How to make peace with a girl after a strong quarrel?

Quarrels are an integral part of any relationship. During conflicts, people not only solve certain problems, but also get to know each other better. Sometimes, due to a misunderstanding, quarrels lead to separation. In this case, the man must be able to react correctly. In this article we will learn how to make peace with a girl after a strong quarrel.

Very first step

First of all, after a quarrel, you need to calm down. You should not immediately try to eliminate the conflict that has already occurred. When both sides are under severe stress, the situation can only worsen. For this reason, end the conflict and take some rest. Of course, my beloved needs to be said that you want to think, and you are not ready to discuss this further. At this time, you can walk with friends, listen to music or watch a movie. Usually, the solution to any problem comes at a time when you least think about it.

Spouses quarrel

Reason for conflict

Before you go to the flower shop for an apology, you should understand why there was a quarrel. And the most important thing is to determine who was responsible for what. Apologizing for what you did not do is stupid enough. In addition, very often girls begin to use such men. At every opportunity, they will begin to make you guilty, and you will have to apologize again and again.

It is very important to remember the whole conflict: what you said and what your beloved said. So you quickly realize the essence of the problem and find the right solution. Of course, memories can be subjective and not accurate enough. So, in stressful situations, of all the words spoken and heard, most people remember only half, and not the most important one.

In order to understand how to make peace with a girl, first carefully analyze the conflict itself and its essence. In many everyday matters, it is often difficult to come to a common opinion due to differences of opinion. In this case, you should think about the fact that sometimes a loved one should make concessions. So, for each individual situation, the answer to the question of how to make peace with a girl will be completely different.

Guilty Guy

If you know exactly what you are to blame, then you need to learn to ask for forgiveness. It all depends on the degree of guilt. Not all girls quickly forgive insults, and therefore, to gain attention again, you should try. Think what your darling loves? Most likely, you will have to apologize not only with words, but also spend a certain amount of money on a small gift. The size of the purchase, of course, will depend on the degree of your guilt and financial capabilities.

Many men tend to believe that if a girl forgives an insult to a purchase, then she is mercantile. But in fact, when a man gives a girl a gift, this suggests that he is capable of much for her sake. But first of all, it is very important to explain that you understand your guilt and fully acknowledge it. Perhaps it should be explained, and for what reasons you did this. If a girl loves, she will forgive and understand you, the main thing is to choose the right words.

Guy and girl in quarrel

Girl to blame

A man is not always to blame for a quarrel, but in any case, if he loves, he will be the first to take a step towards reconciliation. How to make peace with a girl if you are not to blame? It is very important to talk and communicate with your beloved. Most likely, she does not understand that she is guilty, and therefore she behaves this way. She should not say that she is bad, and, in particular, clearly indicate her guilt. It’s best to say about your feelings and that this behavior hurts you. Explain what caused this and what the consequences are. In most cases, the girl realizes her guilt very quickly, although she may not show it. But the main thing is that the conflict be settled. To ensure that the situation does not happen again, after some time, when the relationship is already improving, once again talk on this topic and come to a common opinion.

Different views

Most often, both partners are to blame for the occurrence of the conflict. A quarrel can provoke a bad mood, fatigue, or simply different views on the same situation. For example, a conflict arose because of a purchase. One side considers it vital and the other absolutely unnecessary. As a rule, this kind of conflict either does not exist at all, or very often. This happens because the partners do not know how to negotiate and compromise. Reconciling in this case is not enough, it is very important to prevent the further emergence of such a conflict. How to make peace with a girl if both you and she are to blame? Of course, to solve such a conflict, you need to learn to listen to each other and talk in a calm tone. Arrange with your beloved that you will succumb to each other in turn. If, for example, you really want to buy something for yourself, but she is against it - get a pleasant surprise for your sweetheart.

The man apologizes

When is the best time to go make up

There are many tricks in relations with a girl that you still have to comprehend. Here, for example, is one of them. Young people tend to believe that the sooner after an argument they ask for forgiveness, the better reconciliation will be. However, this is a common mistake of many men. On the first day after the quarrel, the girl is very evil. No matter how much time you swear, believe me, she hasn’t said everything yet. And it was on this first day that her fantasy on this score was especially stormy. She is waiting for your call or arrival to express everything. On the second day - almost the same, but, of course, she is 100% sure that you will appear after the breakup.

How to make peace with a girl so as not to listen to unpleasant things? The third day is perfect for this. The girl has already begun to get bored and think about the fact that maybe she herself is to blame for something. Her emotions have cooled a bit, and now you can talk to her. But you should not pull further. On the fourth day, a girl can do a lot of stupid things or be very offended that you are missing.

Gives a rose

Of course, it cannot be argued that this method is equally good for all females. All the girls are completely different. And you need to do as your heart tells you.

Flowers & Gifts

All men know how to make peace with a girl after breaking up with beautiful flowers. As a rule, this method always works. But is that right? Yes, in some situations, you really can not do without a gift, especially if you are guilty. But in other cases, using this method is not recommended, especially when you are not guilty of anything. In the future, this can lead to the fact that the girl will specifically create conflict situations in order to receive a present.

A pleasant surprise

It’s best to give flowers and make surprises for no reason. What other options are there if there is a quarrel with a girl? How to make peace with her? If you decide to disappear for a few days, and before you go to apologize, be afraid of her reaction, you can use this method. All these three days give her one beautiful rose with a small note "I Love". But do not do it personally. She still should not see you, but her beloved will know that you have not forgotten about her. This method can soften the heart of almost any girl. With each flower received, anger will pass, and a smile will appear on the face.

What you should not do

Of course, there are such things that you definitely don’t need to say and do during reconciliation. Firstly, you should not recall past mistakes, both yours and the girls. It’s better to talk about something pleasant, remember good moments. Even if the wrong was beloved, do not remind her of this.

No need to make the girl jealous of you. When two people are in a quarrel, and one of the partners, instead of establishing a relationship, begins to change, this causes disgust. Yes, perhaps the girl will begin to be jealous, and you will even make peace, but do not hope that she does not take revenge.

Gentle hug

Also, you should not come and call her in a drunken state. Such apologies are not taken seriously. This behavior will only aggravate the situation, but it will not improve.

Many girls don't like talking to them like a child. They, of course, are weaker than you, but this is not a reason to behave this way. In conversation, the beloved should feel respect for herself and her feelings.

How to avoid further conflicts

We have already learned how to make peace with your girlfriend, but the issue of how to avoid further conflicts is no less relevant. It is very important that not only you, but also your other half work on the relationship. One person cannot constantly “patch up holes” and apologize. In order to avoid further conflicts, you should talk as often as possible, find compromises and exchange opinions. It is very important to do this when both partners are in a good mood, well-fed and alert. If you do not agree with the words of your girlfriend, do not react violently to them. First you should find out her opinion on a certain occasion, as well as what pros and cons she sees in this. Further, in the same calm atmosphere, you should talk about how you see this situation. It is also extremely important in the discussion process not to go over to personal insults.

If you had a fight with a girl, but you don’t know how to make peace, then you should not ask friends or relatives for advice. Your relationship should be managed only by you, without the help of unauthorized persons. In some cases, when conflicts in a married couple are very frequent, it will be rational to resort to the help of specialists - family psychologists. These are the only people who are sometimes very helpful to seek advice and help.

How to make peace with your girlfriend

Reconciliation at the expense of oneself

In fact, there are a lot of ways to make peace with a girl after a quarrel. But all of them are conditionally divided into two types. After some, the girl begins to love the guy even more, but others only make her feel sorry. If you resolutely decided to put up, do not use tactics where you will look miserable and miserable. A man, even if he is guilty, must always remain himself. If you notice that you are constantly trying to improve relations, but at the same time there are more conflicts in your couple than pleasant moments, you might think about the rationality of such relations.


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