Ingosstrakh, CTP. Company reviews

Insurance is an integral part of modern life. Everyone wants to ensure a happy and safe existence, while having financial guarantees regarding any aspect of his life. That is why now more and more people prefer not to remain in the unknown, but to contact insurance companies. How it works? You come to your chosen company, choose an insurance policy, that is, what aspect of your life and for what amount you want to insure. And henceforth, every month you pay a certain amount, which is sent to your insurance fund. And if something happens to you in the aspect that you insured, the insurance company will cover all expenses related to the liquidation of the consequences of this accident. What can you insure? In principle, absolutely everything. You can insure your own life and health, you can insure your home, your savings and so on. Another very popular form of insurance in the modern world is car insurance. As in other areas, in automobile insurance there are a variety of policies, each of which is selected individually for each client. However, where to go to insure your car? And what types of insurance exist? This is what will be discussed in this article.

In the Russian Federation there are enough organizations that can insure you, however, one of the best options is Ingosstrakh. CTP, reviews of which you can read in the second half of the article, is one of the key policies for any motorist. You will learn about him in detail from this review. Naturally, we will also talk about car insurance in general, about what you need for insurance and what it will give you, and about the Ingosstrakh company itself: OSAGO, service reviews, advantageous offers, and so on.

Company "Ingosstrakh"

ingosstrakh osago reviews

So, first of all, it’s worth a little talk about the company itself, which will provide you a service. If we are talking about car insurance, then you should definitely order OSAGO at Ingosstrakh. Reviews about the work of the enterprise on the Internet are in most cases positive, but there is no point in talking about it now - more user reviews will be considered later. Now it’s worth paying attention to the company itself, as well as to the question of why you should choose Ingosstrakh? First of all, it is worth noting that the company is one of the most famous and proven in the entire Russian Federation. Company offices can be found in many cities of the country, and there you will always be happy to help. What does Ingosstrakh do? Naturally, insurance, but a distinctive feature is multichannel - here you can insure not only your car, but also property, housing, your trip to another country, your children and much more. Given the fact that this article will mainly deal with car insurance, you need to focus on one service of Ingosstrakh company - CTP. You will find reviews about it in the second half of the article - on their basis it is always easier to draw conclusions about a particular service. In the meantime, it is worth telling in more detail about what car insurance in general and compulsory motor liability insurance in particular.

Car insurance

ingosstrakh osago reviews

Car insurance, as you can easily understand by its name, is directly related to cars, both with passenger transport and with freight. Naturally, the main purpose of car insurance is to provide insurance benefits in the event of an accident involving a car. But in fact, everything is not so simple - there are different types of car insurance that involve both your own health and your own car, as well as the health and vehicles of third parties. To better understand this, you should read this article - then you will understand why you need an insurance policy (as well as what other car insurance policies you need).

What is CTP?

insurance company Ingosstrakh

In the case of the Ingosstrakh company, OSAGO reviews most often include specifics, but not every person can imagine what this type of insurance is. That is why now we need to answer the question of why, at all, a person who owns a car needs insurance for compulsory motor liability insurance. So, first of all, you should pay attention to the fact that this type of insurance does not apply to your car, your health or your property. MTPL stands for Mandatory Motor Third Party Liability Insurance. So, every car owner is required to issue this policy. In most cases, insurance is voluntary, that is, each person decides what to insure in his life and for what specific amount. But in the case of compulsory motor third-party liability insurance, everything is different, since this policy is mandatory. And secondly, this is insurance that directly addresses your civil liability, that is, it obliges you to take into account everything that happens around you when driving a car. Not too clear yet? In this case, it is worth more carefully and intelligibly to understand why you need an insurance policy. Ingosstrakh, reviews of which you can read a little later, can clearly explain all the details to you, however, the article will provide basic information.

Why do you need a CTP policy?

Ingosstrakh reviews for OSAGO Moscow

When you will clarify details on the Ingosstrakh company, you will see reviews on compulsory motor third-party liability insurance very often, since this particular policy is one of the most relevant. But what is he like? Why is it specifically needed? So, in simple terms, you will need this policy so as not to reimburse from your own pocket the damage that will be caused to third parties in the incident in which your guilt will be proved. Naturally, this incident should be a road transport and include your car. What types of damage are covered by this policy? Firstly, this is the damage that you caused to property of third parties. Secondly, it is the harm that you caused to the health of third parties. Accordingly, all this is relevant in the event that you were a driver and became the culprit of a traffic accident. Naturally, the damage can be quite large, so many people begin to be interested in what are the sizes of payments for this insurance policy. This is what will be discussed later.

CTP insurance payments

reviews Ingosstrakh Osago Kazan

If you are dealing with the Ingosstrakh company, feedback on payments in most cases will be positive - people quickly and comfortably deal with their problems, practically without putting any effort into it. But there is one point that should be clarified to each car owner before issuing an insurance policy for OSAGO - these are the sizes of payments for it. Until 2014, there were rather low payment standards that made the policy formulation extremely unprofitable. For example, 140 thousand rubles were given for compensation for damage caused to one victim, and only 160 thousand rubles for compensation for damage caused to several victims. Fortunately, in 2014 OSAGO terms were revised, and insurance companies were obliged to increase the size of payments. And now, for every injured third party, up to 400 thousand Russian rubles are paid. As regards harming the health of third parties, the system here is more complex. Until 2015, 160 thousand rubles were provided for damages directly to the victim of the road accident, 135 thousand rubles for compensation to persons entitled to receive it in the event of the death of the victim, and 25 thousand rubles for arranging the funeral of the victim. In 2015, payments were revised, and from that moment, 500 thousand Russian rubles were allocated for compensation for harm received directly by the victims, 475 thousand rubles were allocated for payments to beneficiaries, which are prescribed in the relevant article of the law (there are described in more detail persons who previously simply boiled down to group entitled to receive compensation in the event of the death of the victim), as well as the same 25 thousand rubles for the organization of the funeral. Well, now you know everything you need about the payments that the insurance company is required to make, and also understand the importance of compulsory motor liability insurance. But here the question arises, what about your own car. Will the MTPL policy compensate for damage incurred in a traffic accident?

Own car insurance

Ingosstrakh Nizhny Novgorod

When you want to insure the automotive aspect of your own life, Ingosstrakh insurance company will help you. MTPL reviews are extremely good, so you can safely trust the experts. But OSAGO is not the only automobile policy that you should think about. The fact is that it does not cover the harm that your car will receive. Under the MTPL policy, insurance payments can only be received by a third party who is involved in a traffic accident. If you are not a third party, that is, your vehicle has been recognized as the culprit or one of the culprits of the accident, the MTPL policy will not cover the cost of repairing your car. What to do? You should study the issues of car insurance more carefully, since in order to pay off the costs of repairing your car that suffered in a traffic accident due to your own fault, you need to draw up a completely different policy, called CASCO. However, this policy is not the main topic of this article, so the fact of its existence and its purpose is all that you currently need to know about it.

Electronic policy

Ingosstrakh Yekaterinburg Osago reviews

Considering the impressive speed with which modern technologies are developing, the design of an insurance policy has recently become much simpler. We are talking about e-CTP, that is, an electronic insurance policy. At the same time, when adjustments were made for payments in the event of damage to the health or life of third parties, an electronic system for issuing insurance policies was introduced. Most insurance companies now have special systems on their official pages on the Internet that allow them to insure a car without leaving their homes. Naturally, being one of the leading insurance companies in the Russian Federation, the insurance company Ingosstrakh also introduced this system. Reviews on the CTP, issued online, are also extremely positive. However, it is worth paying attention that the registration of an electronic policy will not be possible if you have not previously insured your car. The fact is that the system receives basic information in the SAR, and if you have not previously passed the car insurance procedure in the company’s office, then your data will not be in the database. This is a small flaw, which, hopefully, will be fixed in the future. If you have previously insured, then all you have to do is fill out the necessary forms and you will receive documents by email that will be equivalent to the “paper” insurance policy that you received earlier.

Positive reviews

Well, it's time to take a look at what motorists across the Russian Federation are talking about the Ingosstrakh company - OSAGO reviews. Moscow is one of the main regions where an impressive part of insurance contracts is executed. And it is from there that the majority of reviews come, and it is there that they are almost all positive. What exactly are praised by motorists who draw up a policy with this insurer? What are the reviews about Ingosstrakh? MTPL is the policy that worries every car owner, which is why they write the most about it. And a huge number of people in their reviews written over the past two years, note the convenience of issuing a policy on the Internet. The procedure is quick and convenient, the system operates without failures and is very clear. There are no delays; the policy takes effect one day after making the payment. Also, people note other advantages of this company, such as the speed of payment on the insurance policy, the size of payments, as well as the quality of service by employees. As you can see, reviews affect all aspects of the company’s activities, including the electronic OSAGO Ingosstrakh. Reviews, of course, are not exclusively positive - you can find negative opinions. Often, they are left by residents of the regions, but we can safely say that the company that takes into account absolutely all the reviews is Ingosstrakh. CTP, Kazan is the place of action or Moscow, is always a priority, so employees are trying to help both residents of the capital and representatives of smaller cities and towns.

Negative reviews

As for negative opinions in relation to the company and its activities, they are found on the Internet on a variety of resources. For example, one of the cities where Ingosstrakh has a representative office is Nizhny Novgorod. Reviews (CTP and other types of insurance) may vary, and someone from Novgorod writes a positive review, while someone else writes a negative review. It is worth understanding on what grounds in most cases complaints are written? With a more detailed analysis, it becomes clear that most reviews with a negative tone are written due to the fact that the user himself did not fully understand the documentation and rules. For example, one of the Ingosstrakh branches (Yekaterinburg) received negative OSAGO reviews because car owners did not bring an accident report to the company’s office on time. But at the same time they wanted the car repair to be paid according to CASCO. Like CASCO, one of the main specializations of Ingosstrakh is OSAGO. Customer reviews can also be constructive - for example, one of the car owners wanted to enter the other driver into the insurance contract urgently, however, the company can crank out such an action only within one month. It would seem that one small record, the same small check - that’s all, but the company cannot provide such a service, therefore such a statement is a full basis for a negative review. Feedback on OSAGO payments is also negative at Ingosstrakh - people complain that their applications have been processed for too long, which makes it difficult to use the vehicle, but this often depends on the location of the company. But it is worth noting that all reviews are viewed by company representatives, and each user receives a detailed answer that clarifies all the details of the problem.


What conclusions can be drawn from all this information? It doesn’t matter which department you apply to, whether it is in Moscow or is it Ingosstrakh-Voronezh, the reviews (CTP first of all) will inform you that the service is provided at the same high level. Naturally, there are those who are dissatisfied, but if you look at the reviews on compulsory motor third-party liability insurance from other insurance companies, you will realize that the negative has been and always will be.


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