How to improve complexion? Tips for the procedure

Every woman knows that a beautiful appearance cannot be without a healthy complexion. You can become the owner of perfect skin by resorting to various modern methods and using the "grandmother" advice. But you will not be able to get a healthy complexion and improve skin condition without adjusting your lifestyle and diet and giving up bad habits. Next, we will talk about how to improve complexion and skin condition.

how to improve complexion at home

Beauty dream

During sleep, the hormone melatonin is released, which is responsible for the quality of sleep and, in combination, for skin rejuvenation. The greatest amount of the hormone is produced at night, or rather until two in the morning. The sooner a person falls asleep, the more hormone he receives. The total duration of sleep should be about 8 hours a day.

Proper nutrition

For healthy skin, you need to eat right. It is important to limit the intake of fatty, sweet and increase the intake of vegetables, fruits, lean meat and fish. It is very important to establish a water-drinking regime and consume eight glasses of water per day. Weekly fasting days give your skin a healthy look.

improve complexion at home


Daily exercise enhances blood circulation and speeds up metabolism. Skin cells are more quickly released from toxins. All this is a direct road to perfect skin. Any sport has a positive effect on the skin, it can be hiking and just dancing to your favorite music.

To give up smoking

Nicotine reduces the production of collagen, destroys vitamins C, E. As a result, the skin ages from the inside. It is impossible to influence this process by any procedures, just by completely giving up smoking. For face care, you can resort to the help of professionals or do it yourself at home.

How to improve complexion at home? Each of the fair sex is able to achieve a fresh blush and skin as smooth as silk at home. Below are some of them.

Face wash

The daily procedure for washing with tap water dries and irritates the dermis, causing it to redden. Facial cleansers that have a beneficial effect on skin condition are found in every kitchen.

  • Milk. First, wipe the face with a swab dipped in whole milk, and then in milk diluted half with water. This will relieve skin dryness.
  • Sour milk or kefir. They moisten the skin several times with a moistened cotton pad, and the excess is removed with a napkin. Due to the high content of lactic acid, slight irritation may appear, in order to avoid this, it is necessary to soothe the skin with a nourishing cream.
  • A decoction of elderberry flowers. Steep boiling water with a volume of 500 ml pour 20 g of elderberry flowers. Insist until completely cooled. Wipe the skin, avoiding contact with the eyes. This will help remove oily sheen. Use the above funds every day for washing, morning and evening.
how to improve complexion and skin condition

Mechanical peeling

Due to the small particles included in the composition, exfoliates dead skin cells and cleans pores mechanically.


  • For combination skin. Connect 2 tbsp. tablespoons chopped almonds, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of fat sour cream, 2 tbsp. tablespoons chopped oatmeal.
  • For oily skin. Combine coffee grounds with olive oil in equal proportions.
  • For skin prone to dryness. To the crushed shell of one egg, add 1 tbsp. a spoon of cosmetic clay and cream.

Apply the compositions with light massage movements on clean skin. To facilitate the procedure, your hands can be moistened periodically. After application, leave for exposure for 10 minutes, after which the face is washed and blotted with a towel, a nourishing cream is applied to the skin.

cream improving complexion

Chemical peeling

It works due to its constituent acids, which penetrate the epidermis and cause the death of dead cells and the passage of dead cells, thereby causing regeneration in the deeper layers of the skin.


  • The pulp of orange, apple and banana, crushed in a blender, is mixed in equal parts. Apply for exposure for 15 minutes.
  • In a mashed kiwi pulp, add 2 tsp of semolina, applied for a period of not more than 10 minutes. An equal amount of crushed pulp of papaya and pineapple is mixed with 1 tbsp. spoon of honey and apply for a period of not more than 5 minutes.

Chemical peeling is best done before bedtime. Rinse off formulations preferably with cold water, after which it is recommended to apply a regenerating cream. Home peels are superficial and gentle. They work only with the superficial epidermis, therefore they do not cause irritation on the skin, do not require a recovery period and can be performed once every four days. They give the skin a smooth and beautiful tone and eliminate minor facial wrinkles.

Important! The peeling procedure should be postponed if the skin has wounds, abrasions, herpetic eruptions, a fresh tan.

how to improve complexion

Self-massage with honey

How to improve complexion at home? You can do massage with honey. It is authentically known that the Egyptian Queen Cleopatra regularly used this bee product in her recipes for beauty and youth. After all, it includes boron, iron, potassium, magnesium, manganese, copper, phosphorus and other elements, vitamins A, C, E, H, PP, group B, volatile, amino acids, polyphenols, enzymes, glucose, fructose ... Honey massage has a positive effect on the skin of the face: blood circulation improves, nutrients nourish the dermis, a light healthy glow appears on the face.

The ideal time for a massage in the morning, immediately after waking up. Before proceeding with the manipulations, it is necessary to cleanse the face of contamination by washing it thoroughly with warm water.

Honey should be natural, not candied and not too thin. It is best to use a cellular product. Candied composition is stoked in a water bath.

Honey is applied for 10 minutes to the entire area of ​​the face with a thin and even layer with a brush or roller. During this time, he will take the consistency necessary for the procedure. Massage is carried out for no more than 10 minutes by patting with the fingertips, without touching the skin around the eyes. Patting should be very light, from the bottom up, that is, from the neck to the forehead. In this case, the fingers stick to the skin, and after a moment, when the fingertips come off, the honey leaves the skin, freeing the pores of the sebaceous plugs.

Upon completion, the honey is washed off with warm water. The result of the massage will be visible immediately: the face will acquire a fresh glow, and the skin will become smooth and silky.

Important! Honey massage should not be carried out in case of an allergy to the beekeeping product and if there are mechanical damage on the skin, herpetic eruptions and a pronounced vascular network.

Facial Masks

Such masks are easily prepared from the ingredients available to every housewife. To get rid of the yellowness of the skin and a gray tint, whitening masks based on lemon, cucumber, and potatoes will help. To give a blush to a pale face, masks based on coffee, tomatoes, carrots are suitable.


  • Carrot. Grated carrots are laid on the face with an even thick layer. For an additional moisturizing effect, add cream to the mask.
  • With a beer. Grated carrots, one yolk and 50 ml of natural, not dark beer are brought to a uniform consistency with potato flour.
  • Cucumber. Chopped cucumber (2 tbsp. Tablespoons) are combined with 1 teaspoon of chopped parsley.
  • Potato Grated chilled fresh potatoes with chopped cucumber are mixed in equal parts.
  • Curd. Mix 2 tbsp. tablespoons of cottage cheese, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of fat cream, if the skin is oily - 1 teaspoon of lemon juice.
  • On coffee grounds. In equal amounts, combine fresh coffee grounds and boiled chilled milk to a homogeneous mass.

The effect of the masks will be better if they are applied to the skin, which was previously cleaned and steamed. The exposure time of such compositions can gradually be brought up to half an hour. Before use, it is better to make sure that there is no allergy to a particular product. It will be possible to make the skin tone even and beautiful in just a few sessions, the main thing is that the procedures should be regular, with a frequency of up to 3 times a week.

masks improving complexion

Creams for improving complexion

A well-chosen cream with a suitable skin composition will come to the aid of home procedures in the struggle for an ideal complexion.

  • Energy creams. Antioxidants, vitamin C, and biologically active ingredients such as sage, rose petals, cloudberry and cranberry oils predominate in such formulations. Natural components improve the microcirculation of the upper layer of the dermis, as a result the face looks rested and fresh.
  • Whitening creams. The excess of melanin pigment in the skin cells is minimized, and also the activity of the cells that produce pigments is reduced. Such a cream is suitable in the fight against freckles, age spots and redness. Often contains substances that facilitate allergic reactions, as well as help strengthen blood vessels, so that the appearance of the skin improves markedly.

To date, the range of creams that improve complexion is very large, they are available in production of many cosmetic brands. With regular use of a suitable composition, the result will exceed all expectations!

To improve the color and condition of the skin, you can contact the professionals. In a good cosmetology salon, they will offer various techniques for smoothing the tone of the face.

improves complexion and condition

Salon treatments

How to improve complexion? You can use the services of a beauty salon.

  • Laser cleaning - age spots, scars, scars are easily removed.
  • Oxygen peeling - cleansing of dead cells, oxygenation of new ones. Strengthening the walls of blood vessels and improving blood circulation.
  • Cryomassage fights greasy shine, adjusts the sebaceous glands, whitens stagnant spots.
  • Diamond peeling - improves blood circulation in tissues, exfoliates dead cells. Gives derma elasticity.
  • Microdermabrasion - deep mechanical peeling will even out skin tone in 3 procedures, and in 10 - it will relieve old scars.

The main advantage of hardware techniques is that the procedure is carried out by a professional who will help you decide on a wide variety of methods and choose the most suitable one.

In order to admire your own reflection in the mirror in the mornings, it is important to devote more time to yourself, relax more often, just enjoy your life, treat yourself and your skin with vitamins and all kinds of pleasant procedures and get real pleasure from it!


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