of ownership.

Responsible persons

The Regulation on the organization of work on labor protection and safety in the preschool educational institution establishes that the general control of compliance with applicable laws, the implementation of decisions of higher management structures, rules, and health and safety instructions rests with the head of the institution. The development of an action plan, the supervision of their implementation, refers to the functions of an official authorized by order of the director.

Regulation on the organization of work on labor protection in the organization sample


The regulation on the organization of labor protection at school or kindergarten determines that measures in the field of occupational safety should include:

  1. A clear distribution of tasks and responsibilities assigned to the administrative and technical services.
  2. Ensuring the implementation of health plans, all requirements established by standards and other regulatory documents.
  3. Monitoring compliance with the TC.

Manager Responsibilities

The section in which they are defined is one of the main ones. First of all, responsibilities for the head are established:

  1. Take measures to create favorable and safe conditions for professional activity in accordance with existing health and safety regulations.
  2. Monitor compliance with the obligations of all employees, the requirements of standards, instructions, orders, orders.
  3. To ensure the development, signing of a collective agreement, as well as the fulfillment of its conditions.
  4. Submit to higher authorities reports on employees who suffered from accidents in the process of carrying out their professional activities, as well as the development of funds allocated for health and safety events in the forms and within the time limits established by the State Statistics Committee.
    regulations on the organization of labor protection at school

These are far from all the responsibilities that are included in the Regulation on the organization of work on labor protection at the enterprise. The sample document also contains the following requirements for the head:

  1. Prevent the commissioning of new equipment, premises without acceptance by a specially created commission. At the same time, an employee of the OT service, a representative of the trade union, and, if necessary, a state supervision body should be present in it.
  2. Stop any actions that violate applicable rules, instructions and labor protection standards.
  3. Ensure the implementation of comprehensive plans to improve working conditions and sanitary measures, timely submit a report on them to higher authorities.
  4. Be responsible for the correct calculation and compensation of damage to the health of employees.
  5. To ensure the implementation of the OT control system. In the process of distribution of the incentive fund, the manager should provide for the allocation of funds for bonus payments to employees who have achieved high professional performance in working with OSHMS.


The sections that are included in the standard Regulation on the organization of work on labor protection in the organization (the sample is presented in the article) are aimed at recognizing and ensuring the priority position of the health and life of employees with respect to the results of production activities. The document obliges the formation of special health services or the involvement of competent specialists in this field. The number of employees and the structure of these departments are determined by the head. At the same time, he must take into account indicators of ensuring effective and normal operation, recommendations of state bodies.

The regulation on the organization of work on labor protection in a preschool educational institution requires the formation of safe and healthy conditions for employees and pupils. Regulatory acts provide for the liability of officials, the head for violations of the requirements in the manner prescribed by law. The regulation on the organization of work on labor protection in the pre-school educational institution according to the Federal State Educational Standard requires regular training, training, and knowledge tests of instructions and rules within the time periods specified for a particular type of professional activity.

Regulation on the organization of work on labor protection in the Dow

Implementation of TC standards

The regulation on the organization of work on labor protection prescribes the introduction of modern means of preventing injuries, ensuring sanitary conditions in order to prevent the occurrence of occupational diseases of employees. Activities developed by management to improve the situation on the ground should be discussed and approved by the team. The staff is vested with the right to monitor their implementation.

The Regulation on the organization of work on labor protection includes criteria that buildings, buildings, equipment, and processes must comply with. In accordance with the document, the operation of installations and devices, the use of the territory, the protection of employees from the effects of negative factors of the working environment, the installation of sanitary-hygienic and domestic premises are carried out.

The Regulation on the organization of work on labor protection prohibits the commissioning of workshops and sections if the proper conditions for the health and safety of personnel are not provided for them. The launch of newly constructed and reconstructed objects is carried out only with the permission of the sanitary and epidemiological surveillance authorities, technical inspection and the corresponding trade union organization of the company that will use it. It is not allowed to transfer to serial production models of equipment that do not meet the requirements of OT.

The regulation on the organization of work on labor protection requires the administration to provide an appropriate level of equipment for places and the formation of conditions on them that correspond to unified industry and intersectoral rules, sanitary standards developed and approved in accordance with the procedure established by law.

Regulation on the organization of labor protection at the enterprise

Employee Requirements

The administration of the enterprise has the obligation to conduct safety training, fire protection, industrial sanitation and other health and safety regulations. The staff must strictly follow the instructions that establish the requirements for operations and behavior on the premises. This is especially true for workers at construction sites, in production halls. These instructions are drawn up according to a standard document and approved by the enterprise management together with the corresponding elected trade union structure. Personnel must comply with the requirements for handling mechanisms, machines, apparatus and equipment, PPE provided to him.

Administration Regulations

The company's management constantly monitors compliance by employees with all OSH requirements specified in the instructions. The responsibility of the administration is to carry out timely and correct investigation and recording of all accidents that have occurred. At the same time, representatives of the trade union, and, if necessary, other bodies should participate in the process of clarifying the circumstances and identifying the perpetrators. Based on the materials of investigations and accounting, management is obliged to take appropriate measures in a timely manner to eliminate the causes of accidents.

Regulation on the organization of work on labor protection at the Federal State Educational Institution

Materials and means for conducting occupational health events

Their selection is carried out by the enterprise management in the prescribed manner. The expenditure of materials and funds intended for carrying out OH&S activities for other purposes is not allowed. The procedure for their use is established by collective agreements. They are concluded between the corresponding elected trade union structure. The labor collective exercises control over the proper use of funds intended for carrying out OH&S activities.

Regulation on the organization of labor protection at the enterprise


The administration of the enterprise is obliged to provide employees working in areas with harmful conditions, as well as in work with special temperature conditions or related to pollution, free special clothing, shoes and other personal protective equipment. Management should provide for the washing, storage, drying, disinfection, decontamination, degassing and repair of specified PPE. Workers engaged in pollution-related activities should be provided with free cleaning agents. In areas where adverse effects on the skin of harmful compounds are possible, detoxifying agents are provided to personnel.

Medical examinations

Management's responsibilities include ensuring regular medical examinations of employees. Preliminary examinations are carried out upon admission to the enterprise, periodic examinations are carried out in the process of carrying out professional activities related to difficult or harmful and dangerous conditions. A medical certificate is required for personnel engaged in transport. It is necessary to determine suitability for work and to prevent occupational diseases. The list of negative factors of production and harmful operations, during which it is prescribed to conduct periodic and preliminary examinations, as well as the procedure for their implementation, are established by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

Regulation on the organization of work on labor protection and ensuring the safety of the educational process


The regulation on the organization of events on occupational safety is of great practical importance in the activities of any enterprise. Ensuring healthy and safe conditions for the implementation of professional activities of staff is the responsibility of the leader. For non-compliance with the requirements of the legislation provides for liability.

At the same time, employees of the enterprise are obliged to comply with the established requirements, norms, and rules. Only through the joint efforts of personnel and administration can safe conditions for professional activities be created in the enterprise.


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