Sanatorium "South Ural", Orsk: description, medical profile, reviews

Sanatorium "South Ural" is a unitary state enterprise. It is located in the Orenburg region and is considered a sanatorium organization of a general somatic profile. In the Orenburg region there is a colorful and distinctive city called Orsk. It is in the city of Orsk that the Southern Urals is located. There are many monasteries and temples in this place, it is also rich in natural and architectural monuments.

View of the city of Orsk

The highlight of the city of Orsk is Transfiguration Mountain, which, by the way, is considered one of the attractions. The mountain is famous for its treasure - wax and variegated jasper, which is located in its depths. Jasper has many beautiful patterns. A variety of shades of flowers with which it shimmers gives it a particularly beautiful appearance.


“South Ural” is a sanatorium located in one of the most picturesque places in Russia. Near it is the Peschanoe lake, beyond which you can see the Zauralnaya grove. There is also a stadium and various playgrounds nearby. And the most daring can ride on the rides.

Beach lovers will be delighted by the well-groomed sandy beach, which is within walking distance from the sanatorium, and a boat station is also equipped here.

The sanatorium "South Ural" runs a year-round program for the rehabilitation of children, which is organized in such a way as not to interrupt the learning process. Special sanatorium and health camps are being created, as well as children's health camps for the holidays.

Entrance to the building

Medical rehabilitation

In the sanatorium "South Ural", events are carried out with the aim of compensating and restoring, with various medical methods, the functional capabilities of the person that were violated. Rehabilitation is carried out after inpatient treatment of the digestive tract, acute circulatory disorders and diabetes mellitus.


The price of a ticket to the resort "South Ural" depends on the medical services included in it, as they are paid. One day for an adult will cost an average of 1,500 rubles, and for a child 1,036.23 rubles. (or 622.95 rubles if the child is on a ticket to the children's recreation camp). This price includes diet food, oxygen cocktail, accommodation and medical treatment.

Medical services

The medical profile of the resort "South Ural" determines the availability of a large number of medical services. Diagnostics and thermotherapy are carried out. Among the services there are various types of massage: mechanical, therapeutic manual, underwater. For lovers of water procedures, four types of therapeutic baths are presented: lavender, sodium chloride, iodine-bromine and pearl. There is also a dry carbon dioxide bath. Medication and physiotherapy are provided to everyone. In addition, the resort has a relaxation department, which will help you relax and forget about all the problems and worries.

As an additional medical service they offer treatment with leeches (hirudotherapy). Also in the sanatorium there is a therapeutic pool and physiotherapy exercises. There are three types of inhalations: gallotherapy, aerosol therapy and aeroionotherapy. There are other services that you can find on the official website of the sanatorium. Here you can also find out in detail all the prices for medical services of the sanatorium "South Ural".


The package includes six meals a day in the dining room, which is designed for 75 seats. The nutrition program is agreed with the Rospotrebnadzor and is developed in accordance with regulatory documents. Diets that are at the core of nutrition programs have a restorative effect. Such nutrition frees the body from toxins and helps to normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract.


When we go to a sanatorium, leisure is by no means the last thing. After all, if we are bored, then the rest will be ruined. Therefore, the leadership of the sanatorium was worried that vacationers of any age category and any preferences in their leisure had the opportunity to have fun.

For sports enthusiasts, the sanatorium presents basketball, volleyball and sports grounds. The complex of halls includes: an exercise therapy room and a gym, you can also play table tennis. For a more passive, mental pastime there is a library, a hall for playing checkers and chess. Those who wish can visit the cinema, circus or drama theater, having left for the city.

Cinema Orsk

For all vacationers organize musical evenings and concerts. Presenters hold various contests, events and quizzes every day, so you definitely won’t get bored here.

Dancing party


Interested excursion programs to the city of Orsk are organized for those who wish. Tours are carried out on the sights of the city, in which there is something to see: museums, parks, temples. The Museum of History and Local Lore contains ancient household items, coins, archaeological finds and other collections. There is an exhibition dedicated to the Valley of the Amazons.

Often, vacationers choose an excursion to the Transfiguration Church or to the convent. The monastery was built in the 19th century, despite this bell tower, the priest’s house and a stone building are still preserved. To the surprise of many tourists, there is a Roman Catholic temple.

Landmark Orsk

If we talk about the parks of Orsk, then they can surprise only with the purity of air and the natural beauty of nature. For a walk around the city, you can choose one of three squares: named after Malishevsky, Building or Central. Walking along them, you can enjoy the beauty of winding alleys, birdsong and silence. The city also has eternal flame at the Memorial of Glory, this place is considered a saint. If you want a bite to eat, check out the Jasper Café, which has been operating since 1965.

View Orsk

How to get there

There is a sanatorium "South Ural" in Orsk, Dokuchaev street, house 2. Orient yourself on the map below.

What you need to know when choosing a sanatorium?

The secret of quality treatment and good rest is a properly selected sanatorium. Health centers are divided into two categories:

  • Sanatoriums. This type of institution involves a traditional spa treatment, in the process of which natural natural remedies are used. Such a treatment may include: procedures based on natural mud and a bath with thermal waters.
  • Spa hotels. This type of institution does not use treatment based on natural natural remedies, but rather offers you a classic program for healing the body. For example, baths are made using mineral salts, rather than natural thermal water.

Criteria for choosing a sanatorium

In order for the treatment to be effective, the following criteria should be taken into account when choosing a health-improving center:

  • mineral water should be carried out in the sanatorium;
  • nutrition should be dietary;
  • the availability of medical examination and testing;
  • wide range of procedures;
  • the presence of a pool.


Station Orsk

If the place of rest is good, then people will definitely leave a great review. Sanatorium "South Ural" has a huge number of positive reviews, because rest in such a place is just a dream. If you look at the reviews on various sites, you will see that people are satisfied and happy after relaxing in this sanatorium. Some write that they left with tears in their eyes, they liked it so much. There are also reviews from parents who were satisfied that they chose this ticket for their child. Others liked entertainment and various events.

Many vacationers praise a wide range of medical services and their high quality, because not every wellness center provides such a wide selection of services and a large number of qualified medical workers. Many speak positively about the staff and management of the organization. Judging by the reviews, the resort "South Ural" has a decent level.


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