Silver Parents Wedding: What to Give to Parents?

The silver wedding anniversary comes 25 years after marriage. This is a very important event. After all, it marks a quarter of a century spent in love and harmony. Accordingly, you need to prepare for this event in advance.

A silver wedding is celebrated among guests. Children, grandchildren, witnesses, and those who attended the wedding are invited to the silver anniversary.

Spouses must give each other silver rings. They are worn on one finger with wedding bands, and worn all year, until the next anniversary.

There are many gifts that children can give spouses. The main thing is that the gift for the silver wedding to parents be memorable.

Gifts can be individual or shared. As individual gifts for mom, silver jewelry and accessories will do. For example, a bracelet, brooch, pendant, watch, chain or something similar. Silver manicure set will also be a great gift. You can give dad a silver cigarette case, ring, cufflinks and other accessories. As a souvenir, you can use a pen or money clip made of silver.

The choice of joint presentations is more diverse. A silver souvenir will be an excellent souvenir. This can be an amulet that brings luck to the family, an animal figurine or an abstract craft in a romantic style.

Silverware or tableware are rightfully the most common gifts. It is not necessary to give a set of silver, you can do a couple of spoons of this noble metal.

A very emotional gift will be a photograph of the spouses, framed by a silver frame. Having shown your imagination, instead of a photograph, insert a picture of the family tree of your family in the frame. After all, a silver wedding is, first of all, a family holiday. Also, a silver frame is suitable for decorating an icon or a mini - panel.

Using family photos, it's easy to create a themed calendar for next year. Or even print a newspaper number, with congratulations, interesting facts from family life, and comments of relatives and friends. In a similar style, you can independently make a wall newspaper. Such a gift will be kept for the rest of his life, and give pleasant memories.

A silver wedding provides an excellent occasion to present jewelry and home accessories. A large watch with silver-plated fittings, a floor vase, a picture of your favorite landscape - any of these gifts will decorate the apartment and will constantly remind you that we have lived together for 25 years despite all the hardships.

Collectible silver coin will be not only a pleasant, but also a valuable gift.

Each gift, of course, must be combined with warm, sincere words. Silver wedding greetings read to parents may look like this:

  • Many of those present remembered the wedding played 25 years ago. Since then, much has changed, and only your love has remained all the same strong. What was not in your way! Joys and sorrows, meetings and partings, tenderness and resentment. But thanks to the strength of the pope and the patience of the mother, unpleasant moments were erased from your life, and pleasant ones were multiplied many times. So let the next 25 years before the golden wedding you go hand in hand, protecting mutual love!
  • Today you have been presented many expensive gifts, but fate entrusted you with the most valuable gift 25 years ago. Just then, you received the main treasure - love. It was hard to keep such a gift, but you saved it in your hearts. From the evil look and human rumor, from the envy of enemies and the flattery of friends, you have protected your love for 25 years. So, and further in life, you will go with this priceless gift of fate.
  • Dear Parents! Today is your silver wedding, and you, like 25 years ago, exchanged rings. So, let all experienced sorrows and grievances be forgotten, and your honeymoon will begin again in your life !


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