Paraphrenic syndrome: description, causes, symptoms

"Bullshit" - how often people say this word, trying to express their disagreement with some ideas. But in fact, delirium is nothing more than a manifestation of the disease in terms of mental health. One of the most severe forms of delusional disorder is paraphrenic syndrome. It is sometimes called megalomania. We will analyze this syndrome in more detail.

And then megalomania?

Paraphrenic syndrome is characterized by an overestimation of its own significance. A person begins to compare himself with someone great, becomes obsessed with the idea of ​​his uniqueness and his own superiority.

paraphrenic syndrome
Many begin to think that they have superpowers, and sometimes even consider themselves chosen, those with whom the higher mind communicates. All this megalomania leads to hallucinations, because it is thanks to them that the patient manages to believe that he is really special.

The line between lying and sickness

Paraphrenic syndrome can be confused with a love of fantasy. For example, the schizoid type is characterized by withdrawal into its inner world and its fantasies. In inventing his world, in the meantime, a person begins to believe that everything is really the way he invented for himself. With paraphrenia, untrue stories are also observed, but if with schizoid disorder they always go in the same line, then in a delusional patient they are always different, change and do not interfere with honey.

paranoid paranoid paraphrenic syndromes

Fictional characters are not just non-existent people, they are those who simply cannot be in the world: people with tentacles and three heads, deceased famous personalities. Even having convicted such a delusional patient of a lie, you can be sure that he will continue to assure that all this is actually true. Paraphrenic syndrome manifests itself to all but the credibility of the statements, they are always untrue, and any sane person can understand this.

General symptoms

Paraphrenic syndrome is characterized by several types of symptoms:

β€’ Hallucinatory type. The patient has verbal hallucinations. In other words, he hears voices from the outside or inside himself. They inspire fanatical ideas, distort reality. They are often called pseudo-hallucinations.

β€’ Systematized type. Delusional thoughts are already firmly entrenched in the mind of the patient, become persistent. If with the hallucinatory type there is still a chance that a person can independently realize the nonsense of his ideas, then with this type this becomes impossible. Gradually, thoughts begin to be structured, but in the wrong direction.

β€’ Confabulatory type. Developed in a single combination with the first two types. The substitution of false memories begins. A person begins to talk about past events in a different color, with other details or facts. Along with this, megalomania begins to develop. Stories from the past are mainly related to something that made the patient special, not like everyone else.

β€’ Mental automatism. The patient begins to communicate with fictional characters. Fictional in the sense that in fact these people do not talk to him. It can be those who live today, or those who have long died. There may be alien or other fantastic creatures. Along with this, a person begins to assure everyone that he has abilities that he previously did not have. For example, the ability to manipulate people, read their thoughts, move objects, dissolve in the surrounding world, be invisible.

paraphrenic syndrome is characterized

Symptoms borrowed from other disorders

In addition to its symptoms, paraphrenic syndrome has the same manifestations with other syndromes, namely:

β€’ Capgra syndrome. There is a substitution of strangers for acquaintances and vice versa. Real friends, close people, and even family members are perceived as strangers and previously unfamiliar. But those whom the patient never knew become expensive and close. He begins to take his entourage as a made-up stranger, trying to seize his disposition and trust.

β€’ Fregoli syndrome. One and the same person in the eyes of the patient begins to take the form of different people. For example, seeing a friend, the patient may first recognize him, at the next meeting, consider him some kind of famous athlete, and subsequently even a creature from a fairy tale. Moreover, he will sincerely believe that this is indeed so.

what is paraphrenic syndrome

Speech Features

Paranoid, paranoid, paraphrenic syndromes are all as one characterized by brightly disturbed speech. It is replete with facts of a universal scale, various figures and calculations, comparisons. The patient, in every possible way trying to prove his significance for the whole world, cites scientific facts proving this. He begins to talk about what is known only to him, about uncharted events, wars in outer space. Moreover, any disagreement with his point of view will be constantly refuted.


Like any other syndrome, paraphrenia has its own varieties:

β€’ Melancholy paraphrenia. This is a species closely associated with depression. It occurs already at a late age. It is dangerous because delusions, instead of elevating a person to the rank of a special one, which would be better than self-flagellation, lead to self-flagellation. A person is sure that he deserves humiliation, and at every opportunity he tries to humiliate himself.

β€’ Involutional paraphrenia. Also characteristic of elderly patients. A feeling of persecution begins, that everyone around is a danger. A person, believing that he carries something unique in himself, is trying in every possible way to save this from fictitious external enemies. This type of paraphrenic syndrome leads to memory tricks (a person begins to get confused in it, intentionally substitutes some facts in the memories), sudden mood swings, and a change in speech at the time of delirium exacerbation.

β€’ Presenile paraphrenia. It occurs in women aged 45 to 55 years. She is characterized by the idea of ​​greatness through a relationship with someone even greater. For example, delusional fantasies of sexual intercourse with an alien mind may arise. At the same time, auditory hallucinations in every way feed the faith in the veracity of these circumstances.

β€’ Acute paraphrenia. This is more an attack of schizophrenia than paraphrenic syndrome. The medical history in all cases confirms this. Delirium in this case is sensual and imaginative. Patients claim that they really feel everything they are talking about. For example, how a fictional character touches them.

paraphrenic syndrome manifests itself to everyone except

β€’ Erotic paraphrenia. It affects women more often than men. Almost all patients have a bad family life, which becomes the impetus for the development of this kind of nonsense. Hallucinations are reproached for immorality, while threatening with sexual violence for it. Charges may be about treason to your spouse. It occurs in old age and is paroxysmal in nature.

β€’ Late paraphrenia. The latest of all types, since it is diagnosed at the age of 70-80 years. It seems to patients that they are being harmed, offended. Refers to senile schizophrenia and is difficult to cure.

Causes of the syndrome

The syndrome can occur on its own, or it can only be a sign of a disease. It can cause: schizophrenia, manic syndrome, psychosis (especially senile). The reason may also be:

β€’ Genetic predisposition to the occurrence of mental illness. Do not be surprised if suddenly a child of mental patients begins to rave.

β€’ Problems with brain activity. Any irregularities in his work from birth or due to some kind of injury or illness like meningitis.

β€’ Abuse of narcotic, psychotropic drugs and alcohol.

paraphrenic syndrome medical history


Treatment for the disorder is possible. It is carried out in several stages. First, patients are prescribed antipsychotic drugs, they help stabilize the general condition of the patient and, in addition, reduce nonsense. If there is also a depressive disorder, the doctor prescribes antidepressants. In large dosages, patients take the drugs, while being in hospital, at home only a small dose of drugs continues to be taken. The final stage of treatment is the passage of a course of psychotherapy by a specialist.

characteristic for paraphrenic syndrome


Knowing what paraphrenic syndrome is, and treating it in a timely manner, you can protect yourself or your loved ones. The more neglected the symptoms, the more difficult it is to cure them. Of course, most patients are able to recover, but this does not happen to everyone. Elderly people are at risk, whose health must be carefully monitored and do not forget to visit a psychiatric clinic for examination at least once every six months.


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