The most effective exercises for pumping up priests

Modern fashion dictates conditions not only on clothes, makeup and hairstyles, but also on female figures. Not for nothing that many women spend long hours in fitness clubs, gyms or at home to maintain it. After all, not every girl from birth is endowed with ideal parameters. One of the common problems is the lack of rounded buttocks. What exercises for pumping up priests exist?

Who should think about this problem?

  1. Excessive skinny girls exercise will help build muscle in their area of ​​interest.
  2. Chubby women, exhausted by different diets, sometimes think that exercise will only expand their buttocks due to muscle enlargement. This opinion is false: in parallel with the processes of mass growth, fatty layers are burned, due to which the muscles of the priests are tightened, it looks more elastic and attractive.
  3. Medium-sized girls who prefer to keep their bodies in shape.

How often do you need to complete the complex

Exercises for pumping up priests are recommended to be performed 2-3 times a week for the greatest effect, while the muscles need to be given time to rest. Therefore, distribute your workouts so that there are 2-3 free days between them. Many specializing in women's fitness promise a quick result from classes. In fact, the increase in muscle mass is slow, so arm yourself with patience and find yourself a good motivation - nothing happens instantly.

If you are sure that your strength will be enough for more frequent exercises, alternate strength training with cardio loads or daily exercise for different muscle groups: one day, for example, on the buttocks, and the other on the stomach.

Basic exercises for pumping up the buttocks at home. Important Notice

Next, you will find the basic exercises for pumping up the buttocks at home. Please note: if the loads are not enough for you, you can start by extending each approach, then increase their number and, finally, deal with the load.

Light exercise. Squats

Basic exercise in this complex. Some use it as a warm-up for leg muscles. It is carried out as follows: stand straight (feet shoulder-width apart), hands can be placed on the waist or the hands can be locked in the lock on the neck, then gently lower until you touch the ankle with the gluteal muscles . The number of repetitions depends on your physical fitness: you can start with 5-6, bringing up to 30 squats. If possible, make 2-3 approaches.

The main thing in this exercise is not the tempo supported by you, but the technique of execution. Try to do it very slowly for the first time in order to memorize the technology and work out your muscles as efficiently as possible.

exercises for pumping up priests

Lunges forward

Take the starting position as you did in the previous exercise. One leg needs to be widely set forward (on the exhale), the second - put on the toe. You need to squat until the shin is perpendicular to the thigh, and it is parallel to the floor. Do not forget to directly hold your back, otherwise the exercise will lose its meaning. On inspiration, return to the starting position. To increase the load, you can use dumbbells (it is better to start with 0.5 kg).

exercises for quick inflating priests

Side lunges

The use of such an exercise to pump up the buttocks for girls is to work out the hips. Agree, a rounded ass will look attractive in combination with other muscles of the legs. So, we take the same starting position, just set the foot aside. A right angle should form, but the deeper you can sit down, the greater the load on the hips. You can put your hands on your waist if you are not using an additional load.

There is another option: parallel to the leg muscles, work with the muscles of the hands. Bend them at the elbows and, when lunging, spread your arms to the sides parallel to the floor.

Mahi kick back

Take a standing position: put your legs together, hands should rest on some surface. Gradually raise one of your legs up to the height you can. Lower and do the same with the other leg. In this exercise, there should be no sudden movements, everything is done smoothly, alternately. You can also take your legs to the side to work out the lateral muscles.

Mahi kicking from all fours

We accept the following position: arms are bent at the elbows (or put on the palms, if you complain of back pain), legs - at the knees. We begin to unbend one of the legs in the knee and lift until the thigh is parallel to the floor. The angle between him and the lower leg should be straight.

There is an alternative option for such a load: to extend the knee to the end and bring the leg to almost an angle of 90 degrees relative to the surface. You can alternate these methods or perform in different approaches.

exercises for pumping up priests and legs

Raising the pelvis lying on your back

Located on the back, we leave our hands along the body, bend our legs at the knees (feet should be as close to the buttocks as possible), while inhaling we raise the ass to an angle of 180 degrees. On exhalation, we return back.

The most effective way to perform exercise for pumping up the gluteal muscles is slow with a delay of several seconds (without stopping breathing).

exercises for pumping up the gluteal muscles

You can also reduce / raise your knees after execution or use a weight to increase the load.

Additional exercises. "Penguin"

Sit on the edge of a hard chair, place a small inflatable ball between your knees, squeeze and unclench it for several minutes (or until you can). Then remove the ball and relax. So you train the inner thigh muscles.


Sitting on the bare floor, stretch your legs, then, bending them slightly, move forward / backward. All this takes a couple of minutes. Many girls who tested the entire complex noted these exercises for quickly pumping up priests.


Also sit on the floor, but against the wall, the hips should be perpendicular to the floor, and the legs should be parallel to it. Start as if to step up and down again. Exercise while you have strength (usually 2-3 minutes). You can use leg weights if necessary .

"Tilts on one leg forward"

Exercise will not only help tone the muscles of the legs, but also develop balance. Focus your body on one leg, slowly begin to lift the other forward, while lowering the rest of the body and arms. Bring to a position where the body will be parallel to the floor, hold on for a couple of seconds (if you can - by 30), just as slowly return to the opposite position. You can take dumbbells in your hands for a greater load.

"Half bridge"

Take the starting position as in the previously described exercise: sit on the floor, bend your knees (putting your feet as close to the buttocks as possible). Gradually begin to lift the butt and at the same time - one of the legs. The angle between the foot and the rest of the body should be 180 degrees. Hold in that position.

Exercises for pumping up the buttocks in the gym. Squats

Exercising in the gym, you can use some effective exercises to pump up priests from the home kit.

For example, squats: follow the same instructions, optionally taking a dumbbell or bar. Remember: the back should be straight.

The most effective squats occur in the plie poses (slightly expand the socks) and sumo (spread your legs as wide as possible). When lifting from a low position, rely solely on your heels, as this will reduce the risk of injury. The angle between the leg and thigh should be 90 degrees. You can squat even deeper (to work out your muscles better), but only if you have no problems with the joints.

Exercises for pumping up the buttocks in the gym


Lunges in the gym are performed exactly the same as at home (see instructions above). The only significant difference: the need to use dumbbells.


Often, girls in gyms perform swings with their feet back from a standing position using a special simulator. The whole technique is that you put on the cuff of the simulator on the ankle and take your leg back. You can choose the degree of load yourself or with a trainer.


This exercise can be beneficial for both the back and buttocks muscles. If you are aiming for the latter, just do it with a round back. You can take an additional load (for example, damn it: for girls it’s suitable for weighing 3-5 kg ​​or neck). Perform 12-15 times 2-3 sets. If you are doing an exercise for the first time, ask someone to insure you. The back should not lean back strongly.

muscle building exercises for girls

Leg press

When performing this exercise to inflate the priests you need to be as careful as possible so as not to damage the back and legs. Weight for the first time should not exceed 10 kg. Position the body so that the angle between the legs and stomach is straight, the legs are wide on the platform, preferably in its upper part. Slowly bend the limbs, bringing them to the maximum possible distance (the pelvis should not move away from the support at such a moment). Start with 3 sets of 10 times each. If the load is small for you, it is better to gradually increase the weight of pancakes.

A set of exercises for pumping up priests - leg press

Pelvic rises

Place your head and neck on a support located at a height of about 30-40 cm above the floor, bend your legs at the knees and place on the floor, hold the barbell on the upper thighs. Slowly lower your pelvis. After holding for a few seconds, return to the position.

General recommendations

The most important mistake made mainly by inexperienced girls is to try to work on one specific muscle group, forgetting about the rest. Remember: the body needs to be trained only comprehensively, while alternating both power and cardio loads.

Muscle growth should occur proportionally. Therefore, the best training option (if it is carried out comprehensively) is 2-3 exercises for each muscle group. If you make a special emphasis on the buttocks, select one day a week specifically for a set of exercises for pumping up the priests, for the rest of the time, do not forget about other parts of the body.

The second mistake is the desire to make many approaches a large number of times in each. So, having spent all your strength, you cannot achieve the maximum effect. It is also not worth planning daily classes for yourself. Muscles must rest, otherwise training can be not only useless, but even harmful (especially for an unprepared body).

Stop training when you realize that your strength is ending. Do not force your body, the best activities should be comfortable for you.

After each workout, do not forget to stretch. So, muscle growth will occur evenly, which is necessary for girls.

So, we examined in detail the exercises for pumping up priests and legs both at home and in the gym. The main thing that will help you achieve your ideal form is personal desire and motivation. Do not miss workouts and do each of them competently, and you will definitely get the desired result!


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