Artistic processing of photos in Photoshop

In the age of modern technology, cameras are also at their best. The abundance of lenses for different shooting genres, filters and special lenses helps to make an excellent shot almost from the first attempt. But here there are those who wish to further improve. Due to this, various programs for artistic processing of photographs are very popular. The name of the most common of them knows even a child. Of course, we will talk about Photoshop.

What is Photoshop?

Everyone who has a computer, at least once encountered this program, which is the most advanced graphical editor. It can work with any digital image. The number of tools allows artists and photographers to express their imagination to the fullest. It may seem difficult for a beginner to understand, but if you watch a couple of video lessons, everything will fall into place.

art processing of photos

Editor Benefits

How is the artistic processing of photographs in Photoshop different from work in other programs?

  • Availability. The demo version is completely free to download and easily installed on a user computer.
  • Universality. Here, both amateurs and professional designers can create their masterpieces. There are tools for elementary and artistic processing of photographs.
  • A large number of functions. Huge selection of filters and brushes, backgrounds, etc.
  • Free extensions. You can add the missing options by downloading add-ons on the Internet.
  • Easy to learn. If you use the program at an elementary level, it is easy to understand the processing yourself.
  • High image quality.

Photoshop artwork

Program disadvantages

  • The difficulty of mastering on a professional level. It will take a lot of time for successful art processing of photos in Photoshop. But this can be done gradually, paying at least an hour every day. For study, not only your files are suitable, but also taken on the Internet.
  • Full version is paid. You have to pay a certain amount once a month or buy an Adobe software package. They usually subscribe indefinitely. But it can be interrupted by contacting the company 14 days before the next debit.

the most sought after art processing photos

Creative opportunities

With the help of the Photoshop editor, in addition to processing photos in an artistic style, you can perform other tasks: create your own drawings, posters on the wall, images with augmented reality, calendars, covers for magazines and other printed publications, postcards.

art processing of children's photos

Basic working methods

There are many ways to artfully process photos. It is not necessary to use all of them, but it is better to know the capabilities of the program. Some tricks can be very useful depending on the idea.

  • Amplification of lighting. It will be needed to eliminate dark spots and shadows where it is not needed. To do this, highlight the necessary places on an additional layer and impose the original image on it using the ColorDodge tool.
  • Using levels when working with photography helps to soften tones and get rid of highlights.
  • Change in tone. You need to create an adjustment layer and experiment on it with the settings for color tone, saturation and brightness. You can also create several types of fill and lay them on top of each other.
  • Contrast enhancement. Sometimes you want the photo to be clearer and more detailed. Then increase the contrast of midtones.
  • Sunset. Usually the pictures of this part of the day are very beautiful and without additional processing. But sometimes the tones are too cold. To add heat to the frame, use a gradient map where appropriate colors are selected.
  • Mood change. It so happens that the face in the photo lacks a smile. This can also be fixed using Puppet Warp.
  • Correction of skin tone is one of the most popular artistic treatments for photographs. To prevent a person from getting lost in the retouched frame, you can use a separate soft brush to change the hue by pre-setting the values ​​in the Hue / Saturation tab. The program also helps to give the skin an aristocratic pallor or vice versa to emphasize the expressive relief.
  • Noise reduction. This defect often irritates the eye, resembling small grains of sand, unnecessary in the frame. It appears with a lack of natural light and indoor shooting. To remove it, use the channel palette.
  • Create a retro effect or sepia tone. Achieved using filters.
  • Giving expressiveness to the eyes. Apply the blending mode of the layers "Brightness".

Problems for Wedding Photographers

This day is very solemn and hectic at the same time. The person conducting the shooting faces many difficulties, to cope with which only artistic processing of photographs will help. Moody weather will make the day gloomy and cloudy. Too bright sunlight threatens to overexposure the pictures. "Extra" people will fall into the frame. Suddenly the wind will fly, it will rain. A quick change of events does not provide the ability to properly debug settings. A large number of people look at the photographer asynchronously.

programs for artistic photo processing

Quality holiday album

What will help reanimate even the most lost frames? No professional can do without the artistic processing of wedding photography. For a beginner in this field, it will be enough to master the rules of retouching, changing tones and working with color.

Highlight the main trends in the design of images from the day of marriage.

  1. Retro style. From time to time, the fashion for aged romantic images reappears. But the process of working to achieve this effect is rather complicated. You need to be an advanced user of Photoshop.
  2. Bright colors, highlights. Such pictures do not look very natural due to saturation. More like posters or postcards.
  3. Naturalness. The photographer uses only light from the window for shooting and does not add any additional effects during processing. It turns out a very delicate look. What suits the image of a girl getting married.
  4. Classic. Preference is given to calm colors, there are no extra objects in the frame, the exposition is built from what is at the wedding venue. Unrealistic backgrounds, fairy-tale characters, etc. are not drawn. Attention is paid to the emotional state of the groom, bride, their relatives and friends. At the same time, it turns out a very beautiful mesmerizing shooting, requiring only a small arrangement of emphasis in Photoshop.
  5. Beauty retouching is used on almost all close-ups and portraits. A photographer telling a beautiful fairy tale about love needs to make some reasonable corrections to his appearance flaws. This can be a slightly leaked or worn-out makeup, an unsuccessful posture that added an extra fold in an unnecessary place, or the most common pimple that jumped at the wrong time in a prominent place. Artistic processing of photographs is just what is needed for such moments.

Do photos of children need correction?

Images of babies often look very naturalistic anyway. But with the advent of the fashion to upload pictures on social networks, the quality requirements increase. To give expressiveness to the personnel, the artistic processing of children's photography in Photoshop is necessary. But here you need to be very careful, since busting, even small ones, will lead to unnatural doll faces and artificial eyes, which will repel, and not cause emotion.

art style photo processing

How can you avoid retouching?

  1. Successfully choose a location. It may be a completely normal meadow or meadow in the park, but the children here will be bored. We need to interest them or treat them to make the photo shoot more fun. Or go where there is some kind of entertainment. Joyful children swinging on a swing or riding a slide will look perfect in the frame.
  2. Shorten the duration. Try to take pictures as quickly as possible so that the children are not tired. Otherwise, they will begin to act up and be mischievous.
  3. Make the most of everyone who came to the photo shoot.
  4. Correctly positioned in relation to the baby. In this case, sometimes you have to sit down or even lie down, because the growth of the model can be very small.
  5. It is best to shoot in sport mode without a flash or direct the flash to the side. Bright light will irritate the sensitive eyes of the child and distract his attention. Noises arising from this can be easily fixed using the editor.
  6. You will need different lenses: for shooting close and at a distance.
  7. Avoid unnecessary bright details and getting other children into the frame. But do not be upset if something does interfere with the plan. You can always remove disturbing objects and use a fill.
  8. Try not to expose the equipment to danger, keep it away from children's hands.
  9. Make contact with the baby. You can find out the name of the child and even play with him a little before the photo shoot. Then it will be easier for you to find a common language and the photos will turn out more lively and joyful.
  10. After filming, it is advisable to thank the model by giving her some souvenir or sweetness.

art processing wedding photos


As a conclusion, it can be noted that expressive pictures can be taken without an editor. But for this we need very good equipment and auxiliary equipment: different lenses, backgrounds, filters, reflectors, flashes of different capacities, artificial lighting and all other devices of professional photographers. And what about ordinary people and those who simply feel uncomfortable with all these things, or rather, from their huge number - visiting photographers and amateurs cannot afford to carry all this with themselves. You should learn the basics of artistic processing of children's and adult photography in Photoshop to compensate for the missing tools or skills. This is the secret of success: learn to use this program - get the best pictures, enjoy and enjoy.


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