Honda Bros 400 - the legendary urban naked. Description, reviews, photos

Naked motorcycle Honda Bros 400 was produced from 1988 to 1992. Initially, the model was positioned as a response to a series of 2-cylinder urban "Monsters" Ducati. However, the result was mixed, despite the use of technologies that were progressive in those years.

By and large, the Honda Bros 400 motorcycle is very reliable and does not cause the owner any special trouble. Its features include a solid aluminum diagonal frame, a cantilever rear pendulum, large 18-inch wheels with three spokes, magnificent Showa sports pendants and clips.

honda bros 400

The city bike "Bros" can really become a true friend and an excellent companion. Legends about the quality of “Honda” still did not appear from scratch.


37-liter six-valve engine with., which is equipped with a motorcycle "Honda Bros", of course, not bad. A similar motor is on other models of motorcycles of this manufacturer: Honda 400 VRX, Honda 400 Shadow, Honda XL400V Transalp, Honda 400 Steed.

But such an engine clearly does not reach the level declared by the manufacturer itself. He is unlikely to make the bike a serious competitor in the conditions of aggressive urban pokatushek. In this regard, it is simply impossible to intimidate “Ducati Monsters” with “Bros.”

honda cast

Outstanding appearance

The main features inherent in the model, first of all, include the frame. Its unusual diagonal shape is very concise, but it is quite strikingly inscribed in the overall composition.

On the whole, the bike design turned out to be very harmonious, it was worked out in the best traditions of Honda and urban neuked.

A wide dealer network opens up great opportunities for improving motorcycles. Everyone can tailor the bike to their own needs and ideas. Often, Honda Bros 400 is equipped with wind protection, extra light, heated handles and other cute little things that make it easier for bikers to share a chilly, windy night. More serious alterations include the modernization of the seat - the plastic casing is completely removed from it, sometimes it rises higher. As with all sports, the rear seat is minimalistic, and some refuse it at all. Such alteration visually makes the design easier and more dynamic.

honda bros 400 specifications

Model history

The history of the Honda Bros motorcycle began in 1988. It was then that the first generation model began to be mass-produced. In 1990, there were a number of modernizations that affected the filling of the bike. The second generation of Honda Bros 400 motorcycles can be distinguished by large 3-spoke 18-inch wheels, as well as an improved ignition system. Modernization did not affect the design of the bike.

The model was produced until 1992, until it was officially discontinued.


For someone who wants to buy a Honda Bros 400 motorcycle, specifications are the most important point.

The motorcycle is equipped with a 2-cylinder 4-stroke V-shaped engine with a displacement of 389 cm 3 . The gearbox is five-speed. The brake system consists of a disc with four calipers on the front wheel and a single-caliper disc on the rear. Responses of owners note that the brakes are reliable and fairly soft.

The front shock absorber is a telescopic fork, and the rear shock absorber is mounted. The drive is carried out by means of a chain.

A motorcycle without gasoline in the tank weighs only 164 kilograms, and the tank capacity is 12 liters.


As usual, the amount of gasoline consumed depends on many factors. Most owners of the Honda Bros 400 motorcycle claim that the bike "eats" an average of 5 liters per hundred kilometers.

city ​​bike

Of course, in the presence of a passenger, a large number of intersections on the route, wardrobe trunks and other factors, consumption can increase significantly.

Main competitors

It was planned that the “Honda Bros” in the first place will fight for the hearts of fans with the “Monsters”. However, he did not become a serious competitor for Ducati. These two bikes are too different - both in behavior and in style, so it is simply pointless to compare them.

As a result, most experts agree that the main competitors of the Honda Bros 400 are Yamaha SRX400 and Suzuki SV400.


Today it is almost impossible to find a new motorcycle of this brand. Nevertheless, almost a quarter of a century has passed since the moment they were no longer produced. The cost depends on many factors, including the technical condition, the intensity of operation, the presence of mileage in the CIS. You can start looking for such a motorcycle, having in your pocket an amount of about $ 2,000. On average, the cost ranges from 2300 to 2500 dollars. Some copies may cost more, it depends on the configuration.


On the roads of the city, this bike behaves quite confidently. It is not in vain that he is positioned as a city motorcycle. Relatively small dimensions provide him with great maneuverability, and in the conditions of city traffic you will once again be glad for the choice made in favor of “Bros”.

honda bros 400 motorcycle

As a rule, this model is chosen by those who are experiencing a turning point in life associated with the development of subcompacts. Some bikers who have crossed to the Bros from motorcycles with engines of 125 or 250 dice mark his mischievous character and incredible obedience. It is steady on a trajectory, on the shoulder it is the road going uphill, it easily maneuvers in a stream of cars.

Sometimes the Honda Bros 400 becomes the very first motorcycle. Those who moved from this brand to something heavier confidently recommend it to beginners. Often you can meet this "iron horse" under the saddle of a beautiful girl-motorcyclist.

So, this model of motorcycle may well be considered as the best transport for the city. If your goal is not crazy racing, but riding at the pace of a metropolis, then maybe Honda Bros will become your dream come true.


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