The best bacteria for cesspools and septic tanks. How to use bacteria for septic tanks and cesspools?

Holders of private homes and gardens every year have to deal with such a problem as cleaning the toilet or septic tank. Most often resort to the services of a scavenger, but currently there are simpler ways to solve this problem. One option that is becoming increasingly popular is bacteria for cesspools and septic tanks. They break down and transform waste into simple substances: water, carbon dioxide and minerals.

Why bacteria are needed

Sink pits cause a lot of inconvenience, including flies and a very characteristic smell. In addition, they periodically fill up and need to be cleaned. This procedure does not cause pleasant emotions in anyone.

Most often, they call the sewer. Hassle is a bit: put a hose through which the machine sucks the contents of the pit, and removed it after the procedure. However, while the process of cleaning aromas is in progress, not only the owner of the house manages to enjoy, but also a huge number of neighbors. In addition, the cesspool worker is a paid service, and the larger the family, the more often you have to call it and the more money will be spent.

bacteria for cesspools and septic tanks

In addition to pumping, disinfection of the toilet is necessary. Usually use bleach. However, the use of this substance entails a number of environmental problems, for example, chemically treated soil is restored for a long time. In addition, chlorine corrodes the walls of the pit or septic tank, as a result of which you will have to change the toilet or put it in another place. Moreover, the need for this procedure will arise quite often. Chlorine affects the person himself negatively, for example, corrodes the skin on his hands, etc.

Bacteria for cesspools and septic tanks can solve all these problems. They are harmless to the environment, destroy harmful microbes.

What are bio-bacteria and how do they work

Special microorganisms are artificially grown in laboratories that help get rid of human waste. These bacteria are living, they live including in nature, but in a lower concentration. Microbes are absolutely harmless to people and the environment. To ensure their livelihoods, they need food, in the role of which are organic residues: feces, food debris, cleaning and other plant waste, paper. Artificially created materials, such as plastic, cannot be processed by bio-bacteria. Microorganisms break down organic residues into simple substances: water and carbon dioxide. In some cases, a small amount of mineral residue. As a result, carbon dioxide evaporates, water is absorbed into the ground, if the drug was used to clean the cesspool, or is drained in the case of a septic tank. A little mineral sediment may remain at the bottom, it is often used as fertilizer. With a lack of nutrition, a colony of microorganisms dies.

bacteria for cesspools of toilet septic tanks cleaning how to choose

Before you buy a drug, you need to know how bacteria work for cesspools, septic tanks (cleaning). How to choose a remedy? Biologics work the same way. The package contains a colony of bacteria in a "sleeping" state. So that they "woke up", you need to prepare a solution in a special proportion. Each drug has its own recipe, because different microorganisms are everywhere. Usually, preparations in dry form are diluted in large quantities of water, in some cases it is necessary to immediately add organic matter. Liquid products are either poured into a septic tank, or are also diluted with a prescription. As a rule, some time must pass before the bacteria “wake up” completely. After this, the solution can be poured into the pit. After a couple of hours, an effect will appear: the level of sewage will decrease and the smell will decrease. Do not be afraid if bubbles begin to appear on the surface: this is how carbon dioxide is formed and escapes.

Types of bacteria

There are 2 types of microorganisms:

  • Aerobic They need oxygen for life.
  • Anaerobic. They do not need this substance. To ensure their livelihoods, they need nitrates and carbon dioxide.

In everyday life, anaerobes or a combination of two types are most often used. Enterprises usually use drugs that contain both types of bacteria.

cesspool bacteria biologics liquid powder

If the product contains both aerobic and anaerobic microorganisms, then it is called a bioactivator. In such cases, enzymes are added to the preparations in order to accelerate the processes of waste breakdown. In addition, the addition of catalysts improves the quality of the bacteria.

Tasks that biologics can solve

  • bacteria for cesspools and septic tanks recycle waste ;
  • eliminate unpleasant odor;
  • disinfect the toilet;
  • dilute waste, reduce its volume.

Positive aspects of using bio-bacteria

  • do not destroy and do not corrode the walls of the septic tank, pits;
  • harmless to people and the environment;
  • waste generated as a result of processing can be used as fertilizer;
  • regular use of biological products reduces the need for the services of a cesspool worker.

How to choose an effective remedy

The modern market offers a large number of a variety of drugs. Forms in which bacteria for cesspools are produced (products, biological products): liquid, powder, tablets, granules.

The release form does not affect the quality of the drugs, so everyone chooses what is convenient for him personally. However, it should be borne in mind that dry microorganisms “sleep”, and a number of special procedures will be required to “awaken” them. In liquid mixtures, they are active. However, the shelf life of solutions is usually much less than that of powders and tablets.

bacteria for septic tanks reviews choose the best drug for cleaning

Now it’s clear what bacteria are for cesspools, what are the means, how useful they are. The next point to consider when choosing a drug is the type of toilet. So, summer residents should give preference to those biological products that contain microbes that can utilize not only human waste products, but also various organic residues. Bacteria will turn the waste into a good compost, which can be used on the site as fertilizer.

cesspool tools and bacteria reviews

For septic tanks, it is better to buy products containing microbes that turn solid waste into liquid. Due to this, the amount of sewage will be significantly reduced, therefore, pumping will not be required longer.

Bacteria for septic tanks. Reviews Choosing the best toilet cleaning product

Before buying this or that tool, you need to read the instructions. Particular attention should be paid to the following sections:

  1. The concentration of bacteria. It's simple: the more microbes, the more effective the tool will work.
  2. Varieties of microorganisms. The composition determines which waste the drug can fight. The more bacteria of various species, the wider the spectrum of action.
  3. What type of waste is the product intended for.
  4. The estimated amount of waste that can be processed by microorganisms from one package. If bacteria are not enough, then they can die, and the colony will not cope with the cleaning. If there are too many microbes, then they can begin to destroy each other, which will also reduce the effectiveness of the drug.
    bacteria for cesspools what are the means than useful
  5. The dry residue that bacteria leave after their work. The lower the percentage, the better.
  6. Shelf life. It is usually equal to the life expectancy of microbes. That is, in expired packaging, the bio-bacteria have already died or their concentration is decreasing.

What remedies and bacteria for cesspools earned positive reviews? The most trusted customers are the “Udachny” biological product, the “Doctor Robik” product, the “West Trit” liquid, the “Septiphos” powder. People note the high effectiveness of these drugs, they say that, in addition to the main task, they also destroy unpleasant odors.


  • If the biological product will be used for the first time, then it is worth paying attention to the funds with the inscription "start" or the mark "for primary use". Such mixtures contain substances that stimulate the development of the primary colony.
  • As a result of the activity of bacteria in the septic tank, water remains, which can be pumped out with a simple pump. However, it is advisable to use a filter so that the installation is not clogged with mineral sediment.
  • The resulting water is not suitable for drinking by humans and animals, but it can be used to water the garden.
  • If for any reason the bacteria for cesspools and septic tanks stop working, then you just need to introduce a fresh portion of the microorganisms. It is possible that the colony died due to adverse conditions.
  • When using a washing machine or dishwasher, you should buy special preparations that contain bacteria that are resistant to chemical influences.

how to use bacteria for septic tanks and cesspools

How to use bacteria for septic tanks and cesspools so that they work efficiently?

Since microorganisms are living things, they will function normally under a number of conditions:

  • Temperature condition: from +4 to + 30 ° . If the thermometer drops below, then the bacteria “hibernate”. When it gets warm, they are activated. If the toilet is cold, then microbes will not be able to function there normally in the winter.
  • Microorganisms constantly need food. With its lack, they die. If the toilet is rarely used, then additional portions of bacteria will need to be introduced periodically. If the toilet is used only in summer (in gardens, for example), then every year it will be necessary to create a new colony of bacteria.
  • Another important condition for ensuring the vital activity of microorganisms is a sufficient level of humidity. For normal operation, it is necessary that the water rises 2-3 cm above the level of solid waste. If it is not enough, then a little liquid should be added.
  • Bacteria do not recycle inorganic waste, so it makes no sense to throw metal and plastic elements into the pit: they will remain there. Some substances, such as chlorine or manganese, can completely destroy the colony.
  • When preparing the drug, you must strictly follow the instructions, because if the necessary conditions are not met, the microorganisms may not wake up.

bacteria for cesspools and septic tanks recycle waste

When can bacteria die?

Exposure to certain colony substances can be fatal. It is undesirable for a septic tank or pit to get:

  • Chlorine-containing substances.
  • Household chemicals.
  • Manganese.
  • Medications.
  • Antibacterial agents.
  • Filtration units and their fragments.

If, nevertheless, aggressive substances enter the pit, then fresh bacteria must be introduced. This will upgrade or strengthen the colony.


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