Caution pests! What will help from midges on the street?

Pups are annoying and nasty insects. They are very similar to mosquitoes. Their bites are very painful, and the saliva secreted by them into the blood is toxic! Often this provokes various allergic reactions. In this article, we learn what will help against midges on the street.

All pests are pests!

what will help from midges on the street

On spring warm days, the larvae of these parasites develop rather quickly in water. After a while, a winged adult insect appears. Animals that have never been bitten by midges are severely intoxicated. As a result of this, they begin to develop a serious illness called lidotoxicosis. Swelling and multiple hemorrhages appear on various parts of the body. For humans, these insects are also dangerous, so we just need to know what will help from midges on the street!

Bad influence

In appearance, they seem harmless to humans, but this is far from the case! Their saliva is poisonous enough. It contains the so-called hemolytic poison. That is why swelling from a midge bite lasts about three days, and the itching does not stop at all for several weeks. But the worst thing is when various pathogens of a particular infection, as well as helminth eggs, get into the wound! Remember, midges are attracted to bright clothes and bad breath.

remedies for mosquitoes in nature

Attacking their prey, midges can creep into ears, eyes, nose, and mouth. At first, their bites are not felt, but then ... Burning, itching and swelling are accompanied by fever. More serious consequences are not excluded - dizziness, shortness of breath, vomiting, and even anaphylactic shock.

What will help from midges on the street?

Change your wardrobe

As mentioned above, these insects are attracted to bright clothes. Therefore, if you do not want to be bitten and infected with any muck, take care of your wardrobe. Dress plainly. In addition, brush your teeth and chew a refreshing gum.

Remedy for midges

In nature, you need to wear hats with mosquito nets, as well as closed shoes. If you are going on a picnic, then take care of special preparations against insects. They are as effective as mosquito repellents. In nature, this is the key to a successful vacation! The store sells a lot of chemical repellers for these insects, but you can cope on your own, having prepared the funds yourself.

midge remedy

  1. Method number 1. Take a little shampoo, vinegar and any vegetable oil. Mix them in a ratio of 1: 1: 1. We apply the resulting white emulsion to exposed areas of the body. All! You are not afraid of any midge!
  2. Method number 2. You need to take a body cream (you can use a baby) and add vanillin to it. Mix well. The ointment is ready! You can add a couple of drops of cloves, then you will not be afraid not only midges, but also mosquitoes!
  3. Method number 3. To the question of what helps from midges on the street, there is another answer - carnation. Any means with its use will scare away the kitten: clove oil is mixed with mosquito ointment, with baby and adult creams, with vanilla and so on.


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