Learn how to conceive children

Everyone knows that in order to give birth to a healthy child, you need to have a healthy body. Therefore, even before the moment of conception, responsible parents are trying to put themselves in order: they eat right, give up bad habits, and lead a healthy lifestyle.

how to conceive children

If the body of mom and dad is ready for procreation, there is one piece of advice on how to conceive children. To do this, you just need to decide when the woman is ovulating, and at this very time “do” the babies. To find out when it comes, it is not difficult if the spouse keeps a diary of the menstrual cycle (on average, it is 5-6 days). Otherwise, a gynecologist can report this, as well as a regular test, which can be bought at a pharmacy.


The people there is advice on how to conceive children, which concerns the frequency of intimate relationships. It is believed that before a woman ovulates, a man needs to refrain from sex for several days in order to accumulate valuable seminal fluid. Modern doctors refute this theory and say that the frequency of intimate relationships does not so much affect the ability to conceive a child. The only thing you need is to have sexual intercourse during the fertile period of a woman (ovulation). The pleasure from sex received by the partner also does not affect the possibility of fertilization.

what is the best way to conceive a child


Looking through the information on how to conceive children correctly, one can come across the idea that for successful fertilization, certain postures are needed during sex. This idea also has no foundation. Sperm are very unpretentious and can move in any direction. Therefore, if the body is ready for conception, the pose that the couple chooses for intimate relationships does not affect the possibility of fertilization of the female egg.

Bad habits

Understanding how to conceive children correctly, it is worth paying attention to the fact that bad habits, such as smoking, drug addiction, alcoholism, only interfere with the fertilization process. Moreover, often it is they who make people barren. Therefore, if there is a desire to have a baby, you need to completely abandon all bad habits, wait a while, until the body is cleaned of accumulated substances and then try to conceive a baby. By the way, you will have to wait a bit if the woman was protected by oral contraceptives. In this case, the body needs a little time to normalize.

Doctors Visit

When choosing a method of how to best conceive a child, it is worth considering that everyone who plans a baby needs to turn to certain specialists for help. So, a woman must definitely see a gynecologist to exclude the presence of infections in the body. It is good if the man also visits certain doctors. Previously, it will also be necessary to pass a complex of tests and make sure that the organisms of the parents are healthy and ready for conception.

how to conceive a girl
Boy or girl?

Women may also have a question about how to properly conceive a girl or boy. There is a set of recommendations for this. First of all, it is worth taking the advice of Dr. Shettles. He developed a number of techniques, following which, one can hope for the birth of a girl. There is also a popular belief that in order to conceive a little princess, a future mother needs to eat more sour-milk products, and in order to bring up a guy in the future, salty or meat dishes.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/B6872/

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