Pork with pumpkin: gourmet dishes

The combination of meat with vegetables has long been considered the most successful - both in taste and in terms of usefulness. And the best company is each other pork and pumpkin. Aroma, taste, satiety and a beautiful sight - all on one plate!

pork with pumpkin

Pork with pumpkin: recipe for dinner

This dish is prepared simply and not for long. Vegetables and meat are taken equally; for a family of two, 300 grams of both will suffice. Pumpkin and pork are cut in the same medium cubes, two onions - as you prefer, four garlic cloves can be cut, can be used whole.

Half a glass of good rice is boiled until half cooked. Fry is made from onion, then meat is added, and the process continues until it is lightened. Then pumpkin with garlic is poured, the fire is screwed, and the contents of the wok are extinguished for about a quarter of an hour. The last half-prepared cereal is poured. Ten minutes under the lid - and dinner is ready. Best of all, such pork with pumpkin "goes" under fresh vegetables and herbs. Radish, small tomatoes, feather, cilantro - what is there for the season.

pumpkin with pork

Sweet and sour pork sauce with pumpkin

The main components will be meat, golden vegetable and tomatoes. In total, a third of a kilogram is taken; the ingredients are cut in equal cubes. First, pork is fried until evenly tanned. When it appears, wine is poured - red, semisweet, two-thirds of a glass. Evaporation takes about ten minutes, then the same amount of caramelization of meat is given. Pumpkin is added, and immediately - half a glass of soy sauce. Five minutes of frying, and the fire is made smaller so that the pork and pumpkin are steamed a little. As the vegetable softens, tomatoes pour in. It is also necessary to salt it, but not much, since the sauce is already salted. The final cooking is given another ten minutes. Eat delicious with any side dish or just vegetables.

pork with pumpkin recipe

Spanish recipe

Very suitable for those who like baked pork with pumpkin. The recipe with a photo will surely convince you to join the culinary fans of sunny Spain. You will need a kilogram piece of a good part of the carcass and a little more than a pound of pumpkin, cut into large slices. For the marinade, the chopped clove of garlic with a pinch of salt is ground with olive oil, after which two tablespoons of vinegar (wine) and a spoonful of cardamom, paprika and cumin are added here. Half of the resulting composition of pork is rubbed on all sides and left overnight. The next day, the rings of one onion are allowed to soften; pumpkin slices are placed on a baking sheet, the remaining marinade and onion are distributed over them. The top of the pyramid will be a piece of meat. This masterpiece will be baked for almost an hour. And eating is much faster.

pork with pumpkin in the oven


Stuffed pork with pumpkin in the oven is very interesting . Only it should be stuffed in a special way. A large, up to a kilogram, piece of pulp (the most resembling a rectangle is selected) is cut by parallel slits. Not until the end, so that individual slices do not turn out. The meat is sprinkled with salt and spices. Pumpkin is cut with plates no thicker than 0.5 cm, and three dense large tomatoes are cut in circles. Pumpkin is put into cuts, meat is placed in a mold and laid on top with tomatoes, and on the sides with the remaining pumpkin. The design is baked for half an hour, after which cheese plates are placed on top, and the baking sheet returns to the oven for another quarter hour. When serving, the molten cheese can be cut to present a “harmonica” and simplify its separation into portions.

pork with pumpkin recipe with photo

Seductive casserole

When creating a dish, cooking must be creative. For example, pork with pumpkin may well be supplemented with potatoes and the famous bechamel sauce, as a result of which it will turn into a gourmet worthy dish.

Let's start by frying. For her, the onion is cut into squares, and the carrot is cut into strips. First, the first vegetable is sent to the pan, when it becomes transparent - the second.

Grams of 600 lean pork are crumbled into not very large cubes, sprinkled with pepper, nutmeg and salt and stacked into shape. Proportional slices of pumpkin (half a kilo) and potatoes (somewhere a kilogram) are added to it, and then the frying is ripe to the right moment.

Now let's start the sauce. Half a pack of oil, about 100 grams, is slowly melted in a skillet. When it hiss, half a glass of flour is poured. It must be vigorously stirred until it becomes slightly brownish. Without stopping to work with a spatula, pour a liter of milk. The sauce is cooked until thickened. In the end, it is salted, peppered and poured into a mold. The dish is placed in the oven for approximately 40-45 minutes. Shortly before cooking, it is sprinkled with grated cheese and “brought to mind” for a few more minutes. This pork with pumpkin is a completely independent dish. In the company, you can add greens to it: chop and sprinkle on top.

Fancy cutlets

If you add pumpkin to the minced meat, and even add the usual recipe with sauce, you will get cutlets, from which you can’t drag a gourmet by the ears. About a third of a kilogram of peeled vegetable, chopped medium-sized, is passed through a meat grinder. Juice is squeezed out of the mass so that the patties do not break up. Separately, half a kilogram of pork with three cloves of garlic and onion is ground. Another onion is finely chopped and fried; butter is taken under frying. All three pieces are combined in a common container, an egg is driven in and a favorite set of spices is added (at least salt and pepper). Stirred minced meat is carefully beaten, not very large meatballs are molded from it and placed on a baking sheet, which is put into the oven for a third of an hour. For the sauce, sour cream and ketchup are mixed in equal amounts, three tablespoons should be enough for the specified amount of products. Cutlets are poured with sauce, and the form is put back for another quarter hour.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/B6741/

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