Candidiasis urethritis in men: treatment with drugs and folk remedies

Candida urethritis is an inflammatory disease of the urinary tract, provoked by the ingestion of Candida fungi into the body. This form of the disease is the most dangerous, since pathogenic microflora spreads rapidly, leading to the development of complications in the form of impaired erectile function, infertility, inflammation of other organs of the genitourinary and urinary systems. In the early stages of the disease, when using the most effective antifungal drugs, candida urethritis responds well to treatment.

Prevention of the disease includes a periodic examination by a urologist, compliance with hygiene rules, the use of barrier contraceptives.

When symptoms appear in a man, only a doctor is involved in the treatment of candidal urethritis. In no case should you independently accept funds.

candida urethritis in men treatment

Causative agents of the disease

Candidiasis urethritis can be triggered by some specific factors, for example, improper lifestyle, other diseases, uncontrolled intake of strong antibiotics, constant stress or bad habits.

Therefore, it is so important to identify and eliminate all possible factors contributing to the appearance of this pathology, only in this case the treatment will be more successful without relapse.

In addition, during the treatment, you should limit yourself in the use of sweets, completely abandon alcoholic beverages, and minimize stressful situations.

If this pathology was caused by some disease, then it needs to be cured beforehand, in this case candidal urethritis can be eliminated quickly enough. As for the unconventional treatment of pathology, there are many folk remedies with which you can cure such a disease very quickly.

Folk remedies

Candida urethritis is a rather serious ailment that requires quick and proper treatment. Otherwise, other diseases that are difficult to treat will gradually develop against its background. But uncontrolled self-medication should not be carried out either, since this can lead to a worsening of the situation. Those who decide to cure candidal urethritis with folk remedies should first consult their doctor, as alternative methods of treatment require an individual approach.

candida urethritis in men treatment with folk remedies

Treatment of candidal urethritis in men with folk remedies is quite effective. Medicinal plants used for treatment have a powerful effect on the causative agent of this disease, therefore, medicines prepared from them are considered very effective. In order for non-traditional methods of treatment to be not only successful, but also quick, it is very important to adhere to a certain diet, which should include various products that have anti-inflammatory effects. These products include cranberries in any form, as well as carrots, fresh parsley, lingonberries, celery root, and beets.

Lime decoction

candida urethritis in men fluconazole treatment

To reduce the unpleasant symptoms of this disease will help not very strong decoction of linden blossom, which is very simple to prepare. To do this, pour dried linden flowers (two tablespoons) into a small stewpan, then pour filtered cold water (two full glasses), bring the mixture to a boil over moderate heat. Then reduce the heat and continue cooking the lime broth for another ten minutes. Next, you need to strain the decoction of linden blossom, cool it and take daily one glass before bedtime.

Parsley infusion

candidiasis urethritis in men treatment symptoms

Pour crushed leaves of fresh parsley into a medium-sized bowl, add cold filtered water (520 ml), then cover the dishes with a tight lid and put in a dark place overnight. In the morning, strain the prepared parsley infusion and consume four tablespoons every two hours.

Cornflower herbal tea

candida urethritis in men treatment drugs

Pour the crushed cornflower petals into a medium-sized stewpan, pour one and a half liters of filtered water, then boil the mixture and cool it. As soon as the cornflower broth cools down a little, it must be filtered and consumed fifteen minutes before a meal, three tablespoons.

Currant tea

candida urethritis in men treatment photo

Blackcurrant leaves help with various diseases, including candida urethritis. The washed blackcurrant leaves are put in a large teapot, then pour boiling water, close the dishes with a tight lid. Fifteen minutes later, the prepared infusion of blackcurrant leaves can be consumed as regular tea.

Healing fruit drink

It is necessary to squeeze the juice from a small beet, a stem of celery, black radish, carrots and ripe viburnum berries, then mix everything and consume this healthy fruit drink of 56 ml each morning and before going to bed. I would like to warn that such a tool has certain contraindications, for example, it should be used with great caution in case of any gastrointestinal diseases.


Treatment of candidal urethritis in men with tablets is carried out using antibiotics.

candida urethritis in men antibiotic treatment

They choose drugs with a wide spectrum of action, which go well with antifungal ointments and other topical drugs, vitamins, hormonal supplements.

  1. "Metronidozole" is a highly specialized antifungal bacteriophage that has an anti-inflammatory effect. When using this medicinal substance, the symptoms of the disease go away quite quickly, since Metronidozole affects the cell membrane of the fungus, inhibiting its activity. Contraindication to use is: organic lesions of the central nervous system, renal failure, an allergic reaction to the components of the drug, leukopenia.
  2. "Secnidazole" - also causes the death of pathogenic microorganisms. Most effective in case of attachment of a third-party infection. The drug is available in the form of tablets and injection. "Secnizolon" is not a very popular drug, as it often causes side effects: diarrhea, nausea, headaches, bad taste in the mouth, dizziness, allergic reaction.
  3. "Doxycycline" is a complex antimicrobial drug that suppresses pathogenic microflora due to impaired synthesis of protein compounds in the cells of the virus. It is available in tablet and liquid form, has many contraindications for use: chronic and acute liver diseases, cardiovascular diseases, a weak digestive system - fermentopathy, children under 8 years of age.
  4. Moxifloxacin is a broad-spectrum drug substance. Among the frequently occurring side effects when using the drug are called: a change in taste sensitivity, dizziness and pain in the head, acute digestive upset. "Mixifloxacin" is strictly contraindicated in case of prolonged diarrhea, hypersensitivity, epilepsy, there are also age restrictions - after 18 years.
  5. Ofloxacin is a drug for the treatment of candidal urethritis in men, a photo of which is not attached for ethical reasons. A broad-spectrum antibiotic that has a destructive effect on the cells of the pathogen virus. It is produced in the form of drops. It is well tolerated and rarely causes side effects.
  6. "Levofloxacin" - has a strong effect on the body. It is prescribed only if the running urethritis. The most common side effects when taking the drug are: allergic reactions, lowering blood pressure, hypoglycemia, impaired activity of the gastrointestinal tract, damage to the central nervous system.
  7. Treatment of candidal urethritis in men with "Fluconazole" is one of the most effective. The tool actively destroys the fungus. A medication is available in the form of capsules, a solution for infusion and oral administration, tablets, syrup. Side effects are not often noted. Among the most likely negative symptoms of the use of the drug are: flatulence, a change in taste sensitivity, nausea, headache, dizziness, weakness. Not recommended at the same time as Astemizole and Terfenadine.
  8. "Dioxidine" - is prescribed only if other drugs have not had any positive effect on the patient's body. "Dioxidin" is available in the form of ointments, tablets, spray, injection, drops for oral administration. The medicine can cause allergies, digestive upsets (with intracavitary and intravenous use), fever, dermatitis (with local use). The drug is not prescribed for allergies to components, adrenal insufficiency.

Hormonal drugs, dietary supplement

The use of hormonal drugs is a prerequisite for a complete cure for candida urethritis and restoration of male strength. The course of injection with a standardized clinical picture of the disease is 5-8 ampoules. Further, tablet supportive supplements and vitamins are prescribed. They, in turn, also affect the hormonal background, triggering the natural processes of testosterone production.


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