How to count money fast: basic tricks

How many of us can boast that they can quickly count money? But to learn how to quickly count money, it is necessary not only to the cashier or accountant, given the frantic rhythm in which residents of large cities are forced to move.

Quick Counting Methods

There are ways to quickly count money. There are two of them. The first is when a person is in a separate room, at home or in the office. The second method is used when it is surrounded by other people, for example, in a store or bus. Both accounts contain their own counting techniques. And not only paper notes or coins, but also electronic money.

How to count money

First way

The first method includes such quick money counting techniques as:

  • Card . This technique came from the world of card games. To check which cards are missing in the deck for any reason, the cards are piled in suits. In the same way, bills are laid out, but not by suit, but by face value.
  • Fan . Banknotes are held in hand or laid on a table, fan-shaped so that the edge of each banknote with the indicated denomination is highlighted. At this value and consider.
  • A pile of . How to count money in this way? A pack of notes is placed on the table. The right hand is placed on top of the middle of the pack, the left corner is bent and considered at face value. Professional cashiers can count a bundle of bills in 1-2 minutes.

To increase the counting speed, all bills must be folded with the same side up or down. These money counting techniques are suitable when you need to calculate large amounts. They are suitable only for calm conditions - when there is no risk that people who are indoors can steal money.

How to quickly count money

Second way

With this method of calculation, the following techniques are used:

  • In size and color. Coins and banknotes of different denominations differ in size and color. Chervonets are gray, fifty-ruble are blue, hundredths are khaki, five hundred ruble are purple, thousandths are green, five thousandths are red. Coins differ not only in color, chervonets - yellow, but also in size. The five-copeck coins are larger than the two-ruble, dozens are smaller in diameter, but thicker and heavier.
  • The corner . The bills are counted at face value, holding them with one hand in a pile, and the other bend the corner.

Usually the change given out consists of a small number of bills, and it is often possible to calculate it simply by looking at the money. Since it is necessary to count money by weight, both hands are used to make the speed as high as possible.

If everything is clear with paper money, then how to count electronic money? Although they are automatically calculated on the server, however, in the store, especially in the supermarket, the money on the card may not be enough to pay for all goods.

Ways to quickly count money

Electronic Money Counting Technique

The difficulty with counting electronic money is that you cannot touch it. That is why psychologists, both domestic and foreign, do not recommend going to the store for shopping with electronic money. The human psyche is so arranged that it does not perceive such funds as something substantial. As a result, at the checkout, the buyer often cannot pay for the purchased goods and finds himself in an awkward position. How to count money on a bank card? The technique of counting money on a card is simple, though not everyone knows how to use it. The following is the order of the actions performed.

  1. Check your credit card balance. This can be done using the application on your smartphone or by sending SMS with the message "BALANCE" to the number 900.
  2. Write the result on a piece of paper and put it in your wallet.
  3. Make a shopping list and go with him to the store. Bring a pen and a sheet with you in case you want to buy something else.
  4. Record the prices of purchased goods and their quantity. Then count on the calculator.
  5. Subtract the amount by which you bought the goods from the amount on the credit card.

After that, you can decide what to leave and what to buy. Go to the checkout counter. It is unlikely that after such a thorough calculation, you will buy something extra.

How to count money

General recommendations

There are some simple tricks on how to quickly count money:

  • Before recounting the bills, it is necessary to smooth and put one side and one end in the same position;
  • fingers do not drool, so that money does not stick to them;
  • taking the bills in hand, they should be squeezed slightly between the thumb and forefinger of one hand, and the other gently squeezed and rub with the same fingers of the other hand;
  • Feel free to take and use a calculator, especially if you plan to make a lot of purchases.

There are a myriad of tricks and techniques on how to count money quickly. The methods for calculating rubles quickly are described above, but they may not work with other currencies.

How to learn to count money

Devices for quick money counting

In banks and in enterprises where the speed of cash counting is of particular importance, since the amounts received are often simply huge, from the point of view of a simple layman, they use special equipment. These are cash machines. How to count money on a calculating machine depends on what operating principle is used. Depending on this, they are divided into vacuum and roller-friction. The difference between them is not so much in the size of the device and the speed of counting (almost all models on the market are easily placed on the desk), but in the price per machine. Before counting bills on a vacuum apparatus, the bundles are previously unpacked - torn paper tapes and placed in a special tray. Roller-friction can consider money in batches.

Only large banks and enterprises can afford a cash machine or several devices. Therefore, the skills of quick money counting will be in demand for a long time among sellers and cashiers. Despite the fact that more and more people pay with a bank card, the share of paper money is still high simply because banknotes are trusted more. How to learn to count money fast? Practice and only constant practice will help develop this skill.


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