GSM security alarm for the apartment: reviews. Installation of GSM-alarm and video surveillance in the apartment

Home protection products today are represented by a wide range of devices, most of which are electronic systems. With a competent approach to the selection and installation of such equipment, it will not be difficult to protect property from an attacker. Apartments in this regard provide less scope for the technical implementation of security, but this area has long been mastered by specialists. The best solution may be a GSM-alarm system for the apartment, supplemented by video surveillance. There are plenty of configurations and technical solutions for such systems, and knowledge of the intricacies of installation and consideration of user reviews will allow you to make the right decision.

What is attractive about GSM-alarm

gsm alarm system for an apartment

Alarms of this type have many advantages, including high efficiency and the ability to calculate a project specifically for a specific object. That is, you do not have to install a complex technical complex, which provides for a lot of unnecessary options. You can protect the front door, window or exit to the balcony separately. It turns out partial protection, but quite functional when it comes to the first and last floor. In this case, video surveillance installation is especially relevant. The cameras, in particular, are installed under the visors, at the entrances to the basement and in other areas important from the point of view of protection. If the GSM-alarm system is selected for an apartment located on one of the middle floors, then it is quite possible to limit the implementation of the detector to the front door. Another advantage of GSM systems is their versatility. We are talking about auxiliary opportunities, but they also help to improve the efficiency of operation of the apartment. In particular, an alarm system can not only protect property from robbery, but can also become a tool for tracking gas leaks, spreading smoke and controlling the temperature regime.


gsm security alarm for an apartment

Detectors, sensors, and also a control panel can be included in the list of basic components. In this case, there are different types of devices and methods for configuring these elements in the project. Also in recent years, GSM-alarm system for a battery-powered apartment has gained popularity, which has an advantage over traditional devices of this type. Such systems differ in the ability to maintain the operating mode even when the electricity is off. Accordingly, the equipment in this case is expanding due to its own batteries.

Such devices are more often used in cottages, since the lack of owners does not allow controlling the supply of equipment. However, in city apartments, such a decision will be justified when the family leaves the house, for example, on vacation. Also, the standard set includes a siren. Typically, such devices are designed to deter intruders and attract the attention of neighbors. The siren can be wired or wireless.

Addition in the form of a surveillance system

In luxury homes, video surveillance has become a prerequisite in security systems. But an increasing number of property owners in ordinary homes are choosing the same addition. In addition to protection against thieves, a GSM alarm system with a video camera for an apartment will allow you to track suspicious phenomena in normal operation, which is important from the point of view of crime prevention. True, the cost of equipment in this configuration often doubles the estimate for the entire alarm system.

gsm alarm for apartments reviews

Modern cameras are able to work in different modes, including automatically taking pictures. For an apartment, you should immediately choose from indoor types of equipment. The most advantageous will be the acquisition of 3D cameras that record on an SD memory card. This is a compact equipment that can perform almost all tasks for fixing what is happening in the premises. Also, a GSM security alarm for an apartment can be connected to a street camera, if you need to provide third-party surveillance of the house. Such chambers should additionally have requirements for mechanical resistance and tolerance of equipment to temperature extremes.


The alarm system allows you to solve the problem of protecting apartments of different sizes and layouts. Flexibility of installation also refers to its advantages. The same goes for functionality. The undemanding owner of a small odnushka can order a kit with one motion sensor, which will allow you to control the entrance. A classic example is a GSM alarm system on the door of an apartment with a motion sensor. Manufacturers offer a more demanding host systems in which the ability to protect window openings by means of shock sensors, leakage protection, the electrical control function and other useful options are implemented. The most advanced models are somewhat reminiscent of the equipment of "smart" houses. In one complex, a multi-level security system is being implemented, which at the same time facilitates the management of household appliances.

System design

gsm alarm on the apartment door

Even a high-quality installation of a modern and functional alarm system does not guarantee a minimum level of protection if the design was performed with errors. To avoid miscalculations, you should initially decide on questions about the type of GSM signaling and its capabilities. Next, the configuration of the interaction of system components and the placement of devices is formed. The most important point in the project is the organization method. It can be an autonomous GSM alarm system for an apartment, wireless or wired. In the first case, it is assumed a system consisting of several elements that function independently. The wired complex belongs to the classic options and costs less than others. The most advanced type is a wireless alarm - in this case, all the sensors interact with the central console using a radio signal. Next, the places where the greatest risk of an attacker is supposed to be penetrated are calculated. It is best to organize a multi-level system, the elements of which will function both on the balcony, and near the front door, and in rooms where valuable property is located.


installation of gsm alarm and video surveillance in the apartment

Installing alarm equipment does not require special skills. As a rule, kits contain all the fasteners and clips for high-quality installation in any apartment. It is enough to arm yourself with a basic set of tools. Each sensor is mounted at a point invisible to the third eye. Implementation is carried out using self-tapping screws or dowels. If you plan to install GSM-alarm and video surveillance in a wireless-type apartment, then you do not have to connect it - in this case, only configuration is required. Control panels and camcorders require a special approach, since their connection to the network is required. For ease of installation, some manufacturers also supply kits with DIN rails. This allows you to install equipment accurately and without unnecessary changes in the finish.

System Setup

Almost all modern kits provide for configuration through a computer. For this purpose, programs are developed that make it possible to conveniently configure each sensor to the necessary operating parameters. Initially, it should be foreseen with which mobile operators the controller works, from which the user will receive messages at the time of alarm. In addition, GSM alarm systems for an apartment may involve a different control method. According to many users, the most convenient remote controls. These are peculiar keys, by means of which arming and disabling of equipment is carried out.

Firms and prices

gsm alarm system with video camera for an apartment

First of all, you should turn to products specifically designed for installation in apartments. Such kits, in particular, are offered by Mabox. The range includes all popular types of sensors, including motion, shock, light and sound sensors. There are more advanced features such as audio monitoring and a built-in microphone. In the average configuration, the GSM-alarm system for the Mabox apartment is estimated at 9-10 thousand rubles. Also in the segment of equipment for private use, systems from Express and Sapsan are in demand. This product differs in that already in budget packages you can find inexpensive systems that allow you to send messages to 3 numbers. The cost of these offers varies from 7 to 10 thousand rubles.

Positive feedback about GSM alarms

Such systems deserve attention for the reason that they are a compromise option for ordinary citizens. Such an alarm system is inexpensive and at the same time the principle of its operation is simple and effective. In practice, the use also indicates the functionality that a GSM alarm system has for an apartment. Owner reviews show that the devices facilitate the operation of home appliances and provide control over gas and water leaks. Especially great importance of these functions in families where there are children. People who have to use video surveillance tools speak positively about the alarm system. GSM controllers have ample opportunities for integration, so in terms of combining with other security systems this is one of the best options.

Negative alarm reviews

gsm alarm systems for apartments

A simple principle of operation has also caused equipment deficiencies. Many owners are alarmed by statements by specialists about the vulnerabilities of this type of alarm. In particular, the use of so-called jammers can negate all the advantages of the equipment. However, a modern GSM security alarm system for an apartment also provides for this nuance. Manufacturers use anti-jammers, but, in most cases, this applies to expensive models. Another problem that users complain about is false positive. The presence of a large number of sensors in the apartment from this point of view is not good, since the likelihood of the owner's unnecessary anxiety increases.


Among electronic security features, GSM technology is one of the most popular. It cannot be called perfect or technically advanced, but its affordable price and good functionality have made it successful in the market. The advantages that GSM-alarm system has for an apartment include the possibility of an almost unlimited increase in its reliability. Formation according to the principle of independent components allows you to organize a network of sensors, which in a small apartment will not allow even a cat to go unnoticed. Another thing is that each element increases the cost of equipment by several thousand. And this is not to mention the video surveillance system, which requires a special connection and operating costs. Nevertheless, there are practically no more worthy options than GSM alarm in the modern market. In any case, for the same money.


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