Cook peach compote

Peach compote is a fragrant and very tasty drink, which even the most inept chef can cook. Such a compote can be drunk just like that, or you can serve such a drink as a gourmet dessert.

To prepare a delicious compote, you will need a pound of sweet ripe peaches, a liter of water and sugar. The amount of sand is determined by taste. Those who don’t really like sugary drinks can take half a glass, and it is recommended for sweet tooth to increase the norm by putting, for example, three quarters of a glass of sugar.

To cook the compote, you need to select only healthy fruits that do not have traces of bumps and other spots. Peaches are washed, cut in a hollow into two halves, and the bones are extracted from them. Do peels peel? Usually they are not advised to do this, since the skin itself leaves during the cooking process.

We start to cook peach compote. Put fruit in an enamel pan, pour sugar and pour water. We are waiting for the compote to boil, and then greatly reduce the heat so that the liquid only “gurgles” slightly. Cook the compote in this mode for about five minutes, and then remove from the stove and leave to cool completely. During this time, peach compote will infuse and acquire a characteristic aroma and taste. In this dessert, not only the liquid is tasty, but also the fruits themselves, which retain their shape, but become slightly softer than fresh ones.

Of course, today it’s not a problem to buy peaches in the winter, but their cost will be quite high. Therefore, many housewives prefer to make preparations by closing the peach compote for the winter.

The preparation of this type of canned food is not particularly difficult, but requires compliance with certain rules.

Firstly, the peaches that go to the workpiece must be the same size, have the correct shape and smooth surface, without defects. Secondly, the fruits should not be soft and overripe; tasty compote cannot be made from such raw materials.

To preserve the compote at home, it is better to choose varieties of peaches, in which the stone is easily separated. As for the skin, there are different opinions about the need to remove it. However, the most transparent and beautiful-looking peach compote can be obtained if the peel is still removed.

There are two ways to peel fruit. You can simply clean it with a knife, but in this case, the appearance of the compote will suffer, since the surface of the peaches will be uneven and rugged. It is much easier to remove the skin if you pre-sprinkle the fruit with boiling water. After this treatment, the skin is removed very easily even with your fingers.

And if it is decided not to remove the peel, then each peach must be wiped with a woolen cloth to remove the existing fluff.

Prepared halves of peaches (pitted) are placed in cleanly washed jars. To get as many fruits as possible into the container, you must put them with the convex side up. Then the jars are filled with hot, but not boiling syrup, without adding about two centimeters to the edge of the neck.

Sugar syrup for the preparation of this compote is prepared with a concentration of 35-40%, that is, 600-670 grams of sugar is required per liter of water. With this proportion, we get 1300-1400 grams of syrup. This amount is enough to fill about five liter jars filled with peaches.

So that our harvesting can be stored for a long time, fruit jars in syrup must be sent for sterilization. From the moment of boiling water, liter jars should be kept in boiling water for 20 minutes. Then they are alternately removed from the sterilizer, immediately rolled up and put upside down. Wrap peach compote in a blanket is not necessary, let the banks cool in the air.

Stewed peaches, conservation of which is carried out in accordance with all the rules, can be stored for a year at room temperature.


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