How to restore KBM after replacing rights: procedure

Each motorist may be faced with the need to replace a driver’s license. Typically, this happens after losing a document. However, regardless of the reason, the bonus-malus coefficient disappears, as a result of which the cost of insurance services increases significantly. Faced with this, most people immediately succumb to despair, because they think that nothing can be done. But this is far from the case. There are a couple of effective methods, ways that will allow you to return a discount for a trouble-free ride. Let's look at each of them and find out how to restore KBM after replacing rights with minimal problems.

The main reasons for the disappearance of discounts

KBM after replacing rights

Let's dwell on this in more detail. Bonus malus coefficient can be zeroed out not only after receiving a new driver’s license. Of course, this reason is most often to blame for everything, because some motorists simply do not know or forget to notify the insurance company that they have a new document, so the corresponding changes are not made in a single electronic database. But it also happens that the problem is caused by a computer malfunction or a trivial human factor, for example, an employee of the UK or an insurance agent simply made a mistake in the last name or first name. Therefore, every person who has their own vehicle and regularly moves on it should know how to restore the MSC after the replacement of rights. Regardless of why you lost the discount, the algorithm for recovering it will be the same. An exception is the situation in which an unscrupulous insurance company intentionally does not want to provide its customers with benefits in order to increase their own profits. In this case, the situation is also fixable, but the methods for solving it will already be different. More details about each of them will be described below.

Bonus Malus Ratio Recovery

recovery of KBM after replacement of rights

So what do you need to know about this? The most common case is when drivers find that after replacing their rights, the KBM has disappeared, so we will pay particular attention to this problem. At the same time, most motorists think that they will have to accumulate accident-free driving experience from the very beginning, but you can restore it and continue to use honestly well-deserved benefits when registering a car citizen.

If you have a need to replace rights, then immediately after receiving a new document you need to contact the office of your insurer and write a standard form statement, which indicates the date of receipt, as well as the series and number of the old and new certificates. If you find that the discount disappeared during the renewal of the CTP policy, then in this case the first thing to do is to establish the cause of what happened, because without it it will be very difficult to achieve anything.

Determine the date the discount disappears

return KBM after replacement of rights

It is not difficult to return the KBM after the replacement of rights, but for this you must determine the approximate time when it disappeared. To do this, you can contact the organization with which you entered into an insurance contract and request this information from her. According to the legislation, insurance companies are not entitled to refuse service to drivers, but if this happens, you can go to the portal of the Russian Union of Auto Insurers and proceed to the section that stores the history of changes in the bonus-malus coefficient for each driver. For example, if in November last year it was equal to 0.8, and after only a month fell to 0.7, it means that it was during this period that a mistake was made, and therefore, you can easily determine who is to blame for what happened.

However, this information will not be enough to return KBM CTP after a replacement of rights. You will have to submit certain documents confirming the fact that the insurance company is really to blame for the loss of the insurance discount. To do this, you need to print data on the change in the bonus malus coefficient and present them to the culprit of the problem. If you do not have any evidence, then justice will not work.

We collect documents

KBM OSAGO after replacing rights

So what needs to be prepared? If you are interested in the answer to the question of how to restore the KBM after the replacement of rights, then you should understand that you will have to tinker a bit. To return the discount to the previous size, you will need to prepare a certain package of documents. When applying to the UK to apply, you must have the following with you:

  • the original civil passport and copies of the first two pages;
  • new driver’s license;
  • old expired insurance policies.

If you did not save the CTP, then you will need to submit similar documents on the basis of which the insurance company will be able to make the necessary calculations. A certificate confirming the fact of concluding a contract for insurance of a vehicle may serve as such.

Action algorithm

kbm 1 after replacement of rights

This aspect should be given special significance. So, how to restore KBM after the replacement of rights? After establishing the organization that made the mistake and collecting all the necessary documents, you only need to submit an application for the recalculation and restoration of the discount.

It must necessarily indicate the following:

  1. General information. To whom and from whom the appeal is directed. The full name of the insurance company is written in the header, and below is your surname, name and patronymic, date of birth and address of actual residence.
  2. Information about the driver’s license. As a reason for applying, it must be indicated that the rights have been replaced and that information on them in the unified electronic registry needs to be updated. In this case, you must attach a copy of the new document to the application.
  3. Insurance information. It is necessary to list the series and number, as well as the date of registration of all insurances, the validity of which at the time of application was not expired.
  4. At the bottom of the document is the date of filling out the application and a personal signature.

If you do everything right, then recovering the KBM after replacing the rights does not take much time. However, not all insurance companies meet the client and help in solving the problem. In this case, you can go for more radical methods.

Appeal to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation

The Central Bank of the Russian Federation is responsible for regulating the activities of insurance companies and determining the current tariff rate. Therefore, if the UK refused to consider your application, then you can file a complaint against it. The central bank has a huge impact on insurers, so they are very afraid of it. For severe violations, a loss of license is assumed, therefore, at the mere mention of the intention to apply to the Central Bank, most insurers, as a rule, make concessions to their customers. However, it is important to consider one important nuance. The regulatory body deals with complaints on policies that expired no later than a year ago.

Appeal to the Russian Union of Auto Insurers

How is this process going? If you need to recover KBM after the replacement of rights, RSA is perhaps one of the most respected organizations in the Russian insurance market that can help solve many issues. The thing is that the Central Bank, although it regulates the activities of insurance companies, nevertheless does not have the authority to make adjustments and corrections to the unified database, since this is in the jurisdiction of the PCA. A special page has been created on the website of this organization on which citizens can register their complaints. Here you can download official forms to fill out.

Action algorithm

After replacing the rights, KBM disappeared

If you find KBM 1 after a change of rights and the insurance company refused to solve the problem, then you should send a complaint to it to the PCA. You can do this right from home, and the whole procedure takes place according to the following scheme:

  • Download the application form and fill it out;
  • register the document with the secretary;
  • apply for recalculation of the bonus-malus coefficient.

That, in fact, is all. After that, the organization’s staff will consider your application. As a rule, it takes one month, and you will receive a response about the decision to the e-mail specified during registration on the portal. Most often, the problem can be solved, however, if you get a refusal at the PCA, then this is a significant reason for the trial. If you can prove your case in court and win, then the insurance company that made a mistake will not only forcibly make all the necessary changes to a single electronic database, but will also reimburse you for the costs.

What documents do you need to provide when making a complaint?

It is not so difficult to restore the KBM after the replacement of rights through SAR and, as many drivers say, very quickly. In most cases, motorists manage to achieve a positive result and return a well-deserved discount for the absence of emergency situations on the road. But in order for your complaint to be registered, the following documents must be attached to the application:

  • original of the current and old insurance policy;
  • a document certifying the absence of an accident for a certain period of time;
  • copy of the new driver’s license;
  • insurance issued for several people.

The package of documents is quite standard and does not take much time to prepare.


recovery of KBM after replacement of the rights of RSA

The bonus-malus coefficient is a privilege that provides the opportunity to save money on insurance of your car. Therefore, if you suddenly notice that it is not there, then you need to contact your insurer for proceedings. The discount recovery procedure itself is quite simple and does not take much time, however it is very important to do everything on time. Therefore, do not put off the problem in the long box, but immediately proceed to solve it.


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