Pimples on the penis: reasons, how to treat?

Not always rashes on the skin in the groin in men are signs of some kind of disease. For example, every healthy guy has pimples on his penis - such formations are nothing more than sebaceous glands. Most often they are localized at the base of the male organ. In some guys they are visible with the naked eye, in others it is not so easy to detect them. Differences are determined by the individual structure of the epidermis. But in some cases, rashes and various pimples on the penis may indicate the development of pathology.

When to panic is not worth it

But if there are pimples on the penis that do not bother, do not hurt or itch, most likely there is no reason to worry. In all men, sebaceous glands are located on the skin of the penis. The first pimples appear during puberty. They may resemble small whitish, slightly yellowish seals or be completely invisible and imperceptible. Rashes that appear on the skin as early as adolescence have their own name in medicine - they are called Fordyce granules.

These formations do not cause any discomfort, although they can be easily felt. In diameter, they are able to reach several millimeters, but, as a rule, such pimples on the penis can be considered by stretching the skin well. Sometimes a rash is found not only on the trunk of the penis, but also in the scrotum.

What other rashes on the penis are considered normal

Formations on the penis are localized in the thickness of the epidermis, but they can be located deeper or closer to the surface layer, which depends on the structure of the skin. At the base of a member, their number is maximum. As already mentioned, in boys under 13-14 years old there are no pimples on the penis. Instead of dense Fordyce granules, young men have only whitish spots that can be seen if you look closely. As they grow older, they become more solid and convex, turning into tangible formations.

what to do if on a member pimples

In addition to a white granular rash, pearly papules may appear on the male penis. These changes in the skin are also considered a variant of the norm and should not cause any feelings. Unlike pimples, they look like cone-shaped papular pimples. Papules often coincide in color with the epidermis on the trunk of the penis, and therefore men may not notice their appearance at first. In addition, the size of such formations on the skin does not exceed 3 mm.

Mother-of-pearl papules are usually located on the crown of the head of the penis, so often these rashes are called the “mother-of-pearl ring”. Once again, it is worth noting: papules on the head of the penis are neither a pathology nor an infectious disease. The manifestation is completely safe both for the man himself and for his partner. The only thing that can scare is the point bleeding from papules.

Do I need to go to a venereologist

Fordyce granules are sebaceous glands, not pathological pimples on the trunk of the male phallus. They arise due to natural causes, but sometimes even harmless sebaceous glands cause anxiety and force to consult a doctor.

Normally, pearly papules do not declare their presence in any way, but if suddenly the rashes begin to bleed, itch or secrete an atypical fluid, it is better to contact specialists. Do not take any measures to treat or remove pimples on the penis yourself.

pimples on the head of a member

Lack of hygiene

What do pimples on a penis mean? By ourselves, as we already understood, nothing. But if the formations begin to suddenly increase in size, most likely, inflammation of the sebaceous glands or pearly papules occurs. The main reason for this phenomenon can be considered the lack of proper hygienic care of the genitals. Pimples can also bother when wearing too tight underwear made from synthetic fabrics.

If small white pimples on the penis are located at the base of the organ and on the epidermis of the scrotum, this may indicate that the man injured the skin while shaving the intimate area. In addition, after removal, the hairs can grow into the skin, which leads to inflammation and the appearance of specific painful pimples resembling pimples. Due to microtraumas, acne and purulent formations can develop on the skin of the penis, which can be prevented by the use of bactericidal antiseptic agents.

Speaking about the wrong choice of underwear, it is worth noting that wearing non-natural materials contributes to the formation of a kind of “greenhouse effect” in such sensitive places. Due to the lack of proper air exchange and rubbing, blood circulation and the balance between the beneficial and pathogenic microflora of the skin are disturbed.

With a bacterial infection, Fordyce granules also become larger compared to normal sizes. Pearly papules and white pimples on the penis, changing against the background of proliferation of pathogenic microflora, cannot be called completely harmless to the male body, despite the fact that they do not cause any pain.

Skin diseases

Each venereologist who is contacted by a man with pimples on the head of the penis should first exclude scabies. This is a contagious skin disease caused by a microscopic tick. Itchy nodules may appear on the skin of the stem of the penis or scrotum. A distinctive feature of scabies is the so-called “scabies”, which resemble a winding line from 1 mm to 2-3 cm long.

white pimples on the penis

Pimples on the skin of the penis can also occur with non-communicable diseases (for example, with acrochordone, mild fibroma). Rashes on the penis in chronic skin diseases are localized by foci on the genitals with clear boundaries.

Molluscum contagiosum

This is a viral infection caused by one of the smallpox viruses. Molluscum contagiosum infects the epidermis and mucous membranes, spreading with dense round nodules of pink or flesh-colored. With palpation and pressure does not cause discomfort and pain. The size of the rashes with this pathology can reach several centimeters in diameter, but most often do not exceed 10 mm.

pimples on a member of the cause

It is quite difficult to confuse the manifestations of a molluscum contagiosum with other rashes, since it has a characteristic feature - cottage cheese secretions that appear from the formation with light pressure. A rash can occur on the trunk of the penis, while in men usually several of these pimples on the penis usually appear at once. Infection is transmitted by contact, including during intimacy. The disease got its name because of the special shape of the twisted papule, which resembles a sea shell. Molluscum contagiosum does not require any treatment and normally goes away on its own in a few weeks or months.


In this case, the cause of pimples on the penis are disorders of the nervous system or the progression of genetic disorders. With neurodermatitis at the base of the penis, large reddish tubercles form on the scrotum and folds. Red pimples on the penis are unbearably itchy, and during a night's sleep, men unconsciously comb the affected areas of the skin, as a result of which scars remain in these places. In addition, due to skin damage, the likelihood of bacterial infection joins.


One of the most common viral diseases that is transmitted during sex. In men, papillomas occur on the bridle of the penis and head, much less often appear on the scrotum. Initially, papillomas appear imperceptibly, since they more closely resemble smooth, almost imperceptible pimples. The formations do not bring pain, but with weakened immunity they quickly spread and turn into genital warts, which are popularly called warts.

Penis pimples as a symptom of a dangerous disease

Formations on the skin become larger with a decrease in the body's immune forces. In addition, with a weakened protective system of the body, a man has an increased risk of contracting the human herpes simplex virus located on the genitals.

Sexually transmitted or infectious dermatological diseases can also provoke an increase in the sebaceous glands. Among the most serious ailments that cause the appearance of pimples on the head of the penis, it is worth noting syphilis, HIV, hepatitis B.


Regardless of the provoking reasons, pimples on the penis arise due to the inability of the sebaceous skin glands to cope with the production of their own secret, as a result of which small white formations appear. Since manifestations on the genitals can indicate infection with sexually transmitted diseases, a man should definitely consult a doctor and undergo an examination to exclude infectious lesions. It should be especially cautious that pimples appeared on the head of the penis and, in addition to external changes, symptoms such as:

  • severe skin itching and burning in the area of ​​rashes;
  • cramps when urinating;
  • drawing pains in the lower abdomen;
  • problems with erection;
  • purulent discharge from the urethra with an unpleasant odor;
  • discomfort and pain during sex.
pimples on a member how to treat

With the appearance of such problems with a high degree of probability, we can say about the development of one of the above diseases, therefore, external hygiene products can not do here. After a comprehensive examination, the venereologist will be able to prescribe the appropriate therapy, the basis of which will be antiviral drugs or antibiotics.

Both Fordyce granules and other types of pimples on the penis can become larger, change shape, cause pain and discomfort, especially when touching and touching them. Such manifestations occur due to inflammation of the sebaceous glands, which harden during inflammation, and in appearance resemble pustular acne.

Skin care

You can reduce the sebaceous glands on the skin in an intimate place at home. But if the cause of this symptom is an infectious disease, the treatment should be a doctor. At home, reduce Fordyce granules as follows:

  • During the day, you need to wash the phallus several times with a warm soapy solution. The most suitable for the treatment of pimples is tar tar.
  • After hygienic procedures, treat and disinfect the rashes on the penis with an antiseptic - a solution of brilliant green, iodine or hydrogen peroxide. If formations appeared on the head of the penis, it is better to refrain from using greenbacks.

You can’t try to squeeze pimples on the penis, but if the cause of the pimples is a bacterial infection, the pimples themselves will break through after a few days, after which it is necessary to carefully treat the surface of the epidermis.

pimples appeared on the head of the penis

How to treat pimples on a penis

Herbal decoctions from St. John's wort, medicinal chamomile flowers, marigold have a beneficial effect on the sebaceous glands and skin of the penis. To prepare the solution, take 1 tsp. each dry ingredient, pour a glass of boiling water and put on a slow fire. The mixture should boil for 10-15 minutes, after which it must be removed from the stove to cool and strain. Broth washed the penis several times throughout the day.

A good alternative to pharmacy antiseptics are essential oils, especially tea tree and fir. To remove itching and burning a thin layer of mustard oil is applied.

What to do if pimples on the penis arose against the background of herpes? Use antiviral agents. Herpes is not completely cured, but acyclovir-based drugs do an excellent job in the fight against it with another exacerbation.

In the treatment of neurodermatitis in a patient, it may be necessary to use sedatives to reduce the severity of neurotic reactions. To effectively combat the scabies mite, Permethrin and the benzyl benzoate emulsion are used. Tools rubbed into the skin and scalp, scrotum, with the exception of the head. Medicines do not need to be washed off, and after 2-3 days they are applied repeatedly.

In order to prevent

what do the pimples on the penis mean

In order to prevent inflammation of the sebaceous glands, it is necessary to perform hygienic washing of the genitals every day, even in the absence of a full-fledged opportunity to take a shower. It is especially important not to forget to carry out hygienic care of the intimate area after having sex, regardless of the use of a condom. It should be borne in mind that the too frequent use of soap can lead to increased dryness and irritation of the head of the penis.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/B6774/

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