FSIN salary - increase, calculation features and recommendations

What salary is provided to FSIN employees in Moscow and other Russian cities in 2019? How much money do medical inspectors and other workers earn? Today, society is very concerned about high crime, along with the ability of the authorities to neutralize it. Therefore, the development of a structure that is in charge of order and security matters is considered relevant, we are talking about the Federal Penitentiary Service.

FSIN and tasks of employees of this organization

The primary tasks of these employees include, first of all, control over the execution of the court sentence along with ensuring that suspects or convicts stay in appropriate conditions of isolation from the main society. Thus, almost all employees of prisons and places of deprivation of liberty are the employees of the FSIN, however, at the same time, these official units are also involved in other structures. Among other things, the tasks of the service in question include the following actions:

FSIN salary increase
  • Exercise of control over conditionally convicted citizens.
  • Protection of convicts in places of detention from the slightest arbitrariness, along with the enforcement of their rights.
  • Carrying out the escort.
  • Carrying out social adaptation of citizens who have left prison.

As you can see, the functions of this structure are quite diverse, but the most basic of them consists precisely in the need to ensure the maintenance of those accused of imprisonment. And this means that all employees of the FSIN must be physically prepared.

What changes await the FSIN in 2019?

In addition to changes in the procedure for issuing and calculating salaries in the FSIN, the following changes are planned. Regarding the reorganization of this service, at least the following three points are clear:

  • The change of the supervising ministry is expected. The functions of the execution of sentences will be transferred from the Ministry of Justice to the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
  • A significant part of the staff will be transferred to civilian posts.
  • There is no discussion of reducing the number of employees of the service in question. Moreover, this department is experiencing an acute shortage of personnel. Therefore, it intends to lure the former military into its structure along with young people who did not serve. And it is obvious that without the financial motivation of such recruits, this task is impossible.

As for the change of the supervising ministry, experts still disagree, however, most of them agree that such a process will be controversial and unpredictable.

salary of employees of the FSIN

Salary increase for FSIN employees

Will the FSIN pay increase in 2019? The change in the status of an employee from military to civilian civil servants is associated primarily with the loss of a number of various preferences and benefits. It is known that epaulets are preserved only by those citizens who are directly involved in the protection of convicts, and the remaining categories will be in civilian clothes. FSIN salaries will increase this year, most likely, as planned, only with the October indexation, which will be four and a half percent.

For these purposes, according to the data, 5.6 billion have already been allocated. It is worth noting that in the previous 2018, only 4.4 were provided. As for the subsequent 2020, the amount of financial resources for indexing such employees will be at least 10.4 million, which is almost two times more than in 2019. Thus, the increase in income for the employees of the service in question will certainly be, and not only through indexing, but due to a real increase in all staff salaries.

FSIN what salary

Thus, the question of what salary the FSIN has today and whether it will increase the salary is not worth it. It is only clear that the increase will definitely happen, but one-time significant increase should not be expected, since everything will happen in stages. It is important to emphasize that the financial structures of the government were given the task that the indexation of profitability should be kept at a level that exceeds the size of annual inflation.

Who can count on an increase?

Experts have repeatedly emphasized that in the structure under consideration a fairly high staff turnover. In turn, the outflow of experienced employees leads to an even greater deterioration of the current situation, and in addition to an increase in the number of escapes, criminal offenses and suicides within the walls of correctional institutions. In this regard, it was decided to increase the salary in the FSIN for those employees who wear epaulettes, as well as for all military personnel.

salary increase for FSIN employees

Regarding workers who hold atypical positions, their salaries will be reviewed upward along with federal employees, that is, an indexation of 4.3% will occur.

Given the fact that doctors with teachers, psychologists in the ranks of the Federal Penitentiary Service are not subordinate to the Ministry of Health or the Ministry of Education and Science, they will not be able to count on an increase in wages together with other state employees. Their salaries will be counted together with other employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service. This applies to the following categories of persons:

  • Teachers of educational institutions, the Institute for Advanced Studies, the educational organization of higher education, the Federal Penitentiary Service and so on.
  • Employees of the scientific and research institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service.
  • Doctors of preventive and improving institutions, and in addition, hospitals for convicted, correctional medical organizations.

Features of the calculation

The salary in the Federal Penitentiary Service implies an increase in the budget allocation to increase wages for labor, it is laid down in the framework of the draft federal budget. In addition, the legislative act provides for further growth of payments at a level not lower than inflation:

  • A 3.8% increase is expected in 2020.
  • 4% in the subsequent 2021th.

True, the final values ​​in the coming periods will directly depend on the actual inflation rate, but in any case, the growth of wages for three years will not be less than twelve percent.

FSIN of Russia salary increase

Dates of salary increase in the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia

An increase in salaries for the criminal and executive system employees is scheduled for October this year. That is, the first three quarters of the salary will remain at the same level. A small surcharge from the beginning of the year can be received by cadets and junior inspectors, whose income does not reach the total amount of the minimum payment. Since January, the minimum wage has increased to 11,280 rubles. But in the framework of calculating surcharges, the minimum values ​​of a particular region are taken into account. Therefore, a significant increase will be able to get employees of the northern regions, where the minimum wage is an order of magnitude higher.

What is taken into account when calculating wages: additional features of the calculation

As in any militarized structures, the salary of FSIN employees is distinguished by a complex, but transparent accrual principle. When calculating it, many of the following factors are taken into account:

  • Position along with rank.
  • Actual length of service with available qualifications.
  • Special achievements within the service combined with conscientiousness of duty.

The salary is influenced by the category of the correctional institution, and at the same time, its occupancy. In addition to the main two salaries, the following allowances are due:

  • For the risk factor and secrecy.
  • Difficult labor conditions.
  • Regional importance.
    FSIN salary increase

Additionally, employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service receive compensation for renting housing, assistance once a year with a one-time social payment for the purchase or construction of a housing facility. In this regard, the salary in the Federal Penitentiary Service for employees with the same position and title may differ significantly. According to statistics, the average earnings in the structure, as a rule, are twenty-two thousand rubles. And immediately after the upcoming October recalculation, they should grow to 22,950. Next, we find out what is the amount of funding for this area of ​​activity in other countries.

Comparison of wages with other countries

Of course, an increase in the salary of the FSIN in Russia is necessary. And although the total earnings of such employees in the Far East, as well as in the Far North, are pretty good by Russian parameters, in other regions it leaves much to be desired. This is especially true for ordinary workers. Against the background of salaries of employees of similar structures in comparison with European countries, Russian statistics look rather sad.

So, for example, in Poland, the average salary in the structure of the execution of sentences, as a rule, is about $ 900, in Greece - twice this amount, in France - 3600, and in England - as much as 3700. Moreover, the average salary in the Federal Penitentiary Service is An employee in the framework of the transfer to American currency usually stays in the region of $ 660.

Russian FSIN salaries


Thus, few would like to directly encounter in their lives the activities of employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service. Nevertheless, this work is very important for ensuring the necessary law and order in the state. As you can see, compared to other states in our country, this area of ​​activity is rather poorly funded. In this regard, the government is trying to find ways to increase the remuneration of the employees concerned.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/B6738/

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