How much sperm is in men: interesting facts, norms and pathology

Sperm is one of the secrets produced in the male body. At 5%, it consists of sperm, the rest are vitamins and nutrients that accompany them all the way to the egg. The quantity and quality of sperm directly affects the ability to conceive a child. Men begin to sound the alarm when there is little secret.

But this is not a cause for alarm, since even in a small amount there may be a normal number of sperm. It is worth noting the fact that conception is affected not only by the quantity, but also by the quality of the male secret. It is very important to know how much sperm in men should be excreted. However, no less important is what it should be.

What it looks like and what it consists of

How much sperm a man secrete

Sperm in an absolutely healthy man should have a white-gray tint. By consistency, immediately at the time of ejaculation, it is thick and viscous, but after a while it becomes more fluid.

How much sperm should a man produce? What are the norms and violations? These questions are answered further. For now, we note that some changes in the color or consistency of the secret do not always occur due to the development of any pathological process. For example, if a man has not had sex for a long time, then the consistency and color of sperm change, that is, it will be more cloudy and thicker. This phenomenon is quite normal, there are no deviations in this.

When taking antibiotics or complexes, including a large number of minerals and vitamins, the color of the ejaculate will be painted in a yellowish tint. This is also permissible and does not go beyond the norm.

If a man leads a regular sex life, does not take any medications, eats properly, but the sperm color and consistency are altered, then this already indicates the presence of health problems and may serve as an occasion for visiting an andrologist or urologist.

Many are interested in not only how much sperm is in men, but also what is its composition. This secret contains such substances: calcium, zinc, vitamin C, magnesium, potassium.

What determines the volume

How much sperm is produced in a man

Sperm count is an individual indicator that is influenced by several factors:

  • Lifestyle.
  • Bad habits.
  • Sexual life of a man.
  • Nutrition.
  • Stress.
  • Age.
  • Diseases of the reproductive and genitourinary system.
  • Hormonal background.


How much sperm should be in men

How many grams of sperm in a man are excreted during intercourse? What is the sperm motility in it? Answers to these questions help determine male fertility. This is his ability to fertilize female cells. When asked how much sperm a man should have, there is no single answer. The amount that is collected as a result of a single ejaculation and measured using a special graduated serological pipette, usually varies from two to ten milliliters.

Small amount

How much sperm is in men

Often, even a completely healthy man without bad habits, leading an active lifestyle, a very small amount of sperm can be released. This is due to frequent stress and emotional distress.

If the amount of secretion after ejaculation is less than 2 ml, then this may be a symptom of a disease called oligospermia. This is a pathological process that develops for the following reasons:

  • Improper nutrition, deficiency of vitamins and proteins. This greatly affects how much sperm is produced in men.
  • Smoking and abuse of strong drinks.
  • Age and hormonal background.
  • Too saturated sex life.
  • Excessive exercise and overwork.

If none of the above reasons is a factor that can affect sperm reduction, then you should contact a urologist andrologist, since oligospermia can also develop for reasons that are pathological in nature:

  • Disruption in the work of steroid hormones.
  • Injury to the testicles and scrotum.
  • Infectious diseases of the genitourinary system: vesiculitis, prostatitis, testiculitis.
  • Abnormal development of the organs of the reproductive system of men. This has a direct bearing on
  • how much sperm in a man is excreted during intercourse.
  • Diseases and injuries of the urinary tract, appendages, prostate gland and other pathologies of the urinary system.

In infectious diseases and inflammatory processes, not only the amount of sperm decreases, but its quality also deteriorates significantly, that is, sperm cells become less active. All this adversely affects male fertility and, if untreated, can lead to infertility. Often, oligospermia is also observed in young people during the development of the reproductive system.

Sometimes injuries of any other organs that are not related to the genitourinary system can affect sperm count. Basically, these are damage to the back, leading to disruption of the nerves that are directly related to the testicles and the prostate, which affect how much sperm is excreted in a man.

Sperm reduction alone is not a problem. But only until it begins to be observed regularly and prevents the conception of a child. In this case, you should immediately seek qualified help from a specialist, pass the necessary tests and undergo the prescribed course of therapy.

A large number of

How many grams of sperm in men

In the absence of any pathologies of the genitourinary system, the reasons that the amount of seminal fluid increases can be:

  • Too long abstinence directly affects how much sperm in men can be excreted in the subsequent ejaculation after a long absence of sex. With a prolonged absence of sexual activity in men, a large amount of seminal fluid accumulates, however, the percentage of young and active sperm cells is significantly reduced, since they can live after about one month after completion of their development.
  • Increased hormonal activity, that is, a high level of the male hormone testosterone. This condition leads to increased sperm synthesis, due to which the amount of sperm increases.

If the number is not increased for these reasons, then the doctor should exclude the development of pathology, which is associated with the appearance of formations in the organs of the reproductive system of men. When lesions of the testicles or prostate with malignant tumors, the number of sperm in the seminal fluid increases sharply. In this case, with a spermogram, you can see that the sperm are in an immature and inactive state. This fact can subsequently cause a man’s infertility.

How to increase the amount of seminal fluid

How much sperm is in a man’s body

To increase sperm count and improve sperm quality, you need to follow a few simple rules:

  • Workout. If this is not possible, then you can simply start an active lifestyle - spend more time in the fresh air, hiking, jogging in the morning, for example, in a park.
  • Take vitamins.
  • Eat only fresh and healthy foods rich in all necessary proteins and carbohydrates.
  • Abandon bad habits such as drinking alcohol and smoking.
  • Follow a rational daily routine: alternate work with rest, sleep at least 7 hours a day.
  • Avoid stress and conflict.

Diagnosis of possible pathologies

How much sperm in a man’s life

Diagnostic measures are carried out in order to determine the presence and cause of pathologies, if any. You need to contact the andrologist. This doctor should read the complaints, history, and then send the man for such tests:

  • Spermogram.
  • To determine the level of testosterone, you must donate blood.
  • Ultrasound examination of the genitourinary system.
  • Urine and blood donation for infectious diseases.
  • A biopsy is carried out with the aim of a more detailed analysis in identifying pathological processes.

Abnormal Therapy

After diagnostic measures and if any pathology is detected, the patient is prescribed treatment, which in most cases is carried out on an outpatient basis. With a complicated form of the disease, the patient can be hospitalized and is under constant supervision of the attending physician. In some cases, surgical intervention is used.

Interesting Facts

There are several compelling facts about sperm and sperm. You may be interested in learning about them.

  • For the first time, the Dutch scientist Anthony van Levenguk personally saw the sperm. In 1667, he himself created a microscope. The first thing he began to consider was sperm.
  • The male ejaculate contains a hormone responsible for the mood of a woman and her peace of mind. That is why ladies who do not have sex (or use condoms) are more likely to develop depression.
  • Many are interested not only in how much sperm is in a man’s body, but also at what age it can be produced. Ejaculate is produced throughout life. At the same time, up to 70 years, sperm are in an active state, and then their activity decreases slightly, but this does not mean that they cannot fulfill their intended purpose. That is, a man, and after 70 years, may well become a father.
  • An equally urgent question is how much sperm a man produces in his life, starting from the puberty period. Scientists have determined that this amount is from 10 to 15 liters.
  • Many people ask how much sperm a man gives off during one sexual intercourse. This question is fairly easy to answer. On average, about one teaspoon of ejaculate is released in a man during one ejaculation.


From all of the above it follows that both the amount of sperm and its quality directly depend on the man’s lifestyle. Regular and timely visits to the andrologist and urologist will help to avoid the development of any pathology of the genitourinary system and to avoid male infertility.


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