Blepharoplasty - before and after. Description of the procedure, types, consequences and reviews

Modern medicine helps to cope not only with many previously incurable diseases, but also with visual defects of various parts of the body. For example, the problem of sagging eyelids or bags under the eyes can be successfully solved by blepharoplasty. Before and after this procedure, the surgeon sees two different people in front of him - the patient acquires a more confident look of a successful person.

blepharoplasty - before and after

Who needs eyelid plastic?

Basically, blepharoplasty is used as a means of combating age-related changes. In the process of aging, human skin loses its tone, becomes flabby, which is most noticeable on the most delicate part of the face - the area around the eyes. In patients to whom blepharoplasty was applied, after surgery there are no sagging eyelids and large wrinkles.

Another reason for eye plastic surgery is the accumulation of fat under the lower or above the upper eyelid. This outwardly makes a person several years older, he seems painful and tired. Removing fatty tissue in this case is the only possible solution to the problem.

Quite often, blepharoplasty is performed on fairly young people. This is usually due to the desire to change the shape or shape of the eyes. This operation is popular among young people in Asian countries for obvious reasons. With its help, they also seek to eliminate various defects of the eyelids and asymmetries in the shape of the eyes.

Befaroplasty of the eyelids before and after

Varieties of blepharoplasty

Different types of operations are distinguished depending on which area of ​​the eye the surgeon is working with and what method is used for blepharoplasty. Before and after the procedure, the doctor is usually keenly interested in the patient's condition and his wishes.

Depending on the area of ​​the eyes on which the incision is made, three types of such plastic surgery are distinguished:

  • plastic of the upper eyelid ;
  • plastic of the lower eyelid;
  • circular blepharoplasty.

The main methods for performing the operation, there are two:

  • classical;
  • laser.

Upper eyelid blepharoplasty

With this type of operation, a skin area located in the area of ​​the folds of the upper eyelid is removed to hide subtle traces of the procedure. After upper blepharoplasty, eyebrow lifting surgery may be required. This is a fairly common occurrence.

Sometimes visual life illustrations for the topic "Blepharoplasty - before and after" are amazing. People who have undergone this operation, almost completely lose wrinkles in the upper part of the eyes and overhanging eyelids. Not always a similar effect can be achieved only by cutting out part of the skin. Sometimes removal of fatty sacs or tightening of muscle tissue is required.

after upper blepharoplasty

Lower eyelid blepharoplasty

Most often, excess skin, fatty deposits, or a part of the muscle in the lower part of the eye is removed by making an incision under the eyelash line. In some cases, fat cells are removed through a longitudinal opening in the inner side of the eyelid. In this case, after lower blepharoplasty, inflammation and swelling are less pronounced.

If the problem with the sagging of the eyelids is small, so it is necessary to eliminate a very small piece of skin, use a pinch, or, as it is also called, pinch method. In this case, the marked area is not cut out, but removed with specially designed forceps. After stitches are applied.

after lower blepharoplasty

Circular blepharoplasty

The implementation of the correction of the lower and upper eyelids at the same time is quite common. It can be noted that the most difficult recovery period passes when exactly such blepharoplasty is performed, before and after which a particularly careful examination of the patient by a specialist is required.

Separately, mention can be made of operations to correct birth defects and change the shape of the eyes. Here, both the upper and lower eyelids may be affected. The optimal decision is made in this case by a specialist.

Scalpel or laser?

All types of blepharoplasty can be performed using standard surgical instruments or using a laser beam. The latter option is usually much more expensive, but has several advantages.

The laser beam helps to make a thin incision with minimal damage to nearby tissues. After the operation, there is less swelling and the number of subcutaneous hemorrhages than with classical surgery. It also minimizes the healing time and risk of infection when laser blepharoplasty is performed. Before and after surgery, the skin of the eyelids is the same in structure - a scar does not form.

blepharoplasty after surgery

How to prepare for surgery

After consulting with the surgeon who will perform the operation, it is necessary to undergo an examination with some doctors and pass some tests. This requirement is true, since blepharoplasty is contraindicated in a number of diseases. If such diseases are not detected, the surgeon must be aware of all the vital signs of the patient in order to minimize all risks.

During the consultation, the doctor can photograph the patient’s eyes and examine their condition. He should also give some recommendations that should be followed before blepharoplasty of the eyelids is carried out. Before and after surgery, for example, you can’t smoke, take certain medications, but you need to drink plenty of water.

How is blepharoplasty performed?

The operation is performed in a specialized clinic, but without hospitalization. Depending on the complexity, the surgical process may take from thirty minutes to two hours. Very rarely there is a need for general anesthesia. Mostly applied local anesthetics in combination with sedatives.

Monitoring of vital indicators is carried out throughout the operation. At its end, the patient is placed in a separate ward, where careful monitoring of his condition continues.

If the patient's condition is normal, he is discharged on the same day when blepharoplasty is performed. Before and after surgery, it is important to refrain from bad habits for a while and drink plenty of water. When using non-absorbable threads on their own, their removal is carried out 3-4 days after suturing.

How is recovery going?

Complete resorption of bruises and swelling usually does not take more than two weeks. Laser surgery should expect a faster recovery than classical surgery. The application of wrapped in a package of frozen food or ice will help speed up the process.

During the recovery period, it is forbidden to rub your eyes, strain them and be exposed to sunlight. During this period, the surgeon should prescribe the patient a course of antibiotics and drops to moisturize the eyes. In the event of complications, a person undergoing a recovery period should immediately seek advice.


In most cases, a significant difference in the appearance of those who underwent blepharoplasty before and after can be noted. Enthusiastic reviews explain why plastic surgery is gaining such popularity.

before and after blepharoplasty reviews

The temporary discomfort that you have to endure after the operation, if you follow all the recommendations of a specialist, will be forgotten very soon. He will be replaced by satisfaction from contemplation in the mirror of his own eyes. Indeed, great miracles are performed by blepharoplasty. After the operation, the person is not afraid to look into the eyes of others and looks confident.


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