Causes of increased sweating in men. How to cure excessive sweating in men?

Sweating is a natural physiological process in the human body. Its main function is to maintain optimal body temperature and protect against overheating. This article provides information on the topic "Strong sweating: causes in men, treatment."

Hyperhidrosis - excessive sweating

Sweating gives people a lot of inconvenience, starting with the secretion of secretion and ending with an unpleasant odor. On the other hand, it is impossible to imagine the normal functioning of the body without it. Sweating is responsible for maintaining the required temperature, prevents overheating of the body.

causes of sweating in men

If the body secretes secretions in excess, doctors say hyperhidrosis is a disease. The human body sweats constantly, even when we do not notice it. Visible emissions appear if their volume exceeds several times the level of evaporation. This process is typical for heat and high humidity, when playing sports or stressful situations.

Hyperhidrosis can be generalized and spread to the whole body, as well as localized, focusing on a specific area of ​​it. Such a disease indicates abnormal functioning of the body, including metabolic disorders, infections, and diabetes. In addition, excessive sweating in men can be the result of abuse of alcoholic beverages, the intake of certain groups of drugs.

What is the smell of sweat related to ?

There should not be a sharp and repulsive smell during sweating. It usually appears when bacteria begin to multiply in a humid environment. Shower twice a day and every time after playing sports allows you to cope with this problem. A pronounced smell of sweat can be a sign of not only high levels of testosterone, but also indicate serious illness.

For example, discharge with the smell of urine indicates problems with the kidneys. In people with diabetes, it resembles acetone. The smell of vinegar or chlorine may indicate a malfunction in the liver.

The causes of increased sweating in men can be divided into two conditional groups: household and medical. Next, we consider each category in more detail.

profuse sweating in men

Domestic causes of hyperhidrosis

Hyperhidrosis has a close relationship with overweight. In this case, we are talking not only about a malfunction in the metabolism, but also about regular psychological pressure from society. The society constantly promotes thinness as a modern standard of an ideal figure. A complete person has to constantly feel uncomfortable, to be in a state of neurosis.

Wrong clothing choices also contribute to hyperhidrosis. Synthetic tissues do not allow the skin to breathe, therefore, air exchange and heat regulation do not occur correctly, forcing the body to produce even more sweat. Experts recommend giving preference when choosing clothing to natural materials (linen, wool, cotton).

The causes of increased sweating in men are often hidden in an unbalanced diet. Eating excessively salty or spicy foods gives an additional burden on the body. If doctors diagnosed you with hyperhidrosis, onions, coffee, hot peppers, fast food should be excluded from the diet.

Special attention must be paid to personal hygiene. Shower should be taken twice a day, as well as every time after intense sports. Mandatory is the use of an antiperspirant.

heavy sweating in men

Medical Causes of Sweating in Men

  1. Pathologies of the endocrine system (diabetes mellitus, hypoglycemia, carcinoid syndrome). Hormones play a direct role in the functioning of the body. Their excess or deficiency directly affects the human condition.
  2. Oncology. Excessive sweating, especially at night, may be due to lymphogranulomatosis, non-Hodgkin lymphoma, or metastatic spinal cord injury.
  3. Problems with heart. Hyperhidrosis often develops after a stroke, because it disrupts blood circulation in certain parts of the brain that are responsible for removing fluid from the body.
  4. Pathology of the kidneys. These organs are responsible for removing water from the body. When a malfunction occurs in their work, there is a strong night sweating in men.
  5. The causes of hyperhidrosis are often hidden in neurological ailments. These include Parkinson's disease, Riley-Day syndrome, syphilis.
    increased sweating in men

Increased sweating feet

One of the most problematic areas in men are legs. Besides the fact that they constantly sweat, this process is usually accompanied by an unpleasant odor, causing discomfort to the owner and his surroundings. In this case, strong sweating in men is due to the individual characteristics of the body, more precisely, the level of hormones. Fighting the source is futile, but symptoms can be reduced.

Specialists primarily recommend spending more time on foot hygiene. It is also necessary to take care of the quality of socks and shoes themselves. Preference should be given to options made from natural materials. In leather shoes with special β€œbreathable” insoles, the feet sweat much less. It is recommended to dry boots and sneakers thoroughly every evening, wear socks for no more than a day.

It is important to note that inadequate foot care is often the cause of skin problems or infections that are difficult to treat.

increased sweating of the head in men causes

Night sweating in men: causes

In a dream, the process of natural perspiration slows down. A person does not move, does not experience psycho-emotional stress, the body is completely calm. If at a normal temperature in the room, a man sweats, it is necessary to find out the reasons for this condition. Often, hyperhidrosis at night is a symptom of serious illness.

The main causes of excessive sweating in a dream include the following: influenza, acute respiratory viral infections, tuberculosis, VVD, thyroid disease, stroke, pathology of the heart system, fungal infections, and others. Often nocturnal hyperhidrosis is caused by a mental state. Men tend to hide all experiences in themselves. That is why they are more likely than women to have nightmares, after which they wake up literally in a "cold sweat." In this case, it is recommended to undergo treatment with sedatives. Along with disorders of the nervous system, increased sweating in men disappears.

increased sweating in men causes in a dream

How to deal with hyperhidrosis?

If excessive sweating is an independent pathology, and not a symptom of the above diseases, modern medicine offers several treatment options to mitigate its manifestations:

  1. The use of antiperspirants.
  2. Drug therapy (Bellaspon, Bellataminal). Belladonna alkaloids-based drugs reduce the secretion of sweat glands and help in the fight against hyperhidrosis, without causing dependence.
  3. Sedatives. Valerian, motherwort, meditation, yoga classes - all this helps to get rid of such a pathology as increased sweating of the head in men, the reasons for which are usually hidden in emotional overload.
  4. Physiotherapeutic procedures (electrophoresis, coniferous salt baths).

In rare cases, Botox injections are prescribed and a laser is used. These are extreme measures, the help of which can be resorted to only after consulting a doctor. These treatment methods are actively promoted and used in practice today, however, they have a number of contraindications.

severe sweating causes in men treatment

Surgical intervention

When conservative treatment is ineffective, doctors offer their patients surgery. Currently, there are two types of surgical intervention that relieve hyperhidrosis: armpit curettage and endoscopic sympathectomy. The most effective is the last option. In this case, the surgeon's main goal is nerve fibers, through which the impulse passes to the sweat glands. They are pinched or completely eliminated, which guarantees a one hundred percent treatment result. The main disadvantage of this method is the appearance of a side effect in the form of "compensatory" hyperhidrosis.

Axillary curettage is also a very effective method of dealing with increased sweating. During the operation, the surgeon removes 2/3 of the glands, so the secretion is significantly reduced.

Help traditional medicine

Often, the causes of increased sweating in men are hidden in the individual characteristics of the body. If hyperhidrosis is constantly present in your life, you can use folk remedies to eliminate this problem. For example, take a weekly bath with birch buds or oak bark. The substances contained in these plants allow you to regulate the work of sweat glands. Apple cider vinegar also rescues from a strong odor if you periodically wipe it with your skin. Ordinary baby soap when applied evenly in the armpits prevents excessive secretion.


From the materials in this article, now you know what hyperhidrosis in men can be associated with, how to deal with it effectively. Excessive secretion is far from always the norm. You should not start the problem, considering excess sweat to be commonplace. Hyperhidrosis can and should be fought. Begin by observing the basic rules of personal hygiene, including daily showering and the use of deodorant. It is equally important to review your diet, take hormone tests, and be more selective about nutrition.


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