How to prolong sexual intercourse?

Increasingly, the issue of sex is being raised in society. If before men were puzzled by getting pleasure only for themselves, now they are striving to bring their partner to orgasm. To do this, it is important to know how to prolong sexual intercourse.

Extend sexual intercourse

Sexologists call the normal duration of intercourse a period of time from two to ten minutes. But sometimes a woman does not have time to get an orgasm during this period. Therefore, a man can take several actions.

The simplest thing is to stop intercourse. Break off and pay attention to other caresses. Pay attention to the partner, help her reach the peak of pleasure. You can change the pose. So both of you will get new sensations.

How can I prolong sexual intercourse? Watch your breath. Do not take frequent breaths and do not hold them. The best option is to take deep, slow breaths. You can moan - it will excite your partner even more.

Not only women need to train intimate muscles. This is important for men. So they can achieve a better erection and control ejaculation. Kegel exercises will help to train the muscles around the testicles, anus and penis. They are responsible for lowering and raising the penis.

The following methods will help to prolong sexual intercourse : gently pull the testicles. So you move the moment of approaching orgasm. You can squeeze the base of the penis slightly. This will reduce the excitement. After you can continue to caress.

How long do you have sex? You can do masturbation before a date. This will remove excessive excitement.

How can I prolong sexual intercourse?

There is another small trick that can prolong sexual intercourse. As soon as you feel the orgasm approaching, press the point between the anus and the scrotum. It is important to press. If you iron the point, then you won’t achieve anything. The thing is that with orgasm, the prostate gland contracts, then the release of seminal fluid follows. And by pressing you block the seed canal.

With the help of sex shop products, you can also prolong sexual intercourse. The simplest thing is to buy thick condoms and special lubricants. They are aimed at reducing the sensitivity of the penis. Accordingly, the time of intercourse increases. The same effect can be achieved by a vacuum pump. You can just massage the head of the penis.

There are folk ways to prolong sexual intercourse. So, it is recommended to drink a decoction of oak bark and inhale wheat oil during the week. You can also lubricate the penis with peppermint oil (in fact, special lubricants to reduce sensitivity contain menthol). For a better erection, it is recommended to drink tea from the leaves of currant and raspberry, as well as a cornflower broth. All these herbs are aimed at reducing the functioning of the nerve endings of the genitals.

How long have sex

Alcohol also allows you to prolong sexual intercourse. But the use of this method is of doubtful benefit. You can just think about something bad during sex. This is guaranteed to reduce your sexual desire. Most importantly, do not get carried away with memories of the past.

There are special medications that are aimed at prolonging sexual intercourse, but their use is doubtful. Therefore, think carefully before you start taking them.


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