Methods for treating basal cell carcinoma

Basalioma is a malignant neoplasm that affects the skin. Several methods have been developed to eliminate this disease. Much is determined by the stage, form and individual characteristics, the general state of the patient’s health, and the localization of the neoplasm. The method of treatment of basal cell carcinoma is selected taking into account concomitant diseases.

ointment treatment

What to try?

The classic approach to the treatment of the disease is radiation and photodynamic therapy. In some cases, treatment of basal cell carcinoma is most promising with a laser or cryogenic technology, using radio wave surgery. In addition to the surgical approach, medication can show good results. The listed methods pursue the goal - this is the complete destruction of the malignant formation. The most categorical approach to the treatment of basal cell carcinoma is surgical excision.

Basal cell carcinoma is one of the malignant neoplasms, therefore, the classic technique for eliminating pathology is radiation. This option is optimal when the formation is relatively small. However, there are weaknesses in the treatment of facial skin basal cell carcinoma using this method: not only harmful, but also healthy cell formations suffer from a negative factor. The duration of the course is from a month or more, which is also widely estimated as a significant drawback of the approach.

What will help?

Treatment of basal cell carcinoma is possible with a radical method - removal. There are several ways, you can use a laser, excision, liquid nitrogen. The latter method is a direct effect on the transformed region with a specific substance. During contact with liquid nitrogen, the formation is completely destroyed. True, this option is not always applicable.

If the tumor is localized on the face, laser treatment of basal cell carcinoma will be optimal. In some cases, the doctor decides in favor of a combined approach. To understand which approach is optimal for a particular case, it is important to analyze exactly where the tumor is located, how large it is, and at what stage the process is currently. Basal cell carcinoma only in a small percentage of cases becomes a source of metastases, but relapse is characteristic of the pathology.

Laser: Features

This approach to the treatment of basal cell carcinoma is considered the most common. Special preparatory measures before the operation are not required. Using a modern installation makes it possible to destroy a malignant tumor in just one approach, while maintaining healthy tissue without damage. Even complete anesthesia is not required, local anesthesia is enough - a special ointment or other remedy that allows you to stop the sensitivity of the operation area.

laser treatment of basal cell carcinoma

If, based on the diagnosis of basal cell carcinoma, laser treatment was chosen as the most suitable option for a particular case, then consider that the technology is relatively sparing. As part of the intervention, the beam affects a strictly limited area, and the operation itself takes a minimum of time. Under the influence of the apparatus, malignant tissues are heated and evaporated. The unit itself does not come into contact with the skin of the patient, so there is no risk of infection. Cooling systems, which are equipped with all modern appliances, allow you to carry out therapeutic measures painlessly and safely. All sensations of the patient - a slight tingling in the area of ​​impact.

We operate competently

The surgical treatment for basal cell carcinoma is Moss technology. As part of such an event, thin organic layers are removed from the affected area, which are then examined under a microscope. This procedure is repeated cyclically until the removed sample is completely safe. The main advantage of this method is minimal damage to healthy tissues, while a malignant neoplasm is removed efficiently, cleanly and without consequences.

It is very important to start the treatment of the disease immediately after confirming the diagnosis. As can be seen from the reviews, the treatment of basal cell carcinoma is effective if not delayed by contacting a qualified doctor. The more severe the case, the longer the formation develops, the more problematic it will be to get rid of the tumor.

Features and forecasts

The outcome of the selected therapeutic effect will be worse if the neoplasm is observed on the face near the lips, nose or organs of vision. If the formation has already developed to a two-centimeter diameter and larger, it has uneven borders, not clear enough, if the tumor is formed according to the infiltrative type, basquamose, micronodular, the prognosis worsens. The situation is complicated by localization near a large blood vessel or an important accumulation of nerve cells. Finally, the prognosis is worse for people with weakened immune systems and other pathologies associated with basal cell carcinoma.

radiation treatment of basal cell carcinoma

Radical approaches in the general case in the treatment of skin basal cell carcinoma give a more reliable result, therefore it is preferable to resort to them. At the same time, medicine knows a fairly large percentage of cases of a positive outcome when treatment was carried out with medications.

What to use?

Unlike other malignant neoplasms, with the type of tumors under consideration, cytostatics, drugs that inhibit the immune system, will not benefit. General chemotherapy causes significant harm to the body, as it provokes numerous side effects, but it affects the tumor cells too weakly to be justified. A much more successful approach is the treatment of basal cell carcinoma with ointments, creams, gels. Such drugs are usually well tolerated by patients, directly affect the area of ​​the neoplasm.

It is reasonable to use chemotherapy for topical application if the malignant formation in diameter is not more than 7 mm. This method is used for relapse of the disease. The most common name is Omain, 5-fluorouracil. Doctors often prescribe Prospidine.

Operation: when is it necessary?

As is known, radical treatment of skin basal cell carcinoma is not only effective, but is rarely accompanied by relapse (in comparison with other approaches to therapy). If there is an opportunity to perform an operation, the doctor will recommend it. It does not matter at what stage the disease was detected. If the tumor is relatively small, you can use a local or laser instead of surgical therapy.

basalioma treatment methods

Unlike more dangerous types of cancer, with basal cell carcinoma, one treatment method is often enough, combination therapy is not required. But large sizes already oblige to carry out both surgery and treatment of basal cell irradiation. In this case, the region is excised, all malignant cells and tissues are completely removed from the patient's body.

How is it going?

Effective and safe can only be called such an operation, which is carried out in a hospital setting. Collaborate with qualified doctors with access to modern equipment and medicines. A very important aspect is maintaining perfect sterility. Anesthesia is selected, focusing on the estimated volumes of intervention, the localization of education, the patient’s health status. If the patient is up to 60 years old, a conductive, local, infiltrative anesthesia technique is recommended. This is optimal if the formation is located on the limbs, body, and the size is up to a centimeter in diameter.

If the diagnosed basal cell is more than a centimeter, spinal anesthesia is required. This is especially true if there is suspicion of the involvement of nearby structures in the transformation process. If basal cell carcinoma is found on the back, neck, general anesthesia is required for patients of any age category.

Some features

A specific feature of this type of malignant neoplasm is the unpredictability of the clarity of boundaries. In some patients, the formation is limited, while in others it is blurry, smeared. The second option is associated with a worse prognosis, the inability to use some therapeutic approaches. This is not a reason to begin treatment of basal cell carcinoma with folk remedies - it is important to trust a doctor who can choose a more or less adequate method of classical medicine. This is much more effective than any folk recipes whose reliability is a big question. When it comes to the life and death of the patient, it is unacceptable to take risks, hoping that the prescriptions of the healers will help to cope with the terrible diagnosis.

basalioma treatment reviews

It often happens that the borders of the neoplasm cannot be clearly defined, since small ulcers appear on the edges, malignant processes spread to neighboring healthy cells. Before starting the operation to remove the neoplasm, the specialist carefully examines the tumor edges through magnifying devices and makes a resection based on the information received. It is necessary to retreat a short distance from the neoplasm itself. Its dimensions are determined by how large the formation is. This reduces the risk of relapse, residual malignant cells.

Opinions differ

Our practice of treating basal cell carcinoma involves a retreat of at least two centimeters for small neoplasms, and for larger ones, three centimeters. But Western doctors in any of the options practice indentation within five millimeters. Medical statistics say that with a three-millimeter indentation, the risk of relapse is estimated at 15%, 5 mm - 5%.

The more indents from the border of the neoplasm, the lower the likelihood of relapse. On the other hand, defects after surgery will be much larger. Even the largest indentation is associated with a probability of relapse, estimated at 3%. This is due to structural features of the cell skin layer in which malignant cells develop. Basal structures actively grow along blood vessels, nerve fibers, so during surgery it is impossible to remove all potentially dangerous areas.

Effectively and in the spirit of the times

The most advanced and technologically advanced approach available to modern doctors is MOHS. It was first proposed back in the thirties of the last century, and is now being effectively finalized. The logic of this approach has already been described above - diseased tissue layers are cut off one by one until the surgeon reaches clean and healthy skin. In this case, the tumor is first excised by the classical technique. It is important to comply with the indentation limits. The wound is covered with a tampon, without suturing, the patient is sent to rest in a prepared room.

basal cell skin treatment

The samples obtained from the patient are examined on equipment, dividing into layers, staining each of them according to the developed specific technique. If at each section pathologically changed areas are surrounded by healthy ones, we can talk about successful intervention. If such a sample is found where the edge of the cut and the tumor are in contact, repeated removal should be performed. In this case, the surgeon knows exactly which site to process. New samples are also sent for laboratory research.

How long, how short ...

On average, Mosa's operation requires eight hours, sometimes stretching for days. There are cases when the event took three days (including breaks). This duration is fully justified by its effectiveness: the pace of treatment is high, the likelihood of relapse is minimal. In some of the best clinics on our planet, relapse risks are estimated at tenths of a percent.

From the beginning

The easiest way to cure basal cell carcinoma is if the disease is detected in the first stage. During this period, all known methods of combating cancer pathology show effectiveness. Usually a single method is sufficient. The doctor examines the patient and, based on a full-fledged clinical picture, decides what will be the most promising and effective approach - surgery, laser, nitrogen, medical treatment. Success rate without subsequent relapse is estimated at 97%. Choosing the option of local therapy in the form of ointments, gels, a full histological analysis of the transformed tissues should be carried out - this is the only way to determine which drug will be more effective than others.

basalioma skin treatment

The second stage is not so easy to treat - usually you have to carry out two-stage therapy. First, a transformed area is excised with surgical techniques, and then a training course is started. The larger the neoplasm, the less applicable are liquid nitrogen and a laser. Chemotherapy in the second stage is practically not used.


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