How to determine your orientation? Some tips

Why even ask yourself the question: "How to determine your orientation?". Everyone around is so independent and advanced that such a simple moment as orientation should not bother people.

But there is a flip side to the coin. Every day, each person is faced with the suppression of their desires and needs. The public acts in such a way that people don’t even notice that they are being controlled like puppets. So it turns out that a person becomes that orientation, which modern society will advise him.

Types of Sexual Orientations

To find out how to determine your orientation, first you need to figure out what sexual orientations exist:

  • bisexuals are those who are attracted to women and men;
  • homosexuals - a person is attracted to the same sex as him;
  • heterosexuals - are attracted to the opposite sex.
a couple of guys

A few steps to determine your sexual orientation

Who are you: bi, hetero, or homosexual? Let's figure it out.

  1. Thoughts about having sex with a person of the same gender does not make a person homosexual. Even lesbians may have the idea that she wants to sleep with that handsome man. And gays may think that they wouldn’t refuse to have fun with that charming girl. Thoughts do not mean action and do not change sexual orientation.
  2. If you make love with people of exclusively the opposite sex, then this does not mean that a person is heterosexual.
  3. If at the moment the person has a partner, then he should think about whether he likes these relationships. For example, women may sometimes have the thought: "It would be much easier to live with a woman." It’s worth considering if such a question arose at least once in your head, which means that the person is bisexual, he simply does not give an account of this.
  4. It is necessary to pay attention to behavior in society. Does the girl have a woman surrounded by whom she treats with tenderness? Does the man have a friend whom he is jealous of others? If the answer is yes, then we are talking about bi- or homosexuality.
girls in bed

Useful Tips

We list a few:

  • if there are people with non-traditional sexual orientation in the environment, then their choice should be respected;
  • there is no specific criterion that could accurately determine a person’s sexual orientation. The most important factor is attraction to persons of a certain gender;
  • to determine the orientation it is necessary to imagine sexual intimacy with a person of the same gender. Liked? So, we can draw conclusions about orientation.

You should not start sleeping with everyone in a row, if you understand that you are gay. The choice of partner should always be treated with caution.

Find a suitable partner and start a relationship with him gradually, the only way to determine your belonging to one or another orientation.


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