Who is the content woman?

The issues of femininity in a girl’s life always aroused not only interest, but also many disagreements. Recently, more and more often the beautiful half of humanity can hear for themselves not the best words. They sound like "You're a containment." In principle, someone will be offended by this expression, and some, on the contrary, will walk with their heads held high. It all depends on what kind of meaning is embedded in this concept. Who is the content woman? Today we will find out. Is it good or bad to be her? And do they really mean by kept women now those whom it was customary to call so earlier?

kept woman this


Our today's question causes a lot of opinions and disagreements among people. Therefore, it is worth turning to history in order to understand, at a minimum, the old meaning of the term. A containment is a woman who lives entirely at the expense of a man (most often already married) and has an intimate relationship with him. That is, not a prostitute and not some girl of easy virtue.

According to the dictionaries of Ozhegov and Ushakov, a lover who fully lives off her lover is provided by him. Please note - here the role is also played by the orientation of the relationship. As a rule, the common women do not have a common life with their lover, but they are quite serious. The only real connection between partners is intimate. We can say that, according to current concepts, the kept women are girls who are fully provided with lovers and at the same time are in "free relations" with them, without life, but with a game of love.

Not a prostitute

Some claim that our ladies today are real prostitutes. After all, in fact, they take money for love and sex. Honestly, this is not entirely true. The female keepers are not courtesans at all. Why?

If you nevertheless turn to the generally accepted definitions written in dictionaries, you will notice that the woman has financial support for only one man. And yet, after an intimate relationship, she does not take money from her lover. He himself provides the lady of life with life.

So, virtually every lover is a kept woman. This is how it turns out in practice. After all, most men, having made a lover, try to fully ensure their new passion. Moreover, on a voluntary basis. And this, in turn, is not prostitution. A woman plays in love, while sleeping with only one lover and is set up for a long-term relationship.

kept woman moscow

Of the Society

For some, a containment is an insult. And someone, on the contrary, is proud that he manages to live for his own pleasure at someone else’s expense. Moreover, the lover himself usually expresses the initiative in the content.

Now you can even meet entire communities, which include kept women in different cities. This is a bit of an interest club. In such places, the kept women (Nizhny Novgorod, Moscow or any other city - it doesn’t matter) gather and share their life stories, the secrets of seducing men and generally communicate with each other.

Such associations literally praise being fully supported by a man. And here the containment is an honorary title, and not an insult or something forbidden. Therefore, having visited such societies, often girls think about how to start living at the expense of men. But more on that later. After all, the kept women are not only the concepts that were considered earlier. In the modern world, under this "comb" it is customary to reduce many women, thereby insulting them.



What exactly is the problem? The fact that now the beautiful half of society has ceased to be valued and respected precisely as a woman. This phenomenon is called gender equality. That is, on the fragile shoulders of a girl, purely male duties can also lie down, and simply that which is not quite characteristic of a person created for the birth and upbringing of children, housekeeping.

The kept woman is a housewife. That is how many people in the modern world speak. That is, if a girl does not work, but lives at the expense of her man, but at the same time fulfills all the women's duties of managing the house and keeping her home comfortable and clean, she can literally be called our current term.

It is not right. Yes, the kept women initially live off of the man. But if you look at the exact definitions, common life and marriage do not bind partners. Housekeeping is also work. Unfortunately, it is not paid in any way. Therefore, to call a housewife a kept woman is wrong. After all, in society there should still be at least some kind of separation of duties. The kept women (St. Petersburg, Moscow and other cities) are those who live for their own pleasure at the expense of others. But not housewives, they actually work - they monitor the house. This, too, as has already been said, labor, although unpaid in practice.


Unfortunately, to today's world, our current term is very, very often, distorted. A woman is any woman who does not work. Or does not bring enough money to the family budget. That is what many claim. In fact, if a girl herself does not completely provide herself - she is a kept woman. This is judged by modern distorted rules. But in reality, the true interpretation of this expression is still preserved.

kept woman girls

Do not pay attention to the speech that you are a woman of content, if you do not work, you live at the expense of your man (even if you are talking about a husband), but at the same time, you, your home, children and everyday life. The division of responsibilities has not yet been canceled. Yes, now men and women have the same rights, but there is justice too. If both work, but at the same time, after a working day, a girl spins like a squirrel in a wheel, and a man rests (this is how it turns out in practice most often), then this is no equal. It turns out "I and the plowman, I and the bull, I and the woman, and the man." That is, in society from now on there are two extremes. Or a woman - a draft horse, who looks after the house, and brings up children, and earns money, or a kept woman. Moreover, the second concept, as we have already found out, means precisely the absence of a monetary contribution to the family budget. Circumstances such as a decree and an agreement between spouses are not taken into account. This is our society today!

How to become

But we will focus on more specific concepts. A containment is a girl who simply lives entirely at the expense of her lover. It is such a personality that many try to become. In fact, as some real kept women claim, their role is a huge job. And he is not subject to all. You need to have nerves of steel and endurance in order to properly "submit yourself."

How to become a kept woman? To do this, you must have an attractive appearance. So, you will constantly have to take care of yourself. Diets, cosmetic procedures, physical exercises - all this will become your life, and on an ongoing basis. At first, these processes may seem like a real pleasure, but over time you will realize that it is extremely difficult to maintain yourself in shape.

how to become a kept woman

Also, the kept women (Moscow, St. Petersburg or any other city - it doesn’t matter) should have the skills of seducing men. And a few features that are usually given with difficulty. If the first one can be learned from the books and recommendations of other girls (or maybe the seduction is in your blood, by nature), then the second is labor, labor, and labor again.

What is it about? The woman should be able to housekeeping (and just show that your hands are “from that place”), take care of yourself, be a goddess in bed. But the most important thing is that not all women can. Any woman should be able to listen and be silent. Agreeing with a man, supporting him and showing that he is the best is what will help you become a kept woman.


What else interesting can you say? To be honest, recently it’s possible to find on the Internet the service "Containers.rf". This is the so-called dating site. Here the girls are trying to find a lover.

kept woman rf

A good way to find a man who will contain you. Although often it is here that many are looking not for a couple, but for prostitutes. So, be wary of this kind of service. It is advisable to look for a man in real life. And openly do not advertise their plans for maintenance on his part.

Is it worth it

We have already found out who the kept women are. These are girls who live off their male lover, but do not lead a common life with him. Moreover, the relationship of girls with only one person.

Is it worth it to become a kept woman in the very concept of this term? It has already been said that this is a huge work. And it is not only in some skills and physical fitness.

The main problem that haunts all kept women is the lack of the right to love. Falling in love with such girls is strictly prohibited. If we are talking about love for the sponsor, then over time the woman will cease to be, most likely, on the content of her beloved. And it’s worth giving the heart to another young man, as the providing lover will refuse to pay for the girl’s life.


So we studied everything that can concern the kept woman. As you can see, in the modern world this term is very distorted. And therefore, it is difficult to judge whether it is normal to be on a man’s collateral or not. If marriage and a serious relationship are understood, then a kept woman is not a completely correct interpretation of what is happening. Remember, this term applies only to a free girl who does not connect life with her lover. She simply lives at his expense, has an intimate relationship with her sponsor, but only with one.

kept woman Nizhny Novgorod

To be a true kept woman or not? Everyone decides for themselves. In any case, if money is more important than feelings for you, then you can try. True happiness without love does not exist - remember this. But to be a kept woman in a distorted concept (a housewife, a woman on a decree, and so on) is possible without fear and remorse.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/B6709/

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