Pleurisy in lung cancer: description, causes, symptoms and treatment

Almost all pathological processes that occur precisely in the pleural region of the lung are secondary in nature. These are not individual diseases. As a rule, they are a kind of complication of a more serious illness. In oncology, fluid can also accumulate in the pleural region in sufficiently large volumes. In such cases, breathing problems occur. Pleurisy in oncology of the lungs interferes with the natural movement of organs. As a result, respiratory failure develops.

pleurisy in lung cancer

Main reasons

Let's look at why there is pleurisy of the lungs with oncology, symptoms, treatment, healthy lifestyle with an ailment and so on. First of all, the main causes of the disease should be highlighted. It is worth noting that tissue edema occurs in the last stage of cancer . Eliminating it is not so simple. Edema occurs at a time when the supply of nutrients in the body is exhausted. This is precisely what leads to death in most cases.

Pleurisy in lung cancer occurs as a result of:

  1. Complications that develop in patients after removal of the respiratory system or after irradiation.
  2. Spread to the lymph nodes of the primary tumor. This, in turn, makes the outflow of fluid difficult. As a result, it accumulates in the pleural region.
  3. With a decrease in protein levels, a decrease in oncotic pressure may occur . It also provokes the development of pleurisy.
  4. Increased permeability of pleura leaves.
  5. Pressure reduction in the pleural region, as well as the accumulation of fluid in it. A similar phenomenon is noted with overlapping bronchial lumen.

Features of the disease

To identify pleurisy in lung cancer, you need to know the features of the disease. The development of this disease can occur over a short period of time. Swelling of the tissue occurs literally in a few hours. It is very important to recognize the disease in a timely manner and provide the patient with first aid.

The first sign of the disease is a bubbling in the chest. When breathing, a person may lack air. In this case, wheezing and shortness of breath may occur. Gradually, edema increases in size and the so-called motor activity appears. A patient in this condition is very difficult to find a comfortable position. The skin of the patient acquire a bluish tint. A strong cough with sputum production is also noted. If such symptoms occur, you should immediately seek help from the nearest hospital.

Pleurisy of the lungs with oncology can develop for a long time. In this case, treatment of the disease can give a positive result. After appropriate treatment, the patient has a chance to live relatively long. Fluid accumulates in the pleural region gradually. This, as a rule, is not felt at the very beginning. Most often, the pathology is detected randomly. In this case, the patient begins to worry about the symptoms described below.

lung pleurisy in oncology

Symptoms of the disease

Pleurisy in oncology of the lungs has some features that allow you to timely identify a complication. The main symptoms of the disease include:

  1. Dry cough. In this case, slight sputum production may be noted.
  2. Heaviness, as well as a feeling of constriction in the sternum.
  3. Dyspnea, progressive in nature. Gradually, it becomes more intense and occurs even with minor loads.
  4. Pain sensations localized in the area of ​​a diseased organ.

How is the diagnosis

How is pleurisy diagnosed with oncology? Metastatic symptoms can determine the disease almost immediately. In this case, the examination must be done by an oncologist. First of all, the specialist should interview the patient about the presence of any deviations associated with the general condition and well-being of the patient. This allows you to determine the main signs of the disease.

After this, the doctor, as a rule, conducts a visual examination, as well as a palpation examination of organs and chest. In some cases, an x-ray is prescribed. Snapshots of the respiratory system allow you to accurately determine the occurrence of tissue edema.

Determine the main causes of the development of pleurisy allows computed tomography. In certain situations, an additional ultrasound of the chest is performed. A puncture is also done. This allows the analysis of fluid taken from the pleural region.

pleurisy of lungs with oncology

The main stages of therapy

What to do if fluid was detected in the lungs with oncology? The causes of pleurisy are different. Therapy depends on certain factors. First of all, doctors determine the cause of pleurisy, and then prescribe treatment. If the cause lies in the primary tumor, then if possible, it is removed. However, it is first necessary to determine its localization. It is worth noting that pleurisy therapy requires timely removal of fluid. This is the primary and basic procedure that allows you to eliminate shortness of breath and significantly improve the well-being of the patient.

After establishing the etiological factor of the disease, the doctor may prescribe treatment. Malignant neoplasms are very sensitive to chemotherapy. For this reason, therapy is carried out with the use of cytostatic drugs. Most often, such treatment can eliminate tissue swelling.

If the patient has an inoperable tumor, then therapy is prescribed that can eliminate the main symptoms of the disease. In this case, pleurodesis and pleurocentesis are used.

fluid in the lungs with oncology causes

The use of medicines

Pleurisy in cancer patients is quite common. For the treatment of the disease, as well as to eliminate the main signs, all kinds of medicines are used. First of all, patients are prescribed cardiac glycosides. These drugs can enhance myocardial contraction. The list of such medicines includes Storofanin. In addition, medications are prescribed that can expand the smooth muscles of the bronchi, for example, Eufillin. Often used diuretics: "Furosemide" and others. They allow you to remove fluid from the pleural region with urine.

If the tumor is malignant, then the use of medications for pleurisy does not give results. However, it is possible to alleviate the patient's condition by pumping out the liquid.

pleurisy with oncology metastatic symptoms

What is pleurocentesis

Pleurocentesis is an operation that allows you to remove exudate mechanically. During the procedure, the doctor inserts a thin needle and makes a puncture in the pleural cavity. Of course, the operation is not entirely pleasant, but it helps to alleviate the condition of the patient. After a puncture, another needle is inserted into the cavity, connected to an electric suction tube. This device allows you to remove fluid. After surgery, the patient can breathe normally.

The disadvantage of this procedure is that after a while the fluid again accumulates in the pleural cavity, as the main reason for the development of the disease is not eliminated. Repeated carrying out of such an operation is undesirable, as the patient's condition can only worsen. In addition, commissures may occur. Such phenomena greatly complicate the process of the operation.

oncology pleurisy treatment

What is pleurodesis

This is another procedure that is performed in the presence of a malignant neoplasm. In this case, the pleural cavity is filled with special medicinal compositions that do not allow fluid to accumulate.

It is worth noting that pleurodesis is very popular. After all, the procedure allows for more effective pleurisy therapy, and also does not allow its further development in the future.

What is the forecast?

Treatment of pleurisy in oncology is not an easy task. After all, much depends on the factors that caused the disease. The consequences of therapy are directly dependent on the diagnosis. Treatment of the disease is often difficult due to the presence of malignant tumors. Pleurisy occurs, usually at complex stages of the disease.

The prognosis is unfavorable in the presence of metastatic lesions that occur with the advanced course of the disease. In other cases, there is no threat to life if the fluid has been completely removed from the pleural region. However, the patient should be screened regularly to avoid relapse.

pleurisy in cancer patients

Healthy lifestyle treatment

In the treatment of malignant neoplasms, a healthy lifestyle is often used. However, therapy must be carried out in combination. Otherwise, there will be no positive result. An experienced doctor can tell you which remedies from HLS can be used, and which ones should be discarded. It is worth noting that with cancerous tumors, the use of alternative medicine is allowed:

  1. Tincture, which contains aconite Dzhungarsky. This plant has an antitumor effect. The drug is usually used for grinding, and also taken orally. Dosage is determined by the doctor.
  2. Massage the chest. During the procedure, the heart region should be avoided. Massage should be done using essential oils. The procedure improves blood circulation to tissues and facilitate breathing.

In conclusion

The worst disease is oncology. Cancer pleurisy is a complication that occurs with the development of malignant neoplasms in the lungs. For this disease, certain symptoms are characteristic that allow timely detection of the presence of pathology. Lack of therapy can lead to more serious consequences, even death.


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