3 maternity hospital in Moscow: reviews

Young Muscovites, who are soon expecting replenishment in the family, in connection with the upcoming event, are often worried about the question of which hospital is better to give birth. And this is really very important, because not only the mood for the expected complex process, but also its successful outcome depends on how you will be received at such a crucial moment.

How to get there

3 maternity hospital in Moscow

3 Moscow maternity hospital has been actively helping pregnant women for almost forty years. Qualified employees do everything for the safe and successful birth of babies. This cozy building is located in a quiet corner on Nezhinskaya Street. You can get to it by metro, following to the Kievskaya or Universitet station, and then by minibus or bus to MESI or the hospital itself.

A little bit about everything

Maternity hospital 3 in Moscow is considered one of the best and modern buildings in terms of technical equipment. In this obstetric institution over the years of its existence, thousands and thousands of healthy and strong babies were born. And all this thanks to the tireless work of medical personnel. This Moscow maternity hospital is designed for the simultaneous reception of almost a hundred women in labor. Of these, 83 pregnant women can receive help in the antenatal department of pathology. Modern rooms for 3-4 people are equipped with everything necessary for their treatment and a comfortable stay.

Maternity hospital 3 reviews 2014 Moscow

In the department where the birth takes place directly, and after which the woman who has already become a mother rests for two hours, there are 14 separate boxes equipped with the latest technology. Such equipment as infusomats, electric pumps, modern cardiomonitors often come to the rescue in case of complications during childbirth. Ultrasound examination devices allow to determine the pathology of the fetus already in the early stages of pregnancy. In some cases, according to the testimony of leading specialist doctors, anesthesia and stimulation are provided for women in labor. According to statistics from this institution, cesarean section is performed in 11 percent of patients.

What do they say about him?

You can hear a wide variety of reviews about the maternity hospital 3. Moscow is full of rumors: someone liked everything, and someone making too high demands on his person makes rather unflattering remarks. Let’s find out what women felt about him about those few, but for all their life, memorable days spent in this medical institution.

Reviews about the maternity hospital 3 Moscow

Here they become moms

This hospital is usually chosen by those women who live in the Western administrative district of the capital. In terms of medical care, it is here that pregnant patients are registered, and in the following months until their birth they monitor their condition. The special attention of doctors and midwives helps them go through the entire process of bearing a child and his birth without undue hassle and excitement. 3 Moscow maternity hospital has long been practicing the presence of a husband at childbirth, which pleases many couples, because together it becomes much easier to overcome the inevitable fear and pain. It is also noteworthy that every woman in the birth hall lies behind a separate partition, not seeing what other women in labor are doing.

And not only this is famous among the people maternity hospital 3 (Moscow). Reviews about him, and mostly positive, can be heard literally in any corner of the capital. One of the first he began to practice the method of sharing the birth of a child with his mother. And such an idea was conceived already at the construction stage of this building. In order for a healthy and strong baby to be born, in addition to obstetrician-gynecologists and pediatricians, other specialists observe the women during the entire period of pregnancy.

Responses of women in childbirth

Joy and warmth overwhelmed the maternity hospital 3 reviews (2014). Moscow, Nezhinskaya street, 3 - here not one thousand children were born. They vied with each other for praising doctors who had been working diligently here for decades.

Maternity Hospital 3 in Moscow

3 Moscow Maternity Hospital recently opened a resuscitation unit for children. It includes boxes of resuscitation and intensive care for babies. There is the same department for adults here, fully equipped with medical diagnostic equipment. It is possible to perform operations using modern methods of anesthesiology. Often even use the epidural method of pain relief.

In this institution, various tactics of childbirth are practiced. Sometimes its appearance is applied as a vertical one. But, of course, any woman cannot give birth in this way, since in order to do this it is necessary to undergo mandatory preliminary training. The obstetricians working here are fluent in this innovative technique for giving birth. For this, the department has special chairs and rugs to help ease the condition of patients and the birth process itself. Those of women who gave birth in this way leave only the most positive reviews.

Following the program actively implemented here to promote and preserve breastfeeding, the 3rd maternity hospital in Moscow has long been applying the early attachment of newborns to the breast.

3 maternity hospital official website Moscow

About the kids

From the very first days, it is allowed to wear born babies in brought clothes: diapers, rompers, panties and diapers. But nevertheless, in our time, doctors more often recommend not swaddling, but immediately accustoming them to freely move their arms and legs. 3 Moscow maternity hospital uses special envelopes for this, which can be used before discharge. Which, of course, also causes approval among women in labor who have been here.

Young mothers are informed in a timely manner about all appointments that a pediatrician prescribes for newborns. If for some reason their parents refuse the offered medicines and vaccinations, then they, of course, are canceled. In case of a lack of breast milk in a woman, the baby is fed with mixtures. The intensive care unit has 13 places for emergency care for newborns.

In conclusion, we say

The government program to increase the population of Russia, which has been in place for several years, has a positive effect on medical facilities. Words of gratitude and sincere gratitude are saturated with about the maternity hospital 3 reviews-2014. Moscow became the homeland not for one hundred kids who were born here this year. In their responses, women talk about quality service, the professionalism of doctors, the availability of modern technical equipment and the overhaul of classrooms and wards.

maternity hospital 3 moscow reviews

To learn more about the institution, find the information you are interested in, you can go to a page on the network - www.mosgorzdrav.ru. All the latest medical news, including about 3 maternity hospitals, are laid out here. The official website (Moscow, Department of Health - this is its address, it is listed above), filled with useful content, is constantly being updated. Note: on the basis of the hospital, the department of the Russian State Medical University (Russian State Medical University) is actively functioning .

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/B6725/

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