Actions in a radiation accident: rules of conduct and personal protective equipment

Although our world is pretty safe today, you can still encounter certain problems in it. Some of them, like hooligans, are so-called everyday problems. Others, such as a radiation accident, are already widespread and practically do not arise, but this threat is quite real, therefore basic information needs to be known about it.

general information

Begin with a definition. A radiation accident is an uncontrolled release of radioactive substances outside the established sanitary protection zone, which leads to public exposure and environmental pollution, which manifests itself in the form of disruption and the performance of vital functions. The greatest danger is provided by a negative effect on the blood forming organs, because of which the structure of atoms, molecules and cells, which form the human body, is disturbed.

Preparing for Possible Consequences

Warning, radioactive!

Actions during a radiation accident will be much more effective if you work out the most pressing issues at first. For example, you should contact the nearest civil defense and emergency department. So it is necessary to find out what means of warning the population exist, what the procedure is provided for in the event of a radiation accident. You should also take care of a safe emergency stock, which should have everything you need for life for three days: food, water, medical supplies, documents and the like. Moreover, it is desirable that their level of preparation is appropriate for the situation, that is, hermetic materials are used, there are iodine preparations (the task of which is to combat radionuclides in the human body) and so on. It is very good if there is a protected personal shelter that allows you to wait out the first, most dangerous time. Specialized equipment, for example, a household dosimeter, will not be superfluous.

What to do?

radiation accident alert

As a rule, television and broadcasting are used to alert the public. To attract the attention of citizens, the general signal “Attention to everyone!” Is initially transmitted. As such, the sound of a siren or the intermittent beeps of a well-heard enterprise (the details should be obtained from local specialized structures). Then turn on the radio / TV and listen to the information. After the notification has been received, it is necessary to precisely perform a number of simple actions:

  1. If the signal is caught on the street, you should immediately take care of the protection of the respiratory system. To do this, you can use a scarf or scarf. Then you need to hurry back home.
  2. When returning to the habitat, shoes and outerwear should be removed. They are placed in a plastic bag that closes. Then you should take a shower. Bury all windows and doors. To obtain additional information about the accident, as well as instructions from the civil defense and emergency management authorities, you must turn on the radio / TV.
  3. All slots and vents in the doors / windows must be sealed. They should not be approached unnecessarily. Care should be taken for the availability of water in sealed containers. It is best if stocks are prepared in advance and are constantly used and replenished. Opened products must be wrapped in plastic wrap and placed in the refrigerator or, in extreme cases, in a cabinet.
  4. To protect the respiratory system, you should use a cotton-gauze bandage, a respirator or improvised items made of ordinary fabric. To increase their filtering properties, it is recommended to moisten them with water.
  5. Upon receipt of instructions, iodine prophylaxis is necessary . For this, for ten days, one tablet of potassium iodide is taken. Children under two years of age should be given a quarter. If not, then you can make a solution of iodine. To do this, you need to dilute a 5 percent drug in a glass of water. Adults need five drops, and for children under two years old, two is enough.

Attention! be careful

personal protective equipment against radiation

It is necessary to talk about certain nuances. When people receive alerts in a radiation accident, they often panic in the absence of tablets and start drinking a lot of iodine solution. Remember that it is a poison and it is strictly forbidden to exceed a dose of five drops by 200 milliliters. For this can lead to significant complications. Also, observant readers might wonder why it is necessary to protect the respiratory system. The fact is that with relatively small releases of radioactive material , dust is the most dangerous. Why? The fact is that in such cases it becomes radioactive. And its ingestion through the respiratory system into the human body leads to significant damage. Therefore, in order to prevent the ingress of radioactive dust and deterioration, it is necessary to protect the respiratory system. And only then to take active steps in a radiation accident.

Follow the information and follow the instructions received.

damaging factors of radiation accidents

If it is unsafe to remain in the affected area, then the population is evacuated. This is done in cases where the damaging factors of radiation accidents can lead to significant complications for human health or even to their death. Therefore, it is necessary to closely monitor the messages of the responsible structures. If necessary, you can specify the start time of the evacuation, the place of the collection point. Before leaving the apartment, you should turn off the sources of electricity, take along documents and money, necessary things, put on a moistened cotton-gauze bandage and gas mask, cloak / cape, rubber boots. It will not be superfluous to warn the neighbors about the beginning of the evacuation. Upon arrival in a safe area should undergo sanitation.

About shelters

radiation shelter

They are public and personal. The first ones are designed to protect the entire population that will be near from the damaging factors of radiation accidents. They are designed for tens and hundreds, and some even for thousands of people. The shelter from radiation after closing is calculated does not stay the full-time number of shelters for several weeks. If this is an important command post, then it can last several months. But the usual action in a radiation accident is the evacuation from the place of defeat to a safe territory.

Personal shelter

household dosimeter

If there is a desire to live in an area with an increased radiation background, then it is necessary to prepare a home and develop rules of conduct. In addition, you should consider the protection of the respiratory system from radioactive substances. In order not to get into the stain of pollution during movement, you should always have a household dosimeter with you. Limit your stay in open areas to the maximum. When leaving the premises, personal protective equipment against radiation should be used. When you are in an open area, you should not sit on the ground, smoke, undress, swim in open water or drink water from them (before checking the level of pollution), pick mushrooms, flowers and berries. To reduce dust formation, it is necessary to periodically moisten the area near the house. Each time you return, you must wash your shoes with water, and shake out the clothes and clean them with a wet brush. Water and food must be obtained from trusted sources. In the first case, the best option is bottled liquid, spilled before the accident, in the second - hermetically sealed food. Such actions during a radiation accident can save the life of every person who will adhere to them.


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