Mint tea

Everyone knows that mint is a healthy herb. However, not everyone knows for certain what it is so famous for, although every person drank mint tea at least once in their life.

Let's try to figure out what properties mint has, in which cases it should be used.

Peppermint tea is an excellent treatment for colds, it is practically considered a medicine. You just need to pour a spoonful of leaves with a glass of slightly cooled boiling water, insist, and then strain and drink. Such brewing tea is considered the simplest technology, but at the same time the most correct, because with this method, essential oils do not have time to evaporate.

If a person is disturbed by bad breath, then mint tea will come to the rescue. Very often, when cooking, there is an excess of tea leaves, which, it turns out, helps a lot in this case, maintaining hygiene in the mouth, helping along with therapeutic toothpaste and elixir for rinsing with various gum diseases.

At the slightest sign of flu or a cold, children can also be given this miraculous drink, but it is better to brew it in weaker concentrations. If you wash your baby’s nose with such a solution, then after the second time the discharge from it will sharply decrease.

Peppermint tea is especially effective when honey is added to it: it is both healthy and tasty, especially in cold winter weather.

In addition, if a person is bothered by the already standard set of diseases of the intestines or stomach, then peppermint tea is exactly what will help. It is recommended for convulsive colitis and high acidity, relieves stomach pain, improves digestion, helps with bloating, cramping and colic.

It is well known that peppermint tea reduces stress and has a calming effect. This is probably one of its main advantages. Before going to bed, it helps to relax.

Peppermint also helps to reduce headaches, relieves migraines, indigestion caused by anxiety or stress.

Due to the fact that this herb is rich in nutrients such as calcium, B vitamins, phosphorus, peppermint tea significantly enhances immunity and helps to strengthen it.

Peppermint tea helps with nausea, both during pregnancy and during travel, it has an analgesic effect, most pronounced with menstrual and other muscle cramps, weakens intestinal colic, especially in young children.

Another amazing property of peppermint tea is the reduction of uncontrolled hair growth in women, which occurs due to the increased content of androgens - male hormones. Many herbalists and researchers claim that regular use of this amazing drink in women reduces the amount of hair on the legs, chest and other undesirable areas of the body.

Peppermint tea is said to reduce potency, which is why men should beware of its excessive use.

Among women, there is an opinion that with the help of mint you can lose weight. To do this, you just need to inhale the aromas of this herb every two hours, and in a week or two the result will be obvious. And peppermint tea is an essential component of any diet, as it normalizes the intestines.

At the same time, however, it is imperative to know that peeling mint tea is not recommended.

Who in the summer hot weather did not drink a cold refreshing drink, which includes leaf tea, several sprigs of miraculous mint herbs, lemon or lime, sugar or honey.

You just need to make weak tea, add sprigs of peppermint to the tea leaves and insist, and add sugar, lemon and ice before serving. Such a drink is not only very tasty, but also simply indispensable in the summer.


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