What should be the congratulation of the mother at her son’s wedding?

Parents are always worried about how the future fate of their child will turn out. Therefore, it is not surprising that on the eve of the wedding they do not find a place for themselves. And can you really blame them for this? After all, such an event happens once in a lifetime, at least many hope so.

And yet, whatever the excitement, the groom's mother must understand one important thing: at the table she will need to say a few kind words to the young. Not many can cope with this task without proper preparation. And so let's talk about what should be the congratulation of the mother at the wedding of her son.

congratulation of mother at the wedding of her son

Why is it important to use the “right” words?

The complexity of the task is that it will have to be performed in front of many viewers. For some, this is nothing, but for someone - a serious test. Only the fact that words will be selected in advance can save the situation, and it remains only to pronounce them beautifully.

But what should be the congratulation of the mother at her son’s wedding? After all, I want to wish a lot, but there is not enough time for this, as always. Especially when a lot of people are walking at the celebration, and everyone wants to express their congratulations.

That is why you need to try to choose the "right" words so that they do not take a lot of time, but at the same time are touched to the heart. So, what should be the congratulation of the mother at her son’s wedding?

Tradition with a Loaf

Let not all young couples honor the old traditions; nevertheless, the ritual with a loaf remains still relevant. According to tradition, the mother of the groom makes it, and she will need to be the first to congratulate the newlyweds. It is best to use metaphors associated with the loaf.

congratulation of the mother of the groom at the wedding of his son

Here is a small example of what a wish should be:

“My dear children, today you have embarked on the path of living together. We give you this loaf with the hope that your fate will be as warm and sweet as he is. Break it off a piece of it, and give a bite to your soul mate as a sign that you will always take care of each other. ”

A table congratulation of the groom's mother at her son’s wedding

However, the most important words will be what the mother of the groom will say during the feast. After all, this is a kind of message to the future, which should give young people happiness and joy. And so you need to think carefully about all the words in advance.

First of all, you need to understand that such a congratulation should be sincere. Indeed, otherwise guests can catch notes of falsehood in their voices, which will spoil the atmosphere of celebration. To avoid this, set aside all things and think about what you really want for your children. In particular, do not forget that the congratulation is addressed not only to his son, but also to his daughter-in-law. Therefore, give it a few lines.

For some reason, many people are used to saying toasts in verse. And it’s not that it was wrong, just congratulating the mother on her son’s wedding in prose will sound much more convincing. And besides, you can not worry about the fact that some words will fly out of my head. Indeed, in this case, they can easily be replaced by others, without worrying that the rhyme will be violated.

congratulation of the mother at the wedding of her son in prose

Congratulation of the mother at the wedding of her son: examples

In conclusion, we give some good examples so that they can serve as a model for drawing up your own wishes.

  1. Dear sister-in-law, now we are one family. I love my son very much and am proud that he chose such a wonderful companion for himself. He always told me that he would marry only the most wonderful girl in the world. I thought it was a little boy’s invention, but now I understand - it was a promise of a real man. I sincerely wish you happiness and love, and God bless you!
  2. First, I want to contact you, my son. You grew up a real man, strong and strong. Until recently, you ran around the house in anticipation of the moment when I returned from work. And now you are forever leaving him to meet your own destiny. But I'm not afraid for you, because next to you now is a beautiful girl, your wife. And I believe that together you can overcome all obstacles in your path, because your love is unshakable. And so let's drink for you and your new family.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/B6796/

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