How to deal with depression

Probably, many people are familiar with this state: everything around is seen in gloomy colors, nothing pleases, sheer apathy, I don’t want to do anything at all, it seems - everything, life failed! This is depression, but to cope with this condition is possible and necessary. It is not so difficult if its process has not been started and has not become chronic, because then you will have to turn to specialists for help so that they answer the question: how to cope with depression? So, a few tips for trying to get rid of this scourge.

First: you do not need to lock yourself in and sit in four walls. Go to friends, chat, splash out your emotions, tell loved ones about your problems. The voiced problem no longer looks so scary - so the black shadows hastily creep away from the first rays of the sun and disappear. A friend can reassure you, make it clear that your problems are far-fetched and not at all important, tell me how to cope with depression. The main thing is not to be alone with your gloomy thoughts.

Second: lead an active lifestyle, even if you absolutely do not want to do anything, but on the contrary, there is a desire to lie buried in a pillow and feel sorry for yourself. Go to the gym, get busy at home with general cleaning, your favorite thing - the main thing is not to lock yourself in, this will not bring relief from depression. The main thing, remember, movement is life! Next - love yourself. Go to the beauty salon, do a luxurious hairstyle and makeup. Then go shopping, buy a beautiful dress that you have long wanted, but it was a pity for the money. Go out and catch admiring men's looks. And then the question itself will disappear: how to cope with depression. Love yourself - and others will love you!

Very important: positive emotions, thoughts and attitude. You will think about the bad - it will be fulfilled. Love yourself, teach not to pay attention to rudeness, offensive words, slanting looks. Learn to see in people only the good, to forgive others for their weaknesses - and the world will flourish with completely different colors.

And how to cope with depression, if all of the above does not help, if gnawing resentment, envy, self-pity, if it seems that he lived wrong and all in vain? You just need to stop eating yourself, regret your past life and done actions. This is all life experience, perhaps it was needed for something. He taught something, gave something. Forgive yourself everything that you think is bad in your past, live on and enjoy life!

Many people ask the question: what to do with depression? Answer: live. To begin with, analyze why you had such a state that it caused it? Maybe already once it was - what caused it? Try to figure out what hurts your psyche and get rid of it. Do not engage in self-criticism and self-abasement, do not bite and do not rebuke yourself, do not complain about a failed life, this will only aggravate the situation.

Very often, people who ask how to cope with depression can be advised to go to church. Perhaps you are being bitten by some old sins and haunted. Confessing and repenting of your sins, you will breathe deeply and feel how the stone fell from your soul, and everything inside was cleansed of a heavy load, and life began to sparkle in colorful colors.

And the main thing: remember, the perception of the world around you depends on your lifestyle. A depressed mood, heavy thoughts, and the expectation of failures contribute to bringing them into your life. If you see the world and the surrounding reality through pink glasses, it will seem much more attractive. Dark glasses worsen the perception of the surrounding reality and make life unsightly, stick out all the flaws and strengthen them many times. And if you can’t do it yourself, psychotherapists and antidepressants can help. Good luck and good mood!


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