Where do cockroaches come from and how to get rid of them

Where do cockroaches come from? This is a question that many housewives have probably asked themselves. Previously, these insects were the real scourge of mankind, but several years ago, according to scientists, almost disappeared without a trace due to the radiation of telephones. However, recently cockroaches have again intensified, so you need to know how to avoid their appearance and how to deal with them.

Where do cockroaches come from?

Where do the cockroaches come from in the house

Contrary to popular belief, cockroaches never start themselves, even if a terrible mess reigns in the house. A cockroach must be brought into the house, and a very clean housekeeper can do this by accident. Another thing is that in an uncleaned house they take root much easier, since there they have something to profit from.

A cockroach can get into the house in the following ways:

  • Crawl away from the neighbors. Usually this is how cockroaches appear in apartments of apartment buildings. They crawl through pipelines or ventilation ducts or simply come corny through doors from the entrance.
  • Get along with your purchases. In some stores that are not too clean, you can sometimes find cockroaches, and they can easily get into the package and so get into your house. Such a “surprise” can also be brought when you buy something on hand or in the market.
  • Return with you from vacation or business trip in baggage along with souvenirs.
  • Arrive in the parcel by mail or by courier from the online store.

By the way, it was the premises that caused the spread of an American cockroach in our country, which previously could only be found in the USA and Canada.

As you can see, a cockroach can easily get into any home, no matter if it’s dirty or removed. And insects breed very quickly, and therefore you need to get rid of them urgently and decisively.

Cockroaches, by the way, are of different types, and the methods of their breeding and the reasons for their appearance depend on this.

Red cockroaches

Red, or brown cockroaches, are the most common variety of these insects, which is also called the Prussians.

Such cockroaches eat leftover food and are generally not very dangerous, but very unpleasant and can spoil the remaining open food. By the way, for their life it is very important that the house has free access to water - and usually this happens with problems with plumbing.

Where do the cockroaches come from in the house

Black cockroaches

Black cockroaches are a rarer species. They are found in private homes, as well as in high-rise buildings, but usually not higher than the fifth floor. Such cockroaches come, as a rule, from sewers and garbage bins.

Black cockroaches are very large, so the question of where the large cockroaches come from is usually addressed to them. Sometimes they reach three centimeters in length! Such cockroaches breed quite slowly, but they are much more dangerous than their red brethren, because they smell unpleasant and suffer various serious diseases:

  • Diphtheria.
  • Typhoid fever.
  • Dysentery.
  • Helminthiasis.

Where do the black cockroaches come from

You can become infected if you eat the foods on which they crawled. Therefore, the question of where the black cockroaches come from is very relevant, because it is very important to prevent their appearance at home.

Black cockroaches need to be more feared, although in terms of their number they are usually less than red ones.

White cockroaches

White cockroaches are not a separate species. The fact is that some time after molting, the skin of the Prusak becomes very thin and white. We rarely see such cockroaches, since usually after molting they try to sit in shelters.

To the question of where the white cockroaches come from, there is another answer. Occasionally they turn white due to the fact that a person poisons them - caustic chemicals can deprive the shell of a brown color. The cockroach itself can survive.

Where do the white cockroaches come from

Where do cockroaches come from in their homes?

It is not difficult to answer the question of where the cockroaches come from in a private house. They enter private houses in the same way as they enter apartments - from the street from neighbors or with purchases from the store. By the way, because the cockroaches can’t tolerate the cold, in the winter they will definitely not be able to come to you from their neighbors. In the warm season, black individuals sometimes creep into houses located next to garbage dumps.

Why are cockroaches moving to other places

Most often, insects still come to us from neighbors. However, many people are wondering where the cockroaches come from if they used to live with their neighbors, and they felt good there. This question is not very complicated - cockroaches migrate to new habitats. And they do it for the following reasons:

  • Because of too fast breeding, the number of cockroaches is constantly increasing. Over time, they simply no longer have enough food and space for the entire population, and insects creep into other rooms.
  • Change in living conditions. If your neighbors suddenly start to poison cockroaches or if they go on a long business trip and leave them without food and water, then living there will become very uncomfortable with an insect. As a result, they will leave en masse, and it is possible that in your apartment.

Where do cockroaches come from in a private house

What cockroaches need for life

Cockroaches are unpretentious creatures. They are resistant to many poisons and can live without a head for several days, but they still need some conditions for their existence:

  • Plus temperature. Cockroaches are actually exotic insects that have come to us from the tropics, so that the negative temperature instantly kills them. That is why they live on the premises, not on the streets. By the way, before they fought cockroaches - they just left the house for a couple of days without heating. But now it is difficult to realize - even with shut-off heating valves in the house it will still be too warm.
  • Water. Cockroaches cannot live categorically without water - like people, they need even more food. Therefore, if you can’t get rid of cockroaches in any way, you might think: do you have an open source of water in your house? A dripping tap, condensation on the stove, even a couple of drops on the kitchen sink - this is enough for the insects to quench their thirst. So if you take out cockroaches, then be sure to eliminate all leaking pipes and constantly wipe the surfaces dry.
  • Food. Of course, cockroaches also need food. They all eat, both fresh and spoiled. If there is no other food, you can eat skin or paper for some time. Therefore, during the removal of cockroaches, it is very important to hide all food, carefully shake off the crumbs and wipe the countertops and stoves, as well as take out garbage at night. In general, remove food from free access.

Is it hard to fight

The fight against cockroaches is a rather difficult matter. These creatures have a very high survivability, so it will not be easy to expel them from your apartment - it will take a lot of time and effort. True, in finance this business is not particularly costly, since all funds from cockroaches are usually inexpensive. Unless replacing plumbing to block access to water can be expensive.

Where do cockroaches come from and how to get rid

Here are some facts about cockroaches that show their vitality:

  • A headless cockroach can live for at least ten days. It is also capable of reproducing during this period.
  • Cockroaches live even in conditions of very strong radiation and feel at the same time comfortable.
  • For forty days they can live without food. Moreover, the hunger strike does not weaken them, but makes them aggressive - cockroaches can even begin to bite, and it is very painful!
  • Too many poisons of cockroaches do not take. And they quickly get used to toxic agents, so poison should be used only proven, and periodically change it to another.

Cockroaches: where do they come from and how to get rid

The fight against these insects, as we said above, because of their vitality will be a long and painstaking task.

Where did the cockroaches come from, we found out, it remains to understand how to survive them from home. Typically, the fight against cockroaches is carried out in several stages:

  1. Thoroughly clean the entire apartment and pay special attention to the kitchen. Wash the floor everywhere, wipe the surface from grease and dirt. Keep your cockroaches clean all the time.
  2. Buy special insecticides at the store. They are gel and aerosol, and you can use them together - first treat everything with a spray, and then lubricate the places where cockroaches often appear with gel.
  3. Repeat the treatment regularly to kill young cockroaches that have just hatched from eggs.
  4. If the number of cockroaches continues to increase, change the insecticide.
  5. If you are sure that cockroaches are crawling towards you from your neighbors, then take a number of measures. As much as possible block all openings through which cockroaches can get to you, for example, pipe risers. Cover the ventilation openings with grilles, the mesh cells of which will have a minimum size. In addition, treat all potential passes with gel or chalk.

Where do the big cockroaches come from

If you do everything right and be patient, then soon you can forget about cockroaches. However, remember that if they continue to live with their neighbors, then once you give slack, cockroaches will crawl to you. Perhaps a way out of this situation will help a conversation with soul mates and a proposal to help remove insects from them.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/B6729/

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