Mate tea: benefits and harms. How to drink tea?

Mate tea (or as indicated in some "mate" sources) is a surprisingly aromatic and tasty tonic drink. The drink contains an incredible amount of caffeine, which is made from crushed and dried shoots and leaves of Paraguayan holly. Another name for this plant is mate grass. Hence the name of the tea itself. Holly itself is a 15-meter evergreen shrub. It grows mainly in Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina and Paraguay. Paraguayan holly can grow both in the wild and on plantations where it is grown by specially trained people.

tea mate benefit and harm

A bit of history

Mate, as a word, has an incredible history of its meaning. It came from the Quechua language - it is an ancient tribe. In the literal sense, it is translated as follows: "a jug of pumpkin for drinks or food." The modern territories of Paraguay and Brazil were previously inhabited by Indians from the Guarani tribe. At one time they used mate in order to cure heartburn and other ailments. And as sugar, they used stevia leaves, characterized by a sweet aftertaste.

Mate tea, the benefits and harms of which are known to the modern consumer, has another interesting story. So, even the South American tribes of the Indians were aware of how this drink is healthy and tonic. They called this liquid a divine drink. The healing properties of mate and the Spanish conquerors were appreciated. And all thanks to the fact that the remedy helped to cure scurvy in a rather short time. As a result, mate appeared in Europe.

But Europeans themselves took tea quite coldly. You can not say about the leaves of holly, which came to the liking of the Aesculapius. They actively used them for the preparation of alcohol tinctures and various balms. Medieval healers did not yet know what the chemical composition of the shrub was, but they already appreciated its positive qualities.

the harm of tea

The constituent elements of tea

Mate tea (the benefits and harms are listed below) contains a large number of different elements necessary for the human body. Among them are xanthine alkaloids, tannins and biologically active substances, as well as beta-carotene. In addition, it contains pantothenic acid, substances of mineral origin (potassium, manganese, iron, copper, sodium, magnesium and sulfur) and vitamins of group B, P, C, E.

The benefits of the drink

Due to its composition, mate normalizes blood pressure, improves oxygen supply to the heart muscle, and stabilizes cerebral and coronary circulation. Mate tea, the benefits and harms of which are described in our article, as mentioned above, contains pantothenic acid. She is also responsible for normalizing the level of adrenaline and is directly involved in the process of cell recovery. Also, the drink has chlorophyll, which has a beneficial effect on the immune system, and choline, which is responsible for stabilizing cholesterol levels. Matein, which is also part of mate, is an unsurpassed and unique stimulator of natural origin. Its strength is not inferior to caffeine.

Mate tea (the benefits and harms of which are already known) is an indispensable product for diseases of the stomach. And this action is explained as follows: the drink normalizes digestion and produces an antispasmodic effect, thereby restoring the damaged mucous membrane of the intestines and stomach. Mate is an indispensable product for strengthening the nervous system. He is a great helper in the fight against stress.

Possessing unsurpassed immunostimulating and tonic qualities, the drink improves mood, removes the feeling of fatigue, and increases endurance. Mate is recommended for people who regularly engage in sports, as it prevents the accumulation of lactic acid in the muscles. If you often drink the above liquid, then the craving for alcohol and smoking will decrease. And men appreciate the drink because it increases potency.

how to drink tea

Contraindications and side effects

Despite the fact that the mate drink is incredibly useful, the harm to tea for the human body has long been proven by scientists. But before we describe why the product is so dangerous, we will deal with those who are forbidden to use it. So, first of all, you should not drink tea for pregnant and breast-feeding women, as well as children. If a person has a high temperature or pressure, he should also refuse such a drink.

Contraindication to the use of mate is urolithiasis and gallstone disease, various renal ailments. Well, it goes without saying that people who are prone to various allergic reactions should also give up such pleasure as yerba mate tea.

Now let's move on to the side effects of the drink. It was found a high number of carcinogens. They can provoke cancer with thermal damage to the esophagus. Oncology can also occur in the lungs and bladder. Therefore, the harm of tea is undeniable, and people should not abuse this drink.

tea erba mate

Cooking method

Mate is brewed in a special bowl called calabash. Not all users know about this, and therefore often prepare it in an ordinary teapot. So, mate tea (how to brew correctly we will tell later) is poured into calabash so that it fills 2/3 of its volume. Now the dish should be shaken several times and tilted at an angle of 45 degrees. Thanks to this maneuver, the space in the tank to be installed in the tank will be freed up - this is a special tube made of wood or metal on which the filter is located. Placing the stick, turn the calabash in a horizontal position.

Then, carefully, according to the line of the tube, pour cold water. Its amount should also occupy 2/3 of the vacated space. For hot liquid, 1/3 of the remaining amount will remain. Calabash is recommended to fill with liquid to the edges themselves.

mate tea how to brew

Some more recipes

In addition to the classical method of making mate, you can brew it with milk. To do this, boil one liter of milk with a fat content of 1.5%. Add four to five tablespoons of tea to it, remove the container from the heat, infuse the drink for ten minutes, mix and drink. You can also brew dry leaves with juice. Orange nectar is added to calabash instead of cold water. A small piece of sugar is put in there.

How to drink mate tea?

This drink is used from the same dishes in which it is brewed. They drink it very slowly, while trying to sip the thick, which remained at the bottom of the vessel, with small sips. Mate is infused from 30 seconds to two minutes. You must try to drink tea in this short time, otherwise it acquires a bitter taste. All those who value the drink for its excellent healing properties know how to drink tea from Paraguayan holly.

tea mate reviews


So, a lot has been said about the mat, its benefits, contraindications, method of preparation and use. But is everything really that good? This is better told by those who have already managed to try this wonderful tea.

Mate tea, reviews of which are very different, some consumers characterize as an incredibly strong drink. In addition, many note that the equipment necessary for brewing is used only in restaurants, at home the liquid is prepared in the usual way, and bombilla and calabash are not used at all.

There are reviews about the fact that thanks to the mat you can get rid of vitamin deficiency and irritation on the skin.


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