What is the most healthy fresh milk?

Fresh milk is one of the most wholesome foods that a person needs so much. Since ancient times, it has been used as a cure for various diseases. With its help, nervous disorders, fever, and kidney diseases were treated. Milk was also used by athletes to build muscle.

new milk

What is the use?

The drink contains almost all the substances and vitamins necessary for the body. Due to its high calcium content, it strengthens the bone and cardiovascular systems and is beneficial for dental health. Natural milk benefits older people as their bones become more fragile over time. The drink contains vitamin A, which is needed for healthy skin, mucous membranes and the regulation of metabolic processes in the body, and B1, which is involved in the functioning of the nervous system and carbohydrate metabolism. Milk contains many nutrients, including proteins, which contain all the amino acids needed by the body, as well as lactose, which is necessary for the work of various vital organs.

Fresh milk is more valuable because it can inhibit the growth of bacteria for several hours. To increase the duration of this period, it is filtered and cooled. The drink contains live immunoglobulins, agglutinins, antitoxins, opsonins, precipitins and other substances that strengthen the human immune system . That is why it must be drunk in the treatment of various diseases.

natural milk

Although fresh milk is more beneficial, you need to know the conditions under which it is received. If the milkmaid did not wash her hands or used unwashed dishes, as well as when the cow is sick, the drink may contain pathogenic bacteria.

Boiled milk also has healing properties, but to a much lesser extent than fresh milk. This is due to the fact that when heated, a number of proteins and vitamin C are destroyed.

Which milk is better?

It is believed that goat milk is more compatible with the physiological characteristics of humans . It is easier to digest. The structure of its proteins and fats is the closest to the structure of substances contained in breast milk. It almost does not cause allergic reactions, unlike cow. Goat's fresh milk is better perceived by children with various digestive disorders.

fresh milk is
It contains more vitamin A, which enhances skin health and vision, and PP, which improves oxidative processes in the body.

Cow's milk also has some properties that make it better than goat's milk . Namely: it has a higher content of folic acid, as well as iron and B vitamins. In addition, goat milk has a specific taste that not everyone likes.

Fresh milk is not recommended for people with chronic colitis and enteritis, as well as anacid gastritis. In addition, some lack an enzyme in the body that is responsible for the breakdown of lactose, so they simply cannot drink this product.

Despite the fact that goat milk is in many ways better than cow's milk, the latter also has many advantages and is more affordable for purchase.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/B6764/

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