How to protect yourself from the tick and the diseases that it suffers

With the onset of spring, nature begins to wake up, including animals and insects. Among the latter, one of the most dangerous is the tick. It begins to show activity with the appearance of the first thawed patches.

Before you learn how to protect yourself from a tick, let's try to figure out what it is.

how to protect yourself from ticks

This is an arachnid insect that looks like a red-brown bug. The female needs blood in order to bear eggs. The hungry tick is very small, only 3 mm long, but after it drinks blood from its victim, it can reach a diameter of 10 mm.

It is a carrier of viruses, fungi and bacteria that can infect a bitten one. The most dangerous disease is tick-borne encephalitis. Unfortunately, it does not pass without a trace - the motor apparatus and the brain are affected, in 30% of cases fatal outcomes are possible.

Tick ​​activity is observed from April to late autumn. The probability of being bitten by this insect increases in May and June. To know how to protect yourself from ticks, it is worth remembering that they can be found in a dark, humid place. He does not like the sun and tries to avoid it. In rainy weather, the population of this parasite increases. Its greatest activity is observed in the evening and early morning. He senses a person at a distance of 10 meters.

Ticks usually sit in grass or shrubs up to 1 m tall. As soon as his potential victim (a person or an animal) passes by, he clings to it with his paws and begins to look on the body for more tender skin for a bite.

how to protect yourself from ticks

"How to protect yourself from a tick?" - A question that excites everyone who spends a lot of time in nature.

First of all, you should pay attention to clothes:

- Shoes should be tight and closed. Rubber boots are an ideal option, since it will be very difficult for a tick to cling to their surface.

- It is better to give preference not to shorts, but to pants that can be tucked into socks. So the parasite will not be able to crawl into an open area of ​​the body.

- It is better to replace the T-shirt with a turtleneck, and put a thick hat on your head or bandage it with a scarf.

Also, answering the question "how to protect yourself from ticks", it is worth recalling the need to use special tools that have the ability to repel insects. Some are applied to the body, others to clothes.

In the forest or in the open, do not go down the path and go into the thick grass, especially if there are bushes nearby.

During the walk, you must periodically inspect yourself. Upon returning home, it is advisable to take a shower and comb thoroughly with a fine comb. This procedure will help to identify a parasite that has not yet sucked.

how to protect a dog from ticks
It is worth remembering that he can also get into the house with a bouquet of wildflowers or torn branches from trees, so it is better to refrain from such actions.

Similar precautions also answer the question: "How to protect yourself from a tick?" If observed, the risk of a bite is significantly reduced.

As a prophylaxis, you can be vaccinated against tick-borne encephalitis. She will be able to protect against infection for 3 years.

In spring and summer, pets also need protection. Often they spend more time on the street than a person. How to protect a dog from ticks is of concern to many owners. To do this, after each walk, you need to inspect and feel your pet for parasites. And in pet stores you can buy a special collar and tick repellents.


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