The height of the bath from the floor: standards and tolerances

When decorating the interior of the bathroom, you need to consider many nuances. It is very important not only to choose the right material, shape, size and color scheme, but also to correctly install the plumbing equipment, taking into account certain installation requirements. This applies not only to the basic connection rules. Of particular importance is the height of the bath from the floor. To avoid many problems, when choosing plumbing, you should immediately determine its dimensions so that it normally fits in the room and provides maximum comfort during operation.

The standard is the height from the floor to the edge of 700 millimeters, but there are exceptions. It all depends on many criteria. For example, if you live with people of advanced age or with limited physical abilities, then, according to the rules, the height should be no more than 600 mm.

Varieties of plumbing equipment

height of installation of a bathtub from a floor

Before we figure out what the height of the bathtub should be from the floor, let's first find out what they are. Nowadays, the range of plumbing is very diverse, but the classification as such does not exist.

Bathtubs are divided into several types, depending on what material they are made of. For the production of plumbing, cast iron, acrylic, steel and kvaril are used. Each material has certain advantages and disadvantages, therefore, their cost will differ. When choosing plumbing equipment, you should focus on its size and your own financial capabilities.

The most popular are steel bathtubs, as they are lightweight and affordable. However, they will not be the best choice, since their service life is relatively short. In addition, they quickly give off heat, which is also not very good.

The classic version is plumbing made of cast iron. This material has excellent performance and will last for more than one decade. But there is a significant minus. Their weight is very large, which is why the exposed height of the bathtub installation from the floor according to all standards is difficult to achieve. As for the cost, everything here is still not very good. Cast iron is an expensive material, so not everyone can afford its products.

Acrylic plumbing equipment is the β€œgolden mean”. It has an affordable cost, light weight, excellent durability and a wide selection of colors.

A few words about sizes

bath installation height

Most modern apartments have a small area, therefore, in them every square meter counts. Therefore, if you want to install a siphon for a bathtub with an overflow in your home, then you should pay special attention to the dimensions, in particular, the height of the plumbing. Forms and other criteria in the case of limited free space are not so important. The same goes for design and colors.

During installation, all the standards for installing the bathtub in height must be observed. Between the plumbing and the supporting base there should be a gap of 100-150 centimeters so that a siphon can be installed without any problems. For older people, you should choose plumbing with reduced depth so that they can use the bathroom on their own.

Location options

In order to competently carry out a drain for the bath, you need to carefully consider how it is most rational to install plumbing in the room. When placing you need to consider the following criteria:

  • if the equipment is not installed back to back, then a gap of at least 70 centimeters must be left between it and the wall;
  • there must be a gap of 15 cm between the bottom and the floor so that a siphon can fit in it;
  • the orientation of the plumbing is strictly horizontal.

It is worth noting that these requirements are not mandatory. They are solely advisory in nature, so you can proceed from the particular layout of your own apartment.

What is said in SNiP?

When performing repairs in the apartment and installing plumbing, it is imperative to take into account the basic requirements given in the Building Norms and Rules. According to them, the height of the bath from the floor should be at least 60 centimeters, regardless of the material, size, installation location and other characteristics of the sanitary equipment. Regardless of the location, the width of the opening should be at least one meter to ensure free movement and access of people to it.

General installation rules

Let's look at them in more detail. Regardless of the type of plumbing, you must always comply with the standard installation of the bath. It is worth taking into account the material from which it is made, because depending on it, the technology and the procedure for performing all the work are different. And it is also important to consider the type of flooring.

To ensure that the plumbing is stable and comfortable to use, it is recommended that the installation be carried out strictly according to the level. Even the slightest distortions can not only spoil the mood, but also lead to the fact that the process of using the bath will not be too pleasant. Next, we will consider in detail how each of the possible options is installed.

Installation of steel plumbing equipment

foot bath

So what is its feature? As mentioned earlier, this type of plumbing is one of the most popular. However, since the equipment has a low weight, it is imperative that the steel bath is installed on the legs. It can be rubber substrates or ordinary metal plates. Such nuances do not have fundamental significance.

Steel plumbing can be installed in any part of the room due to low weight. In addition, they are equipped with strong, reliable and durable supports, which ensures a high level of safety during operation. Each foot of the steel bath has a special regulator, with which you can get the ideal height for yourself. In this case, the plumbing is installed approximately 30 cm from the sewer hole, after which the bath siphon with overflow is connected and screwed with nuts.

The main nuances of installing cast iron plumbing

bath height

If you decide to install this plumbing equipment in your apartment, then its height above the floor is especially important. This is due to the large weight of the bathtubs from this material, which greatly complicates the installation process. The legs of the plumbing are unregulated, therefore, if necessary, they are cut and ground. At the same time, the floor covering must have high strength and durability. In extreme cases, you can use special stands. If mounting is on a slippery surface, then use special glue.

If you have definitely decided that there will be a cast-iron bathtub in your house, the installation height is determined on the basis of the same factors as in the case of steel plumbing. According to the basic requirements of SNiP, it should be at least 70 cm, and if you live with people of advanced age, then it is reduced to 60 centimeters. After connecting the drain, the corrugated or plastic pipe is fixed with bolts. It is recommended that all work be carried out using the building level so that the plumbing is ideally level.

Acrylic bathtubs

What is their feature? This type of plumbing is most widespread, because it combines the ideal ratio of price and quality. In addition, due to their light weight, their installation does not cause special problems. However, it is important to consider that during operation due to the constant temperature difference, plumbing can be deformed.

The installation height of the acrylic bath is no different from its other varieties, but to add rigidity and stability to the body, a metal frame is erected during installation. The maximum elevation above the floor should not exceed 70 centimeters. The supporting base of plumbing equipment is decorated under the interior design of the room.

A few words about the jacuzzi

corner bath installation

This type of plumbing is in great demand these days. If before the jacuzzi was a luxury and an indicator of prosperity, today it is in many people's homes. If you also want to acquire it, then it is worth considering certain nuances, since the correctness of installation plays a significant role. Plumbing with the possibility of hydromassage consists of the following elements:

  • main thicket;
  • water inlet;
  • special nozzles designed for air supply;
  • hydromassage system;
  • aeration network;
  • pump;
  • air compressor;
  • Control block;
  • support system;
  • a mixer that allows you to adjust the temperature of water heating;
  • Remote Control.

Despite the complex design, the principle of operation of the jacuzzi is quite simple. But, as in the case of the bathroom, you need to choose the right height. The best option is 70 centimeters.

Installation process

bath installation

Let's look at it in more detail. There is nothing complicated in connecting plumbing equipment, so every person who has never done anything like this before can do it. But in order for everything to work out qualitatively, experts recommend adhering to certain rules.

The bath installation instructions are as follows:

  1. Installation should be carried out on a flat surface so that the plumbing has good stability. At the same time, it must have a weight that the floor covering can withstand.
  2. In order not to damage the bath during the execution of the work, it is installed in the very least.
  3. The place where the plumbing equipment will stand, as well as the installation method, is pre-determined.
  4. If you have a steel bath, then, as a rule, the legs used on it do not correspond to operational characteristics, so they are installed on special supports that increase the area of ​​the support.
  5. A key requirement is compliance with height standards.

It is worth noting that many people have absolutely no idea how to install the legs on the bath. In most models, they are immediately attached to the equipment, but they can be supplied separately. In this case, you will need to fix them on the case yourself, using the special key and instructions that are provided in the user manual.

General tips and tricks

Despite the fact that the process of installing and connecting plumbing is very simple, however, you may experience certain problems if you have never done this before. So that you can quickly and efficiently deal with everything, qualified specialists shared the following tips:

  • If you opted for a jacuzzi, then you should not do the installation yourself. It is better to entrust it to an experienced master.
  • If you have a shared bathroom, the distance between the bathroom and the toilet should be at least one meter to ensure a normal passage.
  • When buying plumbing, you should not chase the price, since, as practice shows, their quality is at a very low level, and the service life is poor.

In addition, you must pre-think about the installation location and connection technology.

bath setting standard


In this article, we talked in detail about what types of plumbing equipment exist. If you competently and slowly approach the process, and follow the basic tips and recommendations for installation, then you will certainly succeed.


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