Prostate Cancer Treatment

The prostate or prostate is the most important male organ. It is located in such a way that it surrounds the neck of the bladder, as well as the urethra. This small organ (weighing about 28 grams) performs very important functions in the male body. Allows, so to speak, to be a man a man. The functions of the prostate are as follows:

  • provides an erection due to the production of prostaglandin;
  • develops prostate secretion and supports sperm fertility and its quality;
  • shares the process of urination and ejaculation;
  • responsible for urination, correct and complete outflow of urine.

And problems with this gland can have very serious consequences.


Prostate Cancer, Causes and Symptoms

One of the most common diseases in men is prostate cancer. Its treatment usually leads to good results if it is started on time. However, the problem is that early detection of prostate cancer is very difficult. It occurs in the early stages with almost no symptoms. Therefore, often the disease is detected after the cancer has spread further than the prostate. Therefore, with a disease such as prostate cancer, treatment often comes down to surgery because of the asymptomatic course in the initial stage.

There are no direct causes of this disease. However, there are some assumptions about its occurrence. The reasons for its appearance are: cell mutations, heredity, a change in the level of certain hormones in the blood, an unfavorable environment and unhealthy diet (fatty foods), age, smoking, low levels of vitamin D, etc. Urogenital infections play an important role: mycoplasmas, trichomonads, chlamydia gonococci. They can cause cancer cell growth.

Symptoms of the disease are:

  • frequent urination or urge to it;
  • pain during urination;
  • urinary incontinence ;
  • a feeling of incompleteness when the bladder is empty;
  • difficulty urinating
  • painful ejaculation
  • blood in the urine ;

Often painful sensations occur already with metastases. Therefore, for men over the age of 40, it is necessary to conduct a diagnostic examination to detect a disease such as prostate cancer. Treatment and outcome will largely depend on the timeliness of its detection. When prostate cancer is detected, surgery is most often already indicated.


Most often and primarily for diagnosis, the rectal method is used. The doctor inserts a finger into the anus and feels the gland. When determining any changes in its structure, texture and form, tests are done.

Test (PSA) or prostate-specific antigen. To determine it, blood is taken from a vein. Elevated levels of this antigen may be a sign of an inflammatory disease or cancer.

In addition, a piece of the prostate is taken for examination (biopsy). Under a microscope, tissues are examined and examined for the presence of malignant cells.

Recent developments by American scientists have led to the fact that a malignant tumor of the prostate in the early stages can be determined by the study of urine based on molecular genetic technology. Computed tomography and ultrasound are also part of the diagnostic methods for determining the disease.

Treatment and its outcome

Depend on the stage at which prostate cancer is detected. Treatment can be carried out by several methods. The specific method is selected depending on the stage and on the basis of all studies.

  • Surgical. It consists in removing the gland.
  • Radiation therapy. The effect of x-rays on cancer cells in order to destroy them.
  • Cold exposure.
  • Hormonal and chemotherapy.

Adequate and timely treatment contributes to a favorable outcome of the disease. Based on the foregoing, men should be attentive to their health and undergo the necessary examinations in time.


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